1. Firefox Add-on Development Why and How
3. Overview
4. Introduction Senior Design Project Page Sleuth
Browser toolbar to analyze web page design
Inherited add-on on top of Greasemonkey
Bad interface
Drew toolbar onto page
Covered up page elements
Certain cites disabled functionality
Entire project code in one file
Hard to read and understand
Difficult to add/change
Implicit variable declaration (JavaScript) resulted in many bugs
5. Introduction Decided to refactor the project
Garbage in, garbage out
Adding more bad code to a bloated project
We needed a better interface
Shouldnt get in the way of user
Should always be functional
The future of the code
It was likely someone else would inherit our code
For our and future developers, the code should follow good design
6. Why a Firefox Add-on? Why an add-on at all?
If you want to create some internet browsing functionality or just something while youre browsing its just convenient
No reinventing the wheel
In creating an independent client, a lot of functionality probably needs to be rewritten
There is no point in rewriting what someone else has done, especially if it is right at your fingertips
7. Why a Firefox Add-on? Why Firefox?
The amount of Firefox users is always increasing, IE users decreasing
Ease of use
Even Solaris
8. Why a Firefox Add-on? Easier Development
Firefox add-ons only require basic knowledge of XML and JavaScript
IE add-ons need to be written using languages like C++ and Visual Basic
Easy packaging (.xpi)
Built in Add-on management
Extensive amount of existing add-ons, many free and open source
9. Building the Add-on Basic Framework
chrome folder
content folder
.xul file
JavaScript files
skins folder (optional)
Style sheet
10. Building the Add-on Dynamic Development
This is so we dont have to repackage every time we make a change
Create a new user using profilemanager
place reference file in the users profile system folder
reference file is named your add-ons unique id
contains absolute path to your add-ons install.rdf
11. Building the Add-on install.rdf (Resource Description Framework)
<em:id> tag
This id is a unique identifier used to distinguish your add-on from others
Format: youraddonname@yoursite.com
Name, version, description, creator
Target Application
id tag
Min/Max Versions
12. Building the Add-on chrome.manifest
This is how we tell Firefox what packages and overlays the add-on will use
Sets our package name and location
Name must be all lowercase
Tells where our overlay file is and on top of what overlay to modify
13. Building the Add-on .xul ("zool) XML using widgets
overlay tag (everything else is a child to this)
Unique id
Button/Menu Elements
14. Building the Add-on JavaScript
simple .js files that go in /content
must be referenced in the .xul to be called from it
logic and functionality comes from these files
15. Building the Add-on Skins
Using image files and a style sheet we can customize how our elements look
Images/icons as well as .css (style sheet) go in skins folder
In the style sheet we use rules which reference the images for our .xul elements
The .xul must contain the reference to the style sheet
16. Building the Add-on Packaging
Create .jar - Optional
this zips up your /content and /skins
Create .xpi (zippy)
essentially a renamed .zip file
zips your install.rdf, chrome.manifest, and /chrome
Firefox recognizes .xpi as add-on installation files
17. Summary As far as add-ons go, ones on Firefox are good on any platform, are easier to develop, and there is a much larger pool of code from which to learn and use from.
Creating an add-on is really as easy as some XML and JavaScript, two very simple and well-documented languages.
Understanding the structure and layout of add-ons will help in realizing the potential of what they are really capable of doing.
18. Reference Sites http://www.borngeek.com/firefox/toolbar-tutorial/