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Andy Walton’s Weekly World Watch May 9 – May 15 2004
Andy Walton’s Weekly World Watch May 9 – May 15 2004 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.” Ezekiel 33:6
What is this world watch all about? I decided each week to look at key events that had happened in that week and look at them with the Bible in hand. I hope to build up a picture of Gods hand working in the affairs of this world bringing about that day when all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle which will be brought to end when the Lord Jesus Christ physically returns from heaven to set up Gods kingdom. The key areas which will crop up time and again will be • Israel – Middle East the growing conflict • Europe – the developing union / political and religious • Russia – continued turning back to anti west ways • The development of King of South – US & UK • Declining moral standards and increasing violence. Please email me with any thoughts, questions or anything I may have missed! On last page there is a red button – if you click it an email will open up pre addressed to me so you can send an email comments etc
Weekly Developments These are just a few of the events that have caught my eye in the previous week. It is in no way meant to be exhaustive – just a look at those events I saw as significant from a Bible viewpoint. Headlines These are always headlines printed in the newspaper – the date is always given and which paper. Normally the Daily Telegraph. (DT) Event This is usually the newspapers take on the events that have happened. It will always be a direct quote from the newspaper. Comment This is my take on why it is interesting from a Bible point of view. The idea of this weekly world watch is to give a quick Biblical perspective without going into detail. If more detail is needed please email me. Bible Quote This is normally one verse which backs up why the event that has occurred is interesting from a Biblical perspective. Please read in its context.
Weekly Developments May 9 – May 15 2004 • EU must rediscover Christian heritage • Rebels kill Chechen president • Torture backlash grows • Sweeping sanctions on Syria • Violence in Gaza • Blair to go hardline on Europe
EU must rediscover Christian heritage Headline European Union must rediscover Christian heritage Headline CWNews.com 8 May Event On the day after 10 new nations entered the European Union, Pope John Paul II repeated his insistence that Europe must rediscover its Christian heritage. The Holy Father remarked: "The unity of European peoples, if it is to be lasting, cannot be just economic and political." Speaking from the window of his apartment in the apostolic palace, the Pontiff said that Europe's "identity cannot be understood without Christianity." If Europe does not acknowledge her heritage, the Pope said, Europe will be based on uncertain foundations. He argued that "only a Europe which… rediscovers its Christian roots can meet the great challenges of the third millennium." Comment This is precisely what the Bible describes. The false religion of Rome (the Harlot) riding the European beast. There is a continued acceptance of his authority from other religions. The Vatican has enormous diplomatic clout and maintains one of the largest diplomatic representations of any country. Bible Quote – Revelation 17 7 …I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her
Rebels kill Chechen president Headline Rebels kill Chechen president in bomb attack on stadium Headline DT 10 May Event President Vladimir Putin's policy in Chechnya lay in ruins last night after a bomb ripped through a stadium in the capital Grozny killing the president of the republic, Akhmad Kadyrov. The assassination, during a Victory Day parade, was thought to be the work of Islamic militants. It is a huge political setback for the Russian president, who staked his reputation on subduing rebels in the war-torn region. Comment This assassination will more than likely lead to more bloodletting. Chechnya could be a very significant area. We read of “Gog of the land of Magog” in Ezekiel. Where is Magog? “The Magogites were an Aryan people who (in the time of Herodotus c 400 BC) were distributed over southern Russia.”H G Wells - The Outline Of History. “From the northern shores of the Black Sea they [Magogites] held sway inland for a distance travelled in the course of twenty days journey,” A History of Russia - N Riasanosvski. Chechnya is part of the area of ancient Magog. We therefore expect Russia to continue its grip there. Bible Quote – Ezekiel 38 2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, …
Torture backlash grows Headline American beheaded as torture backlash grows Headline The Independent 12 May Event An American was yesterday shown being beheaded by terrorists in Iraq vowing revenge for the abuse of prisoners by US soldiers. The killers said the murder was revenge for the abuse and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. They said America would not receive "anything from us but coffins after coffins, slaughtered in this way". Mr Bush's administration had warned that the publication of the prisoner abuse photos, which have provoked outrage across the world, in particular the Middle East, would lead to the loss of more American lives. Comment It has been reported that this man was originally arrested by Iraqi police as a spy because of his Jewish name and an Israeli stamp on his passport. The reverberations from the torture pictures continue to grow. The hatred for the US and UK in the Middle East is intense. As the horrors that we witness grow worse so the time of our Lords return gets nearer. Bible Quote – Genesis 6 – Jesus said “as in the days of Noah” 5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Sweeping sanctions on Syria Headline Bush imposes sweeping sanctions on Syria Headline The Independent 12 May Event The United States has imposed sweeping sanctions on Syria, banning almost all exports to the country in response for Syria’s alleged pursuit of chemical and biological weapons and its support for terrorism. Signing the executive order imposing the measure last night, President George Bush said that Syria’s weapons of mass destruction programmes and its undermining of Washington’s Iraq policy made it “an extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy and the economy of the United States.” Comment We know from Daniel 11 that the original King of the North was Syria or the Seleucids. God has used Syria in days gone by to punish Israel. Though Ezekiel 38 makes no clear reference to this land it might well be expected to play a significant part. There are many prophecies in the OT that may well have a future fulfilment. When Russia does come down it will come through Syria. What state Syria will be in at that time is not certain. Perhaps Isaiah 17 gives a clue. Bible Quote – Isaiah 17 1 ¶ The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Violence in Gaza Headline Five die in new Gaza ambush as bodies are recovered Headline BBC news online 7 May Event Palestinian militants ambushed an Israeli convoy for the second day running yesterday, killing at least five more soldiers. An armoured vehicle was destroyed by a bomb placed on a road running along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. The attack came after a similar device destroyed an armoured vehicle laden with explosives on Tuesday in the Zeitoun district of Gaza City, killing six soldiers during an operation to destroy missile workshops. Comment It has been the worse week of fighting in Gaza for months. 30 Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers have been killed. Israel will not win this war without turning to God. We know that eventually they do but only after great destruction and seeing the Lord Jesus before them. The verse quoted below says that those who are meek may be spared (hid) in the day of His anger. Gaza and Ashkelon however will be destroyed. Bible Quote – Zephaniah 2 3 Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD’S anger. 4 ¶ For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation.
Blair to go hardline on Europe Headline Blair to revive Thatcher's hard line on Europe Headline DT 15 May Event Tony Blair is to revive Margaret Thatcher's hardline tactics on Europe as part of a two-pronged plan to neutralise Tory opposition to the European Union constitution and revive his own flagging political fortunes. The Prime Minister, who is now weaker than at any time in his premiership, is ready to block a deal on the constitution in June unless France and Germany bow to a lengthening list of British demands. The new uncompromising approach - a complete reversal of the more conciliatory style he promised on coming to power in 1997. Comment The Lord God rules in the kingdoms of men – he works out his purpose. Though Blair wanted to take the UK fully into Europe he has not been allowed to do so. Why? Because it is not in the plan and purpose of God. We now see the very pro Europe Prime Minister being forced down the very same track as previous UK leaders. Whether we ever fully come out of Europe remains to be seen, however, we do know that we are not part of the beast that makes war against the Lamb and the saints. Bible Quote – Daniel 4:17 the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.