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Presenters. Jackie Escajeda and Ron Selge,CA Community Colleges Chancellor's OfficeDavid Militzer, California Department of EducationJune Lee-Bayha,WestEd. Agenda. RFA funding changesEvaluation requirementCalPass requirementStatewide Career Pathways requirementPurpose of the CTE Community CollaborativeRFA ProcessQuestions and Answers.
1. Career Technical Education Community CollaborativeBidders’ ConferenceCCC ConferMarch 3, 2008
3. Agenda RFA funding changes
Evaluation requirement
CalPass requirement
Statewide Career Pathways requirement
Purpose of the CTE Community Collaborative
RFA Process
Questions and Answers
4. Funding Changes
5. SB70 Statewide Evaluation Conducted by Coast Community College District, in partnership with WestEd
WestEd will collect evaluation data using surveys, site visits, interviews/focus groups with key stakeholders
6. Cooperate Fully with SB70 Statewide Evaluation At a minimum, grantees are expected to do the following throughout the grant period by:
Maintain accurate records and submit requested information using grant reporting forms on how their program is operating
Maintain accurate records on the extent to which their program goals and objectives are being met
Make ongoing project information, findings, and products available to ensure dissemination of knowledge and lessons learned
7. Results from SB70 Evaluation Shared in Annual Report to the State Legislature, Governor’s Office, and Department of Finance
Disseminated to schools/colleges and their surrounding communities—especially those strategies identified as effective and/or promising practices in the area of career technical education
8. Cal-Pass CTE Community Collaborative Participation
Are you a current Cal-Pass participant?
Technical assistance is available
For more information, go to www.cal-pass.org Participation in CalPass (www.cal-pass.org) data sharing is an expectation for all participating Governor’s Career Technical Education Initiative (SB 70/SB 1133) funded CTE Community Collaboratives, because core goal of the this initiative is intersegmental connections and pathways.
Applications must report on whether they are currently participating in CalPass. (Institutions may consult on the CalPass regional consortia map for details on participating institutions at http://www.cal-pass.org/Consortia/Default.aspx)
If educational entities within the CTE Community Collaborative do not currently participate in CalPass, the RFA application may be approved if a reasonable CalPass implementation plan is detailed. Additional Technical Assistance on CalPass may be obtained through CalPass. Also, the CCCCO and CDE anticipate providing additional technical assistance regarding this requirement.Participation in CalPass (www.cal-pass.org) data sharing is an expectation for all participating Governor’s Career Technical Education Initiative (SB 70/SB 1133) funded CTE Community Collaboratives, because core goal of the this initiative is intersegmental connections and pathways.
Applications must report on whether they are currently participating in CalPass. (Institutions may consult on the CalPass regional consortia map for details on participating institutions at http://www.cal-pass.org/Consortia/Default.aspx)
If educational entities within the CTE Community Collaborative do not currently participate in CalPass, the RFA application may be approved if a reasonable CalPass implementation plan is detailed. Additional Technical Assistance on CalPass may be obtained through CalPass. Also, the CCCCO and CDE anticipate providing additional technical assistance regarding this requirement.
9. Statewide Career Pathways Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and a Steering Committee
For more information, go to http://statewidepathways.org/
Participation in and utilization of the products of this project is an expectation for all participating Governor’s CTE Initiative funded CTE Community Collaborative A core goal of the Governor’s CTE Initiative is intersegmental connections and pathways. The primary goal is to increase the number, efficiency and transportability of articulation agreements between schools, ROC/Ps and colleges, for the benefit of students and CTE programs. Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and a Steering Committee that includes secondary and community college teachers, administrators, articulation officers, and Tech Prep representatives from across the state. Participation in and utilization of the products of this project is an expectation for all participating Governor’s CTE Initiative funded CTE Community Collaborative. There may be occasions when a CTE Community Collaborative proposes funding a pathway without alignment to the Statewide Career Pathways project due to certain extenuating circumstance that may preclude such participation for certain local career pathway offerings. In those instances, the RFA application may be approved if a justification supported by rational.
A core goal of the Governor’s CTE Initiative is intersegmental connections and pathways. The primary goal is to increase the number, efficiency and transportability of articulation agreements between schools, ROC/Ps and colleges, for the benefit of students and CTE programs. Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and a Steering Committee that includes secondary and community college teachers, administrators, articulation officers, and Tech Prep representatives from across the state. Participation in and utilization of the products of this project is an expectation for all participating Governor’s CTE Initiative funded CTE Community Collaborative. There may be occasions when a CTE Community Collaborative proposes funding a pathway without alignment to the Statewide Career Pathways project due to certain extenuating circumstance that may preclude such participation for certain local career pathway offerings. In those instances, the RFA application may be approved if a justification supported by rational.
10. The Purpose for Creating CTE Community Collaborative Ensure equitable representation of geographic regions
Creating partnerships will improve capacity and build sustainability
Consolidating and leveraging funds
11. Where are we now? 52 approved CTE Community Collaboratives
Great statewide coverage
12. Important Dates CTE Community Collaborative RFA is due April 4, 2008 by 5 p.m.
Notification of intent to award will be May 1, 2008
Project commencement is June 1, 2008
13. RFA Booklet Overview CTE Community Collaborative Projects
Workforce Innovation Partnerships
Supplemental Our goal was to have a consolidated RFA. Our goal was to have a consolidated RFA.
14. The Basic Elements for the RFA Booklet include: One face sheet
One contact page
One table of contents
One descriptive organizational chart
Every funding source in this RFA Booklet must adhere to the Introduction, Legal Terms & Conditions, Eligibility/Fiscal Agents, and Statewide Representation
15. CTE Community Collaborative Projects Four Required Components:
16. CTE Community Collaborative Projects RFA Number is 07-0170
52 grants available at $350,000 per grant
RFA Specification is in Part 2 of the RFA Booklet
10% match requirement
Can include in-kindCan include in-kind
17. The elements of the CTE Community Collaborative Projects must include: Abstract
Completion of Need Statement
Project Workplan
Objectives, Activities, and Outcomes
18. The elements of the CTE Community Collaborative Projects must include:
19. Workforce Innovation Partnership RFA Number is 07-0171
11 grants available at $150,000 per grant
RFA Specification is in Part 3 of the RFA Booklet
10% match requirement
Can include in-kindCan include in-kind
20. Abstract
Project Workplan
Objectives, Activities, and Outcomes
The elements of the Workforce Innovation Partnerships must include:
21. The elements of the Workforce Innovation Partnerships must include: Project Management Plan
Application Budget Forms
Budget Summary
Budget Detail
Innovative Approach
Overall Feasibility of the Project
22. Supplemental RFA Number is 07-0170a
21 grants available at $100,000 per grant
RFA Specification is in Part 4 of the RFA Booklet
10% match requirement
Can include in-kindCan include in-kind
23. Supplemental Four Required Components:
24. The elements of the Supplemental must include: Abstract
Project Workplan
Objectives, Activities, and Outcomes
25. The Elements of the Supplemental must include: Project Management Plan
Application Budget Forms
Budget Summary
Budget Detail
Innovative Approach
Overall Feasibility of the Project
26. Questions & Answers There is an error on page 4 (Part-1 Instructions) of the RFA Booklet, it states that there are 11 Workforce Innovation partnership grants available. On Page 1 (Part 3-RFA No 07-0171) it states that 22 grants are available. Which number is right?
Yes, it is an error. There are 11 Workforce Innovation Partnership grants available for funding.
27. Questions & Answers Is there a limit as to how many workforce innovation partnership grants and supplemental grants that one Collaboration can apply for?
At this point CCCCO and CDE will only award one of each grant per recipient, from the highest score until all opportunities are filled. If there are any remaining grant opportunities available, conduct a second round and continue to fill them from the highest score until the funds run out.
28. Questions & Answers The way the RFA is phrased, it looks as if an applicant must include all four required components (Career Exploration Development for 7th & 8th Graders, CTE Sectors, Teacher and Faculty Externships in Business and Industry, and CTE Professional Development) in each application. Is this correct?
No, the four required components are for CTE Community Collaborative Projects (07-0710). If the applicant decides to apply for the Supplemental (07-710a), they can choose a program area from these four components.
29. Questions & Answers What are allowable sources of match?
Federal, private, or in-kind sources of match are allowable.
30. Questions & Answers Do all partners need to work on each of the four program areas listed on page 2 of Part 1 of the RFA?
No, the partners can work on the program areas that work best to meet the objectives of the collaborative, but all partners should have involvement with making decisions about each program and the communications between the partners should be continuous and consistent.
31. Questions & Answers Our collaborative identified five industry sectors in our Letter of Intent. As we discuss the project further, we realize that there is the potential for greater impact for a greater number if we focus on three industry sectors rather than five. Are we bound to developing the project around the five sectors identified in our letter of intent, or may we reduce this number in our final proposal?
No, the collaborative is not bound to the industry sectors that were stated in the letter of intent.
32. Questions & Answers If an applicant decides to apply for the supplemental funding, are we required to submit a Response Section? In Part 1 of the Instructions on page 6 it indicates we would not have to submit a second Response statement. However, in the specific instructions for RFA 07-0170a, Part 4, page 3, there are instructions for the Response Section and it is worth 30 points. Please let me know whether or not we would be required to do this.
For the Supplemental funding (RFA 07-0170a), the applicant must submit a Response Section. For this funding, this section is worth 30 points. It is important that the collaborative can demonstrate that they have the capacity to support additional projects.
33. Questions & Answers On the Objectives section of the RFA on the CTE community Collaborative grants, are we to use verbatim the objectives listed in the RFA?
We would encourage the applicant to write the objectives verbatim. It is easier for the readers to ensure that the applicant has captured all the required objectives. You may add more objectives. The activities the applicant provides will demonstrate the collaborative’s ability to address the objectives and the outcomes that are provided will demonstrate if the collaborative can achieve the objectives.
34. Questions & Answers As we are planning our proposal, we're curious about the fulfillment of the minimum objectives listed under each of the four required program areas. Given the expectation that this funding will be renewed over five years, must the collaborative meet all of the minimum required objectives in the first year of funding? Could we work on achievement of these objectives over multiple years? We're concerned about achieving each of the objectives in a meaningful way given the time line and amount of funding available.
The expectation is to be able to meet all the minimum requirements.
35. New Questions & Answers
36. SB 70 Contacts David Militzer
California Department of Education
Lead Consultant for SB 70