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how do i raise support developing an effective financial support team

The FBI has issued a warning in Lancaster County. They suspect a terrorist may be hiding among the Amish community. This photo provided the first clue that triggered the investigation: . 3. Support Raising 04. Centering In. What do you need from God to be fully present today?

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how do i raise support developing an effective financial support team

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    1. How do I raise support? Developing an Effective Financial Support Team Amy Galloway, Steve Hoke, & Paul Rhoads CRM’s Tag Team

    2. The FBI has issued a warning in Lancaster County. They suspect a terrorist may be hiding among the Amish community. This photo provided the first clue that triggered the investigation:

    3. 3 Support Raising 04 Centering In What do you need from God to be fully present today? …to get out of today what you need for the long haul?

    4. 4 Support Raising 04 My Story—Paul Joined staff and jumped into ministry Chaos of moving and starting a team Two barriers: Internal: My self—my heart attitude External: Calendar—misplaced priority of ministry

    5. 5 Support Raising 04 Hmmm, what obstacles appeared? Fear of offending people, losing friends Perceived theological conflicts on non-profits Childcare during travel, evenings, etc. Already full schedule Cost of travel to key cities Hard to carve out time for intangibles So, what are your obstacles? What is one internal obstacle? What is one external obstacle?

    6. 6 Support Raising 04 Building Your Personal Toolkit

    7. 7 Support Raising 04 Assumptions

    8. 8 Support Raising 04 Support Raising Training Outcomes Your Heart Theology of Support Raising examined A Plan for Activating an Initial Intercessor Team drafted A Support Raising System Plan Created A Phone Script Written and Practiced A Presentation Script Drafted and Practiced A Donor Nurture Plan Sketched Out and Scheduled A Support Raising Coach Assigned and Met

    9. 9 Support Raising 04 Overview--Major Components An Adequate Heart Theology An Intercessor Team (p.2) Counting the Cost Your Top 20 Prospects Your Support Raising Action Plan A Master Mailing List Phone Work Your Presentation Donor Nurture— “Vision Casting” Support Raising Reporting, Coaching & Accountability Critical Skills

    10. 10 Support Raising 04 Critical Skills 1. Scheduling Phone and Appointment time 2. Phoning for Appointments (Designing Your Presentation) 3. Making Your Presentation 4. Closing Your Presentation 5. Following Up Your Appointments

    11. 11 Support Raising 04 What questions to you have about fundraising? Can a sales person be an effective Coach? Terminology (no Sam-ese, Clintonese, etc) Do you ask people for a specific period of giving? How do you construct the salary scale? How do you segment your list…? How do you contact someone w/ whom you have not been in contact for a while? If a person is unwilling or unsure, how do you present or connect a second-time? How do you mine larger le donors/churches?

    12. 12 Support Raising 04 Questions—2 What about contacting churches? Is developing a mind for prospecting as important as knowing how to close? How do you keep going once you hit the plateau of having basic needs met? How do I develop the mindset of “What do I need to thrive long-term?” vs. “What do I need to survive?”

    13. 13 Support Raising 04 Questions—3 How do I establish my budget? How do we expand our network? How do we use group meetings effectively? How do I present my budget detail? How do we deal with different views of money? What are my first steps…? How do you cast vision for a support role? How do I deal with family members? How to prepare myself emotionally when talking about money that may change the relationship? How do I make the presentation?…transitions?

    14. 14 Support Raising 04 Can we talk? What percentage of your support have you raised? How long have you been raising it? How much homework were you able to do? How are you entering this fundraising training emotionally?

    15. 15 Support Raising 04 I’ve discovered—Paul “Heart theology” reveals my underlying basic beliefs re: God’s provision and my trust Trust—transferring your trust from what you currently trust to what God provides Read: Paul Rhoad’s outline (pp. 6-20) Read: Scott Morton’s book, Funding Your Ministry

    16. 16 Support Raising 04 Personal Reflection Describe a time when you gave generously? When was it? How did it make you feel? Share with your coaching group!

    17. 17 Support Raising 04 Group Response: What were the common themes that emerged in your group? What was it like for the people that gave to you?

    18. 18 Support Raising 04 Imagine In an ideal world what is the impact when a missionary is fully funded? Donors Missionary Family Ministry

    19. 19 Support Raising 04 Core Issue If this true why is fundraising so hard? What are the internal issues? Lies we tell ourselves Lack of a strong biblical basis Significance

    20. 20 Support Raising 04 Support Raising Three things that help Courage Skills Heart/passion

    21. 21 Support Raising 04 Your Story What from your past could hinder your ability to do support raising? What do you need to build on from your past?

    22. 22 Support Raising 04 Bible Study—Day 2—Stan

    23. 23 Support Raising 04 Example of Elijah I Kings 17:1-16 What do you remember about the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath?

    24. 24 Support Raising 04 Elijah God commands Elijah to hide by the brook. Sends birds to feed Elijah. River dries up. God commands the widow to feed Elijah. God sends Elijah to the village of Zarephath in a foreign country. Elijah goes and asks for her final supply of bread.

    25. 25 Support Raising 04 Notice: God spoke to the widow before he spoke to Elijah Elijah asked a very unlikely donor. Why this foreigner? God provides supernaturally (pray only) and through my efforts (ask & pray).

    26. 26 Support Raising 04 Your Bible Study Share with your coaching group: What have you gained from doing the Bible Study assignment? Was there a breakthrough passage that helped you confront one of your internal issues?

    27. 27 Support Raising 04 Share in Pairs: What is the one thing that could keep you from becoming a fully funded missionary? Pray for each other

    28. 28 Support Raising 04 Bible Study Summary—Day 2—Stan

    29. 29 Support Raising 04 Biblical Basis for Support RaisingFunding Your Ministry by Scott Morton chapter 4 What right do I have to be supported by others? The example of the Levites (Num 18:24) The example of Jesus (Luke 8:2-3) The teaching of Jesus (Matt 10:9-10) The example of Paul (Acts 18:4-5) The teaching of Paul (1 Cor 9:1-18)

    30. 30 Support Raising 04 Biblical Basis Continued I feel worldly when I ask for support; Is it ok to ask? Are there any Scriptures that prohibit asking? Several Scriptures give specific examples. You are not asking for yourself, but for the kingdom. You do not have an “every-Sunday collection” device.

    31. 31 Support Raising 04 Biblical Basis Continued I find it easy to raise money for others but not for myself. What about tentmaking? Isn’t that the biblical model? Is it OK to appeal to nonbelievers? What about appeals to family members? May I appeal to people to whom I have never ministered?

    32. 32 Support Raising 04 Biblical Basis Continued May I appeal to those who already are giving heavily? What if the person I’m asking is poorer than I am? At what level should a Christian worker set his or her lifestyle? How “nice” is “too nice”? How can I ask others for support when I have a significant savings account?

    33. 33 Support Raising 04 1. Look to God—Not People Clear about Biblical Giving—Biblical Giving is Vertical Clear about Biblical Fundraising— Clear That God is the Source of All— 2. Convinced of God’s Call They have a clear vision They communicate well 3. Realize That Support Raising is Spiritual Ministry—Not an Unfortunate Have-To It is Biblical and Honorable—not Begging and Welfare They own the fundraising process

    34. 34 Support Raising 04 They take responsibility for their fundraising They take the initiative They try new approaches They minister to people 4. Are Persistent—they keep at it! Expect to raise 100% of your Budget—Avoid Poor Talk 5. Focus on the Giver, Not the Money 6. Emphasize the Greatness of Your Vision, Not the Greatness of Your Need 7. You Will Be Required to Leave Your Comfort Zone

    35. 35 Support Raising 04 Bible Study Summary(Scott Morton—appendix pp 190-195 & Chap 4) What were the Biblical models of funding? Is it Biblical to be supported by others? Is it Biblical to appeal to strangers or to those with whom you are barely acquainted? What about financial appeals to nonbelievers? Can you appeal to those not as well off as you? Or to those who are already giving?

    36. 36 Support Raising 04 Bible Study Summary(Scott Morton—Chapter , pp. ) What has God said to you about the funding process? What were the Biblical models of funding? Observations? Variety Telling only God—is an infrequent model Is it Biblical to be supported by others? Fundraising is a spiritual ministry, not an unfortunate have-to Is it Biblical to make appeals on your own behalf? It is Biblical and Honorable—not Begging and Welfare What about the George Mueller model?

    37. 37 Support Raising 04 Bible Study Summary—2 Is it Biblical to appeal to strangers or to those with whom you are bare acquainted? What about financial appeals to nonbelievers? Can you appeal to those not as well off as you? Or to those who are already giving?

    38. 38 Support Raising 04 Your Bible Study

    39. 39 Support Raising 04 1. An Adequate Heart Theology of Support Raising (pp. 3-4) Honesty regarding your own negative attitudes With which of these “unhealthy attitudes” do you have the greatest difficulty? Doubts “Don’t doubt in the darkness what God gave you in the light.” V. R. Edman Fears Questions of Conscience Firm conviction of your calling Seeing support raising as a part of your calling Clear understanding of biblical patterns & principles

    40. 40 Support Raising 04 Heart Theology-continued 5. Clear Biblical Conviction of Giving & Receiving 6. Willingness to let God adjust your lifestyle 7. Generosity mindset 8. Clear trust in God and not your own efforts “Grace is opposed to earning, not effort.” Dallas Willard What do you need to do to strengthen your “heart theology” for fundraising? (p.12)

    41. 41 Support Raising 04 2. Intercessor Team Context: Spiritual Warfare! What’s the current state of your Intercession Team? How did you find your people? What kind of commitment did you elicit? How do you communicate with them? Where are you “stuck”? What ACTION STEPS do you need to take to activate prayer support? (p. 12)

    42. 42 Support Raising 04 Intercessor Team—2 The Sine Qua Non of PSR Focuses on the central, critical issue: Spiritual Warfare Eph 6:10-18 Forces our active, desperate dependence upon God Zech 4:6 Frees us to keep perspective on timingJames 4:13-15 Learn to Pray with Promise: “The Prayer of Jabez”

    43. Developing Your Support Raising Game Plan Steve

    44. 44 Support Raising 04 I’ve discovered—Steve My personal conviction re: support development makes or breaks my ability to realize full missionary support! Is it Biblical? Jesus had financial supporters Throughout church history, faith support seems to be the primary means of missionary funding Faith support raising is the single most powerful dynamic for maintaining dependence upon God… Faith support raising—God’s means for character development, has not been replaced in 2000 years…

    45. 45 Support Raising 04 Determine exactly how much money you need to raise 3.1 Determine your Monthly Budget Total $ _________ Total Monthly Budget 3.2 $ _________ One-Time Project Totals(if needed) 3.3 $ _________ Minus Current Support Level 3.4 $ _________ Your “Holy Number”= amount needed to raise monthly!”

    46. 46 Support Raising 04 Counting the Cost—cont (p.9-11) 3.5 Calculate your Average Individual Donor Gift 3.6 Determine the Number of Donors Needed: Divide Holy Number by $ (avg donor gift) = 3.7 Calculate the Number of Appointments Necessary: Donors Needed x 2 = Number of Appointments Necessary 3.8 Break your Support Raising down into Phases 3.9 Keep your Faith in God, Not in Your Plan 3.10 Map your prospective Donors Visits (p. 11)

    47. 47 Support Raising 04 Drafting Your Game Plan At your tables: As individuals or couples, create the first draft of the steps you need to take to put your plan into action… Table Coaches are available to assist you…

    48. 48 Support Raising 04 5. A Master Mailing List 5.1 Starting the List 5.2 Storing the List 5.3 Maintaining the List 5.4 Criteria for the List 5.5 Adding to the List 5.6 Top 20 Prospects (5W sheets, p.21-22) Comments or Questions?

    49. 49 Support Raising 04 Table Time: Expand your Master List Working together or individually, brainstorm as many different categories of people as you can… Then write in as many names as you can of potential donors…

    50. 50 Support Raising 04 5.6 The Top 20 Prospects Purpose of the Top 20 5.7 Selecting the Top 20 (5W Sheets; p.21-22) Prayer Geographic considerations (see Map p.11) 5.8 Following Up the Top 20 So, what questions do you have?

    51. 51 Support Raising 04 Let’s take a break…

    52. 52 Support Raising 04 6. Phone Work 6.1 Scheduling face-to-face appointments 6.2 The Phone Script—CRM Phone Script (p.16)

    53. 53 Support Raising 04 CRM Phone Script Greeting Transition Ask for Appointment Closing Developing Your Own Phone Script

    54. 54 Support Raising 04 Phone Work—continued 6.3 Here are some things I’ve learned… 6.4 Scheduling Phone Time Phew! Let’s take a break…

    55. 7. The Presentation and Presentation Folder Steve & team

    56. 56 Support Raising 04 1. An Adequate Heart Theology of Support Raising (pp. 3-4) Honesty regarding your own negative attitudes With which of these “unhealthy attitudes” do you have the greatest difficulty? Doubts “Don’t doubt in the darkness what God gave you in the light.” V. R. Edman Fears Questions of Conscience Firm conviction of your calling Seeing support raising as a part of your calling Clear understanding of biblical patterns & principles

    57. 57 Support Raising 04 Heart Theology-continued 5. Clear Biblical Conviction of Giving & Receiving 6. Willingness to let God adjust your lifestyle 7. Generosity mindset 8. Clear trust in God and not your own efforts “Grace is opposed to earning, not effort.” Dallas Willard What do you need to do to strengthen your “heart theology” for fundraising? (p.12)

    58. 58 Support Raising 04 7.1 Philosophy of Asking—Paul I believe God has called me to this ministry with CRM If He has called me…then He has called a team of others to be part of it with me! I just don’t know who they are yet Therefore, it is my responsibility to tell my story and share my vision to see who God speaks to and calls to be a part of t his ministry with me…

    59. Philosophy of Asking—cont So my job is not to talk anyone into supporting me… It is simply to identify those God has already called So I never ask anyone to support me/us This is the truth! And it takes the pressure off! True biblical giving is vertical!

    61. 61 Support Raising 04 Introductions: Tips to remember KISS: Get started promptly and politely Understand the time frame: Confirm & Affirm Avoid presumptions Determine by grace to be relaxed Focus on God’s grace to relax: Be yourself! Don’t perpetuate the myth: Don’t joke about begging, tin cup, nothing, money being the thing IF it’s about relationship, don’t bring up money as a ploy: “Show me the money!” Money is not a problem to God; it is not even an issue. It’s about God processing our character! –It’s Kindergarten!

    62. 62 Support Raising 04 7.2 Presentation Outline (& practiced!) Overview of the Personal Approach

    63. 63 Support Raising 04 Live Presentation—David Look for the elements, Transitions, Phrasings, and How you would respond…

    64. 64 Support Raising 04 1) Scott Morton’s Presentation

    65. 65 Support Raising 04 2) Paul Rhoads’ Presentation

    66. 66 Support Raising 04 Your Presentation

    67. 67 Support Raising 04 Here’s a practical step to get started… Can you share your story in three minutes? Craft your personal story Identify at least three critical “episodes” or encounters you have recently in ministry Word-craft them into ‘grabber’ stories Weave them into a free-flowing narrative that you can expand or edit into multiple time frames

    68. 68 Support Raising 04 Telling Your Story…in small bites 30-second snapshot 3-minute Hook

    69. 69 Support Raising 04 Tips for telling your story Don’t be afraid of approaching questions and confronting issues directly: “Is there something else going on here…?” --This may enable you help others identify their “bondage issue.” “There are degrees of openness; there are no degrees of honesty.” Paul Rhoads Re-enlisting lapsed donors: “Would you be open for me to catch you up on what God is doing in my life now and let you consider rejoining our support team?” Re: Lifestyle issues: When internal worries arise about lifestyle issues, I take it to the Lord, “Is there something you are trying to tell me, Lord?” Roman Catholic questions (see Sam’s letters)

    70. 70 Support Raising 04 Some more tips… “I never want to take money away from another ministry.” “I never want to hinder our relationship with money.”

    71. 71 Support Raising 04 James Monroe’s “Motivated Sequence” Attention Getter (Connect)

    72. 72 Support Raising 04 The “Motivated Sequence” Applied Attention Getter (Grabber story: heart!)

    73. Phone Clinic Paul, Steve, Stan & David

    74. 74 Support Raising 04 Look to God—Not People Clear about Biblical Giving—Biblical Giving is Vertical Clear about Biblical Fundraising— Clear That God is the Source of All— Convinced of God’s Call They have a clear vision They communicate well Realize That Support Raising is Spiritual Ministry—Not an Unfortunate Have-To It is Biblical and Honorable—not Begging and Welfare They own the fundraising process They take responsibility for their fundraising

    75. 75 Support Raising 04 They take the initiative They try new approaches They minister to people Are Persistent—they keep at it! Expect to raise 100% of your Budget—Avoid Poor Talk Focus on the Giver, Not the Money Emphasize the Greatness of Your Vision, Not the Greatness of Your Need You Will Be Required to Leave Your Comfort Zone

    76. 76 Support Raising 04 8. CRM’s Ministry to Donors Shelli Smith, Celine Baldemor (& Jon Moore) E.g.: Tom Keppeler’s legacy in Romania It’s a long-term job See your donors with “developmental eyes” Consider the expansive consequences! Reconceive of your task as a journey with a cluster/community of donors “A long obedience in the same direction” Why “Ministry to Donors” department?

    77. 77 Support Raising 04 How together we minister to our donors… “Major Donors”—capacity and vision Helping people discover their “passion”! “Learning About Major Donors” (see handout) Upcoming CRM Events and Trips handout Matching Gifts Companies list We are partners in realizing your vision!

    78. How do I raise support? Developing an Effective Financial Support Team Amy Galloway, Steve Hoke, Paul Rhoads & David Zimmerman CRM’s Tag Team

    79. 79 Support Raising 04 Centering In What do you need from God to be fully present today? …to get out of today what you need for the long haul? In small groups: Touch base with each person, listening for concerns or questions related to facing the fundraising process… Pray through those concerns and the next few days together…

    80. 80 Support Raising 04 Centering In In small groups: Touch base with each person, listening for concerns or questions related to facing the fundraising process… Pray through those concerns and the next few days together…

    81. 81 Support Raising 04 1. An Adequate Heart Theology of Support Raising (pp. 3-4) Honesty regarding your own negative attitudes With which of these “unhealthy attitudes” do you have the greatest difficulty? Doubts “Don’t doubt in the darkness what God gave you in the light.” V. R. Edman Fears Questions of Conscience Firm conviction of your calling Seeing support raising as a part of your calling Clear understanding of biblical patterns & principles

    82. 82 Support Raising 04 Heart Theology-continued 5. Clear Biblical Conviction of Giving & Receiving 6. Willingness to let God adjust your lifestyle 7. Generosity mindset 8. Clear trust in God and not your own efforts “Grace is opposed to earning, not effort.” Dallas Willard What do you need to do to strengthen your “heart theology” for fundraising? (p.12)

    83. 83 Support Raising 04 Bible Study Summary(Scott Morton—Chapter , pp. ) What has God said to you about the funding process? What were the Biblical models of funding? Observations? Variety Telling only God—is an infrequent model Is it Biblical to be supported by others? Fundraising is a spiritual ministry, not an unfortunate have-to Is it Biblical to make appeals on your own behalf? It is Biblical and Honorable—not Begging and Welfare What about the George Mueller model?

    84. 84 Support Raising 04 Bible Study Summary—2 Is it Biblical to appeal to strangers or to those with whom you are bare acquainted? What about financial appeals to nonbelievers? Can you appeal to those not as well off as you? Or to those who are already giving?

    85. 85 Support Raising 04 Phone Calling Debriefing Statistical Summary [1.20.05]: _____ calls; ___ appointments; $___ pledged What did you learn? What did you learn NOT to do? Details: “100 Day Campaign” sheets will be emailed; please ONLY SUBMIT NEW INFORMATION!!!

    86. Finishing Your Plan Coaching At Tables

    87. 87 Support Raising 04 Let’s look at an actual Game Plan Financial Basics—top three lines Holy Number box Phase 1 Goal by date Action Plan Summary, Amount by Date, Antic. Compile Mail list & enter into Outlook by Feb 5 Write and send first letter by Feb 15 (N=25) Follow-up calls to 25 and set appointments Mar 7 Drop second 25 letters by March 1 Follow-up calls to next 25 and set appointments March 14

    88. 88 Support Raising 04 Preparing Your Presentation-II:7.3 Presentation Folder Sample: Steve & Eloise Hoke Contents: Personal Info sheet/ Photo-prayer card Fact page accentuating “Need” or Staff Dev & Care Team brochure 1 CRM brochure (legitimizes organization) Response (commitment) card & envelope CRM Direct Deposit card (ECFA Financial Accountability info) Letter from team leader (optional) Testimonial letter from participant pastor or Dr. Sam Metcalf List of denominations worked with Salary breakdown chart, amounts, percentages… “Partner with us…” brochure

    89. 89 Support Raising 04 Preparing Your Presentation-II:7.3 Presentation Folder Sample: Wayne & Carey Harris Contents: Personal Info sheet/ Photo-prayer card Fact page accentuating “Need” 1-3 Brochures (legitimizes organization) Response (commitment) card & envelope (addressed to you) CRM Direct Deposit card ECFA Financial Accountability info Letter from team leader Testimonial letter from participant pastor List of denominations worked with Salary breakdown chart, amounts, “Partner with us…” brochure

    90. 90 Support Raising 04 Live Presentations—by tables Group 1: David Z Group 2: Amy Group 3: Steve Group 4: Paul

    91. 91 Support Raising 04 8. Nurturing Your Donors--Amy 8.1 Establish MONTHLY contact as your baseline plan; add to that as time and vision expand “Just Between Friends”—“JBF” If you don’t— Your role—casting vision 8.2 Quarterly Communication to the entire list “JBF” topics: --connect it to them! Sam’s letter about my ministry 1 family update letter 2 personal “what God’s doing in my life letters 1 testimonial letter (pastor, colleague, fellow missionary) 7 ministry oriented letters

    92. 92 Support Raising 04 Nurturing Your Donors-2 8.3 Other means of nurture: Build it one piece at a time; start with the most critical Think of creative “gifts” that remind them of your CRM ministry (Craig Chong’s friend: www.DJSpec.com ) Consider meaningful books Examples: E.g.: The Dangerous Duty of Delight book Handwriting periodic notes or signing letters or gifts IS a significant act Send international postcards on overseas trips Be alert for appropriate international gifts 8.4 Build a long-term plan and schedule for relating to and thanking your donors (Use page 3 to capture your plan)

    93. 93 Support Raising 04 Presenting Your Vision to Groups Optional discussion with Amy Galloway (30”)

    94. 94 Support Raising 04 Presenting Your Vision to Churches Optional discussion with Steve (30”)

    95. 95 Support Raising 04 9. Accountability through Coaching Your Coach Your commitment: You initiate weekly or bi-weekly phone contact Honest catch-up on “How are you doing?” Reporting--send update using Excel “Monday Report” (p.23)

    96. 96 Support Raising 04 Remember the obstacles we listed the first day? Let’s revisit any of those we haven’t yet answered…

    97. 97 Support Raising 04 What questions to you have about fundraising? Can a sales person be an effective Coach? Terminology (no Sam-ese, Clintonese, etc) Do you ask people for a specific period of giving? How do you construct the salary scale? How do you segment your list…? How do you contact someone w/ whom you have not been in contact for a while? If a person is unwilling or unsure, how do you present or connect a second-time? How do you mine larger le donors/churches?

    98. 98 Support Raising 04 What questions to you have about fundraising? What about contacting churches? Is developing a mind for prospecting as important as knowing how to close? How do you keep going once you hit the plateau of having basic needs met? How do I develop the mindset of “What do I need to thrive long-term?” vs. “What do I need to survive?”

    99. 99 Support Raising 04 Writing Effective Letters “Just Between Friends” every month (i.e. 12/ year) 1 family-oriented letter/ year, including key family events or milestone (grad, death, etc) 1-2 really personal letters/ year E.g. My personal growth Sam’s letter once/ year 6-8 ministry letters/ year E.g.: Roger--Family, Culture, Ministry Macro: My calling Micro: Ministry impact, stories, my NSO exp…E.g.: “Tuesday with Sam” Leave them with a question to ponder Keep a file on: fresh ideas, approaches, angles, front line stories, new developments, a new field, spotlight a ministry, etc.…

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