1. Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Voice Disorders Seth H. Dailey, MD
Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
3. Laryngeal Anatomy Three surrounding structures- pharynx, trachea and esophagus
Three levels - supraglottis, glottis and subglottis
Three fixed structures - hyoid, thyroid and cricoid
Three mobile structures -epiglottis, false vocal cords and true vocal cords (folds)
4. Laryngeal Anatomy
5. Laryngeal Anatomy
7. Laryngeal Physiology Three main functions - airway, swallowing and voice
Three criteria for voice- generator, vibrator resonator
Three components for high quality glottic voice - closure, pliability and symmetry
8. Common disorders affect the “magic three” Closure - neuromuscular, joint, vocal fold
Pliability - “golden layer” - mass, scar
Symmetry - tension and viscoelasticity
9. Evaluation of Hoarseness History is paramount
Projection - tired, breathy and low volume
Quality - ”hoarse”, “gruff”, “raspy”
Range - high, middle and low
10. Evaluation of Hoarseness Physical Exam
Speaking voice
Range profile
Fundamental Frequency – F0
Maximum Phonation Time
Standard Reading Passages
Singing if appropriate – local, regional, bodywide
Voice Lab – Acoustics and Aerodynamics
11. Evaluation of Hoarseness Endoscopic exam –
mirror, flexible endoscope, rigid endoscope
Digital archiving essential for documentation
12. Evaluation of Hoarseness Studies
CT scan – evaluation of course of RLN
EMG – Is there an nerve to muscle problem?
Double pH probe – What is the severity of Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)?
Microlaryngoscopy – some lesions missed in the office.
13. Evaluation of Hoarseness Studies – the future….
Aerodynamics and acoustics – Chaos theory and mathematical modeling
Vocal cord motion – gross arytenoid motion being evaluated endoscopically
Vocal cord pliability – endoscopic rheometers and vocal fold oscillators
Ocular Coherence Tomography/Ultrasound
14. Normal Stroboscopy
15. Neuromuscular Disorders Vocal cord paralysis
Vocal cord paresis
Cricoarytenoid joint dysmobility
Presbylaryngis (aging larynx)
Muscle Tension Dysphonia (Hyperfunction)
16. Vocal Cord Paralysis Thoracic, thyroid surgery, “Bell’s” palsy of the larynx
Closure and symmetry
Swallowing and voice
Static Repair - Watch and wait, temporary procedure, permanent procedure (Laryngoplasty).
Dynamic repair Nerve Muscle Transosition
17. Vocal Cord Paresis
18. Vocal Cord Paralysis 2
21. Medialization Thyroplasty
22. Adduction Arytenopexy
23. Glottal Incompetence A “Leaky Valve” pure and simple
Loss of total vocal fold volume
Loss of pliable layer from use and scar
Most often a function of age
Temporary Injectables – fat and collagen
Permanent – Gore-tex, silastic etc.
26. Medialization Thyroplasty
27. Cricoarytenoid Joint Dysmobility Intubation, rheumatoid, osteoarthritis
Limit range of movement
Can’t open or close
Voice and airway
Medical therapy if appropriate
Surgery - move or remove arytenoid
31. Hyperfunction – a.k.a. MTD Overactivity of supraglottal musculature
Compresses and alters the airstream
Often normal glottic function
Inciting events can be ANYTHING
Voice therapy is used to get the voice
“back on track”
34. Epithelial Diseases Papilloma
Premalignancy (Vocal cord dysplasia)
35. Vocal Cord Papilloma Most common benign tumor of vcs
Pediatric and adult forms
Voice and airway
Surgery - mechanical or laser debulking
Anti-virals in children
High risk of permanent dysphonia
585nm Pulsed Dye Laser – Treatment can now be done in the office!!!
38. Vocal Cord Keratosis with Atypia Smoking and alcohol
Repetitive chemical insult to vocal folds
Dysplasia into cancer
Closure, pliability and symmetry
Radiation therapy - not recommended
Pulsed Dye Laser - Treatment can now be done in the office!!!
41. Vocal Cord Cancer Smoking and Drinking are synergistic
U.S. - 2/3 glottic, Europe 2/3 supraglottic
Closure pliability and symmetry
Voice and airway
Ultra-narrow margin surgery
Endoscopic approach for early cancers – increasing evidence for late cancer also
43. Subepithelial Diseases Vocal cord nodules
Vocal cord polyps
Vocal cord cysts
Reinke’s edema
Vocal cord sulcus
Vocal cord scar
44. Vocal Cord Nodules Vocal overuse
Repetitive microtrauma to mid vocal folds
Closure and pliability
Reduce demands
Voice therapy
Surgery – Surgeons much less likely than previously to operate unless firm
45. Vocal Cord Nodules 1
46. Vocal Cord Nodules 2
49. Vocal Cord Polyp Vocal overuse
Repetitive microtrauma to mid vocal folds
Closure and pliability
Reduce demands
Voice therapy
Surgery – Instrumentation and even robotics being applied to improve precision and safety
56. Vocal Fold Cyst Congenital anomaly
Uni or bilateral
Mucus or keratin
Closure, pliability and symmetry
Voice only affected
Surgery - excise, but not likely to have a normal voice
59. Reinke’s Edema Benign enlargement and alteration of golden layer
Adult female smokers
Closure, pliability and symmetry
Voice and airway
Surgery - cytoreduction of SLP
Return almost to normal
63. Vocal Fold Scar Forms at the junction of epithelium and golden layer (SLP)
Decreases the pliability of the membrane
Decreases the closure and therefore the efficiency
Fatigue and projection problems are common
66. Vocal Cord Sulcus Developmental loss of SLP
Decreased pliability
Loss of cycle-to-cycle closure
Management with surgery is best hope
Slicing technique
Fat implantation
Medialization Thyroplasty
69. Vocal Cord Inflammatory Diseases Reflux Laryngopharyngitis (LPR)
Arytenoid Granuloma
72. Arytenoid Granuloma Cartilaginous vocal cord mass
Exposed cartilage and acid reflux?
Supraglottic modulation of air
Voice and airway
Surgery - rarely indicated
Voice therapy, LPR, inhaled steroids, BOTOX
75. Summary Wide variety of disorders
An abnormal voice means there’s something wrong
All voice disorders are treatable
Most are curable
Let your history and ears guide you
76. THANK YOU !!!