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Themes From Yesterday

Themes From Yesterday. Your Practice’s Aim Statement Key Driver Diagram Registry Options CDEMS www. cdems .com RMD www. reachmydoctor .com Docsite www. docsite .com CQN Encounter Form: an early focus of your work

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Themes From Yesterday

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Themes From Yesterday Your Practice’s Aim Statement Key Driver Diagram Registry Options CDEMS www.cdems.com RMD www.reachmydoctor.com Docsite www.docsite.com CQN Encounter Form: an early focus of your work Note: if you have an EMR, don’t have your vendor put the encounter form in the EMR just yet. This form is new and will most likely improve over the first two months of this project. Temporary Plan: Complete it on paper and scan it into your EMR

  2. Themes From Yesterday • Office Flow Diagram: Start building this. It will help you make improvements. • Practice Engagement: an early focus of your work. • 2 pieces of measurement: • EQIPP (sample of patient encounters) • Narrative Report (5 minute monthly online survey) 8. The Model for Improvement and PDSAs (more on this today)

  3. Helpful Information Maintenance of Certification Part IV Requirements • Criteria for Individual Physician Participation: • Complete data collection at the time of visit with an encounter form for decision support • Review practice level data and practice level performance monthly • Attend monthly practice quality improvement meetings • On average enter a minimum of 5 patient visits per month in at least 7 of 10 data cycles

  4. Helpful Information Maintenance of Certification Part IV Requirements • Criteria for Practice Involvement • Presence of a documented process map that details reliable data collection at the time of the visit • Established QI Team • QI team representation at all learning sessions and monthly calls once enrolled in the project. • Achieve optimal care by year 1 for 70% of the sample population

  5. Helpful Information CQN Extranet: http://www.aap.org/member/chapters/caqi Click on ‘CQN Asthma’ Username: cqnuser Password: cqn141 CME Credit: 11.25 credits for this session

  6. Today’s Objectives • You have a clear understanding of the themes from yesterday. • Ask us clarifying questions today • You have a good understanding of the Model for Improvement and PDSAs. • You know how to plan for and complete PDSAs • You are aware of the collaborative support tools (Listserv, extranet, monthly action period calls, coaching)

  7. Announcements • If you did not receive 12 laminated spiral flip charts, please let Laura Conley know your name. • You will be receiving a presentation on the main points of CQN that you can present to your practice. • CQN Extranet: there is more helpful information on the extranet. Review it as soon as you have a chance. • This presentation will be emailed out on the listserv. • If you have not voted for the best storyboard, please do so now. • If you have not received Pre-Work Packets Part 1 and Part 2, please let Linda Champion know.

  8. Breakout Session D Location: Riverchase A Facilitators: Dr. Wiley and Laura Conley Practices: Infants and Children’s Clinic, Pediatric Clinic, USA Dept. of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine Location: Dorset Facilitators: Peter Margolis and Vinit Mahesh Practices: Huntsville Pediatric Associates, Partners in Pediatrics, Dothan Pediatric Clinic Location: Cornwall Facilitators: Divvie Powell and Loren Clement Practices: Pediatric Associates of Alexander City, University Medical Center Pediatrics, The Charles Henderson Child Health Center Location: Hampshire Facilitators: Keith Mandel and Linda Champion Practices: Pediatric Associates of Auburn, Marshal County Pediatric Clinic, Central Health Center Jefferson County, Bessemer Health Center

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