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An introductory lecture on Descartes and 12 key problems in philosophy of mind. Includes helpful links for beginners and advanced students.
PHILOSOPHY OF MIND(心灵哲学) 主讲人: 徐英瑾 复旦大学哲学学院
For Beginners, Maybe the Following Links Are Helpful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_mind This entry gives you a basic idea of what philosophy of mind is. Caveat: Wikipedia is a very useful online-tool, but due to its lack of academic authority, it cannot be referred in a paper. You just read it, but please do not mention it in the paper. http://www.philosophyofmind.info/ This website is still under construction.
For Advanced Students, These Websites Are Recommended: . http://consc.net/mindpapers/ The most comprehensive and systematic collection of papers on philosophy of mind that you can find on web. It consists of 28490 entries now !!!!! http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html The most reliable and trustable on-line dictionary on philosophy (not only philosophy of mind!). That means, you can refer to this resource in a formal paper!
For Students Intending to Be Involved into an Overseas PHD Program on Philosophy, Please Open the Following Link: http://www.philosophicalgourmet.com/overall.asp This website offers a systematic evaluation of nearly every philosophy department in the English-speaking world. Full of useful information. But information about universities in Europe is not included!!!
For Students Who Both Speak Chinese and Love Analytical Philosophy, These Websites are Valuable: 1. 哲学合作社 https://phil-commune.net/bbs/forum.php (but you need patience to open it) 2. “豆瓣”的“酒肉臭”小组 http://www.douban.com/group/292426/
For Chinese Students Who Want to Know Why To Read Old Classic Works Is Not Recommended for Beginners of Philosophy, Please Read My Papers: 1. 徐英瑾:《经典阅读,还是论证训练?——对中国的西方哲学教育的反思》,《学术月刊》,2006年第六期。 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/16123206/ 2. 徐英瑾:《西方哲学进阶路线图》 http://www.kaixin001.com/repaste/46780002_5211954217.html
For Anybody Who Want to Know How to do Philosophical Translation Between English and Chinese, This is a Tool: The Cover of the Dictionary The Link of the On-line Bookstore for Buying it: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20751028
For Any Chinese Reader Who Want to Know How to Translate Complicated Analytical Texts, please read this one: The Cover of the Book The Link of Dangdang: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20935209
For Chinese Readers Who Want to Have a Basic Idea of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Please Read: The Cover of the Book The Dangdang Link for Buying it: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=9039274
Now Turn Back to the Main Topic JOHN SEARLE, 1932- A Brief Introduction to Him John Rogers Searle (born July 31, 1932 in Denver, Colorado) is an American philosopher and currently the Slusser Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. Widely noted for his contributions to the philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and social philosophy, he began teaching at Berkeley in 1959, where, among his many distinctions, he was the first tenured professor to join the Free Speech Movement. He received the Jean Nicod Prize in 2000, and the National Humanities Medal in 2004. Among his notable concepts are the "Chinese Room" argument against artificial intelligence.
Our Textbook Has a Chinese Translation! The Cover of the Chinese Version A Brief Description of the Book in Chinese 塞尔写下了一部有力的、清晰的、易懂的与令人着迷的导论性著作。此书比任何别的文献都更为令人信服地解释了塞尔所持有的如下这个离经叛道的颠覆性观点:无论是唯物主义还是二元论,都是谬误的。他以充满活力的姿态探索了那些心灵哲学领域中的重大议题——与此同时,他还一直保持着对于他所聚焦的心灵问题的最深刻的洞见。
WE NEED TO BEGIN WITH DESCARTES! A Typical Portrait of René Descartes: When he was alive, what were happening in China? 笛卡尔生于1596年,即明神宗朱翊钧(万历皇帝)当政时期,即万历二十四年。是年,中国无大事发生。次年,丰臣秀吉( Toyotomi Hideyoshi )第二次入侵朝鲜,再次年,日本侵朝战争彻底失败。笛卡尔死于1650年,是年为清世祖顺治七年,多尔衮( Dorgon , )卒。 他比王阳明( 1472-1529 )晚生124年,晚死121年。他比徐光启( 1562-1633)晚生30年,晚死27年。
But Why Descartes Is Still Important for Philosophy of Mind Today????? Because His Dualism (二元论) is Still Alive Among Public! Maybe you are implicit dualists (二元论者), although you may not explicitly concede this!
What Is Dualism? Radical Version (Substance Dualism) : Mind is a type of substance (实体) which can exist independently of the substance of matter. For instance, when Descartes’ body perishes, his soul could still survive. Christian Believers would like this idea. Moderate Version(Property Dualism): Mind exits as a property (属性) rather than a substance. Ontologically speaking, the world is composed of matter as the unique type of substance, but that substance has two properties: physical and mental. Humanists would love this idea.
Why does Descartes Take the Substance Dualist Position? Cogito, ergo sum (I think therefor I am, 我思故我在). Here is the unpacked form of the argument: 1. I cannot be wrong about my own consciousness; 2. the essence of my being is my own consciousness; 3. Therefore, I cannot be wrong about my being, i.e., my existence. But is this argument question-begging(乞题)?
EPHIPHENOMENALISM(副现象主义) Epiphenomenalism is the view that mental events are caused by physical events in the brain, but have no effects upon any physical events. Behavior is caused by muscles that contract upon receiving neural impulses (神经脉冲), and neural impulses are generated by input from other neurons or from sense organs. On the epiphenomenalist view, mental events play no causal role in this process. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/epiphenomenalism/
PLEASE MIND SIGMUND FREUD! • Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory conceived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Freud. 1.human behavior, experience, and cognition are largely determined by irrational drives; 2. those drives are largely unconscious; 3. beside the inherited constitution of personality, one's development is determined by events in early childhood.