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Male Reproductive System 男性生殖系统. Reproductive Organs Of Male:. 1. internal genital organs 2. external genital organs. Internal Genital Organs :. ⑴ gonad( 生殖腺 ) : testes( 睾丸 ) ⑵genital ducts:. ①epididymes( 附睾 ), ② deferent ducts ( 输精管 ), ③ejaculatory ducts ( 射精管 ), ④urethra of male.
Male Reproductive System 男性生殖系统
Reproductive Organs Of Male: 1. internal genital organs 2. external genital organs
Internal Genital Organs : ⑴ gonad(生殖腺) : testes(睾丸) ⑵genital ducts: ①epididymes(附睾), ② deferent ducts (输精管), ③ejaculatory ducts (射精管), ④urethra of male ⑶ accessory glands: ① seminal vesicles (精囊腺), ② prostate(前列腺), ③ bulbourethral glands(尿道球腺)
urinary bladder膀胱 Ureter输尿管 Ampulla ductus deferentis输精管腹壶 deferent Duct Seminal vesicle精囊腺 prostate前列腺 Bulbourethral gland尿道球腺 penis阴茎 deferent duct输精管 Epididymis 附睾 testis睾丸
Apex of bladder Ampulla ductus deferentis ureter Fundus of bladder Seminal vesicle Neck of bladder Body of bladder prostate
External Genital Organs: ⑴ scrotum (阴囊) ⑵penis(阴茎) penis阴茎 scrotum 阴囊
Ⅰ.The internal genital organs of male (Ⅰ). gonad(生殖腺): testes(睾丸)
Ureter urinary bladder Seminal vesicle Ductus deferens Spermatic cord penis scrotum rectum
输尿管 输精管 精索 阴茎体 膀胱 阴茎头 阴囊
Spermatic cord Ductus deferens External spermatic fascia Internal spermatic fascia cremaster Head of epididymis Body of epididymis Tail of epididymis Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis of testis Testis Cavity of tunica vaginalis
精索 精索外筋膜 睾丸的血管 睾提肌 输精管 精索内筋膜 附睾头 睾丸附件 附睾体 睾丸鞘膜壁层 附睾尾 睾丸 鞘膜腔
输精管 附睾头 附睾体 附睾尾 睾丸
Contorted seminiferous tubule Head of epididymis Efferent ductules of testis Rete testis Lobule of testis Septula testis Tunica albuginea Ductus deferens Cavity of tunica vaginalis Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis of testis
精曲小管 输精管 睾丸小叶 睾丸输出小管 睾丸小隔 睾丸网 睾丸白膜 附睾管 鞘膜腔 睾丸鞘膜脏层 输精管 睾丸鞘膜壁层
(Ⅱ). Conducting ducts of spermatic fluid 1. Epididymis (附睾):
Spermatic cord Head of epididymis Body of epididymis Tail of epididymis Testis
精索 精索外筋膜 附睾头 附睾体 睾丸前缘 附睾尾
Contorted seminiferous tubule Head of epididymis Efferent ductules of testis Rete testis Lobule of testis Septula testis Tunica albuginea Ductus deferens Cavity of tunica vaginalis Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis of testis
Ductus deferens Blood vessels of testis Head of epididymis Body of epididymis Tail of epididymis Testis
输精管 附睾头 睾丸的血管 附睾体 睾丸外侧面 附睾尾 睾丸鞘膜壁层
Inguinal canal Spermatic cord scrotum penis
腹股沟管 阴茎悬韧带 阴茎根 精索 阴茎体 阴囊 阴茎头
deferent duct Urinary bladder prostate Urethra scrotum rectum
输精管盆部 输精管壶腹 尿道前列腺部 男性尿道 射精管 阴囊中隔
The base of urinary bladder Ductus deferens Ureter Ampulla Ductus deferentis Seminal vesicle ejaculatory duct prostate Sulcus of prostate
①Testicular part 睾丸部 ②Funicular part 精索部 ③Inguinal part 腹股沟管部 ④Pelvic part 盆部 deferent duct 输精管
The funicular part extends from the upper end of testis to the superficial inguinal ring(腹股沟管浅环) and can be palpated easily in living body. It is the place where ligation(结扎) of ductus deferens or vasectomy (输精管切除) is performed usually.
膀胱底 输尿管 输精管腹壶 精囊腺 射精管 前列腺 前列腺沟
Trigone of bladder Ureteric orifice Seminal colliculus Prostatic utricle Prostatic portion of urethra Orifice of ejacultary duct prostate
Ampulla Ductus deferentis Seminal vesicle ejaculatory duct Seminal colliculus Prostatic portion of urethra Orifice of ejaculatory duct
输精管腹壶 输尿管 精囊腺 射精管 前列腺
interureteric fold Ureteric orifice Trigone of bladder vesical uvula Internal urethral orifice urethral crest Seminal colliculus Prostatic utricle Orifice of ejaculatory duct prostate
rectum Ductus deferens Urinary bladder prostate Urethra ejaculatory duct scrotum
The base of urinary bladder Ureter Ureter Ductus deferens Ampulla ductus deferentis Seminal vesicle ejaculatory duct prostate Sulcus of prostate Bulbourethral gland
膀胱底 输尿管 输精管腹壶 射精管 精囊腺 前列腺 前列腺沟
Anterior lobe Right lobe Left lobe urethra Prostatic utricle Middle lobe Ejaculatory duct Posterior lobe The lobes of prostate
左叶 右叶 前列腺小囊 前叶 尿道 中叶 射精管 后叶 前列腺的分叶
Urinary bladder Pelvic diaphragm Prostatic portion of urethra Urogenital diaphragm Bulbourethral gland prostate Urethral bulb
膀胱 盆隔 前列腺 尿道前列腺部 尿生殖隔 尿道球腺 尿道球
①Prostate (前列腺, single) ②Seminal vesicles (精囊腺, a pair) ③Bulbourethral glands (尿道球腺, a pair) Accessory genital glands of male 男性附属生殖腺
The spermatic cord(精索) extends from the deep ring through the inguinal canal to the upper end of testis. It contains ductus deferens, testicular artery and vein etc.
These structures are enclosed by external spermatic fascia, cremaster and internal spermatic fascia.
spermatic fluid(精液/ seminal fluid) is composed of secretions from all segments of conductive spermatic ducts, especially the accessory genital glands(prostate, seminal vesicles etc.) and contains sperms.
Ⅱ.external genital organs of male 1. Scrotum (阴囊):