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Learning Support Teacher's (LST's) Role. To identify students who have been formally identified and to provide them with the support they need to be successful.To develop Individual Education Plans.To provide teaching staff the information they need to provide identified students the support they require in their classrooms..
1. Lisgar C. I.Student Support Team Sarah Storey (Learning Support Teacher)
Susanna Donato (Learning Support Teacher)
Joanne Anas (Student Success Teacher)
Shawna Adams (Educational Assistant)
Richard Mathers (Educational Assistant)
Alison Green (Guidance Counsellor)
Anne McKillop-Ostrom (Vice Principal)
3. Learning Support Teacher’s (LST) Role con’t… To promote communication amongst teachers, administration and parents to ensure that the needs of their child are being met.
To communicate on a weekly basis as a team to discuss any necessary changes to the needs of the students.
To provide one-to-one or small group support in the Student Support Room and regular classrooms.
4. LST’s Role cont’d… To meet weekly for case conferences (members: guidance/social worker/psychologists/ behaviour support consultant/LST’s and VP’s) to discuss students for a variety of concerns (academic weakness/ dramatic changes in behaviour/ etc.) and to ensure they are receiving the necessary support.
To provide regular monitoring of identified students from our divided alpha-list. (Storey A-N, Donato O-Z).
5. Student Success Teacher’s Role To identify students who have been deemed at-risk of failure.
To provide the teaching staff the information necessary to support these students in the classroom.
To provide one-to-one or small group support in the Student Support Room.
To promote communication amongst teachers, administration and parents to ensure that the needs of the student are being met.
6. Educational Assistant’s (EA’s) Role To support students in large classes who are identified with a Learning Disability (LD) and/or At-Risk of failure.
To support students with special circumstances during transitions through schedule and routine changes in order to reduce stress.
To provide one-to-one assistance during testing/verbatim scribing/note-taking.
7. EA’s Role con’t … Currently the EA’s are working with approximately 47 At-Risk students and 50 Identified (IPRC’d) students on a daily basis.
The daily numbers of students being supported at times fluctuates, resulting in daily student support changes.
8. I.E.P.’s An Individual Education Plan is for students who have been identified with an exceptionality(ies): Gifted, Learning Disabled, Autism.
The plan describes the students exceptionality and provides specific support for that individual in the classroom.
The IEP is a ‘living document’, which is updated regularly.
This year, the IEP’s were mailed out October 17th, 2007
9. I.P.R.C’’s The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee process, is an annual meeting, to identify a student as exceptional, to discuss their progress and concerns.
The Initial IPRC meetings for new students were held on November 29th and 30th , 2007. The annual meeting will be held in the Spring.
Lisgar has 409 identified students.
326 students are Gifted, 23 students are Gifted-Learning Disabled, and 50 students are identified as having a Learning Disability.
10. Room 203: The Student Support Room The student support room is a welcoming, friendly, safe and comfortable environment for all students where they can receive:
Credit Recovery Opportunities
Student Support – one-to-one assistance
Non-credit Resource and Learning Strategies support during the day.
Accommodations – alternative setting/computer use/ extra time/ verbatim scribe.
Additional assistance outside of class time.
11. Other Support Opportunities in Room 203… Before School : 8am -8:50 am (approx. 4-10 students) (Sarah Storey)
Lunch Time: 11:25am-12:25pm (approx. 10-20+students) (Sarah Storey/ Susanna Donato/Joanne Anas/ Dori-Anne Leafloor)
After School – Homework/ Study Skills Club : 3pm-3:30pm (approx 2-5 students) (Susanna Donato/Dori-Anne Leafloor).
12. Groups and Clubs Guys Social Club: to initially support highly intellectual teenage boys who have Aspergers- to strengthen their social skills and to make new friends.
Homework/Study Skills Club: held after school and on Fri. lunch under the direction of D. Leafloor and S. Donato.
To focus on using the Agenda, organizing homework, notebooks and school bag.
13. Student Support Team
“ Always there for the Student”
Sarah Storey
Susanna Donato
Joanne Anas
Shawna Adams
Richard Mathers
Alison Green
Anne McKillop-Ostrom