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Prototype Presentation: CAR System

Prototype Presentation: CAR System. Reyna Insurance Agency | Texas Driving School Carbon IT Solutions. Carbon: Introduction. Sebastian Guerra Patricia Ramos Halston Harris Dan Julio. Robert Medrano Joshua Klentzman Raul Gonzalez Morgan Watson. Outline. Client Information

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Prototype Presentation: CAR System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prototype Presentation: CAR System Reyna Insurance Agency | Texas Driving School Carbon IT Solutions

  2. Carbon: Introduction • Sebastian Guerra • Patricia Ramos • Halston Harris • Dan Julio • Robert Medrano • Joshua Klentzman • Raul Gonzalez • Morgan Watson

  3. Outline • Client Information • Problems with Current System • Proposed Solution • Feasibility • Development & Testing • Improvements & Maintenance • Project Demo • Summary • Q&A

  4. Client Information • Brief Refresh Patricia Ramos

  5. Client Refresh • Founded in 1958 • Initially Offered Insurance • Patricia Reyes-Owner/Sponsor • 8 Employees • Focused on Driving School Portion

  6. Organization Chart

  7. Organization History

  8. Problems • Current System Process • Current System Problems • Costs of Current System • System Requirements Robert Medrano Halston Harris

  9. Current System Process • Brief walkthrough of how Texas Driving School handles customers and their information. • Do a compare and contrast with the current process and the “new” system in the demo.

  10. Current System Process • Assist walk in Customers • Answer phone calls • Contract Forms • Customer Payments • Scheduler • Bookkeeper

  11. Current System Problems

  12. Costs of Current System

  13. System Requirements • Create a way to notify you a Customer has a late fee or a balance due . • Create a system that enables the user to search for a specific Customer. • The new system needs to be able to produce reports. • Transactions, enrollment, fee’s, drives, etc. • The system needs to store all Customer information in one area.

  14. Proposed System Solution • Overview of Software & Hardware • Benefits of Proposed System • Cost Benefit Breakdown Joshua Klentzman

  15. Overview of System Solution • Java Application • Installed on existing hardware at Texas Driving School • Using Existing Windows Server 2008 R2 license • Application support of: • Processing customer information • Organization finances – “Who owes what amount?” • Class scheduling – Enrollment of students

  16. Benefits of Proposed System • Estimated average time spent looking up customers will decrease • Return on late fees will be quicker • Better notification of who owns what amount. • Increased availability of organization information. • Centralized storage of information. • Estimated average time spent generating reports will decrease.

  17. Cost-Time of Proposed System Cost-Time of Current System Cost-Time of Proposed System

  18. Cost Benefit Breakdown • Current System • Employee Time Spent: • 4,160 hours (per year) • Employee Cost-Time Lost: $70,755 (per year) • Proposed System • Employee Time Spent: • 910 hours (per year) • Employee Cost-Time Lost: $15,486 (per year)

  19. Projected Performance $54,869 gained from reduction per year 357% Reduction in employee time per year x = 5 Years $274,345

  20. Feasibility • Technical Feasibility • Operational Feasibility • Economic Feasibility Dan Julio

  21. Technical Feasibility • Hardware/Software available: • Three desktop computers • Desktop server • Hardware/Software needed: • Network Interface Card • SQL Server Standard

  22. Operational Feasibility • Reporting/Tracking • Business Decisions • Income Analysis • Reduce losses • Processing • Centralized data • Reduces customer wait time • Ease of Use • Clean Interface

  23. Economic Feasibility • Development • 8-9 months, 516 hours total • CarbonIT time = $89,600(Discounted) • Instructor time = $7,200 (Discounted) • Will Rubit time = $500 (Discounted) • Patty’s (Sponsors) time = $500 • Total Cost = $97,800 • Installation and Testing • 7 days – 80 hours total • 50 hours Carbon IT time cost = $10,000(Discounted) • 30 hours Patty’s time = $ 750 • Total Cost = $10,750 • Training • 1 day, 3 hours total • Carbon IT time = $600 (Discounted) • Patty’s time = $75 • Total Cost = $675 • Maintenance • Yearly, 16 hours • Total Cost per year = $400 Total Cost of Implementation = $3,035 - Carbon IT time = $100,600 (Discounted) - Will + DetillierTime = $7,700 - Hardware/Software = $1,710 - Patty’s Time = $1,325 Recurring Cost = $400/year

  24. Cost Breakdown Total = $500 Total = $7,200 Total = $1,325 Total = $100,600 Total Cost of Implementation = $3,035 (Patty Total + Hard/Software Cost)

  25. Development & Testing • Timeline of Project • Project Testing • Database Design Decisions Raul Gonzalez

  26. Project Development Timeline

  27. Development Tools • Microsoft Server 2008 R2 • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 • Microsoft Visio 2010 • NetBeans IDE • VMware

  28. Data Dictionary

  29. Project Requirements

  30. Project Testing

  31. Improvements & Maintenance • System Improvements • Preventative Database Maintenance Sebastian Guerra

  32. System Improvements • Redefined how they interact with system. • Ease of use and robustness • Cost Effieiency

  33. Preventative Maintenance Backup & Cleanup • SQL Backups: • Perform every Sunday at 4am • Backup to external drive connected to server • Data Cleansing • Identifies incomplete or incorrect data • Standardizes and enriches customer data. • “St.” to “Street”, enrich data by filling in missing elements by changing “4013 Broadway San Antonio TX 78009” to “4013 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78009”.

  34. Morgan Watson Project Demo

  35. Summary • Future Improvements • Lessons Learned Sebastian Guerra

  36. Future Improvements • Email Notifications • More Printable Reports • Dialog if attendance is tried on a date more than once • Edit notes • Automated Notifications for Outstanding balance customers • Automated Fee processing (adding fees to customer account)

  37. Lessons Learned • Project Management • Division of work • Level of technical skill • Application Development • Time devoted • Developer Documentation • Start Sooner! • Database • Unified Scripting • Multiple Versions

  38. Questions?

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