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XIV EAEF Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 18-19, 2015

Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace and Mental Health First Aid : Working with EFAP ’ s. XIV EAEF Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 18-19, 2015

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XIV EAEF Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 18-19, 2015

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  1. Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace and Mental Health First Aid: Working with EFAP’s XIV EAEF Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 18-19, 2015 Presenter: François Legault, MSW,CSW, Principal Consultant, Consult-Action Inc., Mindful Employer Canada, Ambassador, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Certified Instructor MHFA

  2. Outline of Today’s Presentation Canada’s National Standard on PHS Why MHFA? What is MHFA? Where is it Offered? How does it all work with EFAP’s? Results

  3. Why Focus on Psychological Health and Safety? Stats Confirm the Importance of this Issue • 30-50% of all disability claims are for reasons of mental ill-health and it is 70% for younger workers (OEDC 2013) • $16 Trillion in estimated global lost economic output over the next 20 years (WHO 2013)

  4. Absenteeism Présenteeism Loss in productivity Disability Insurance Costs/LTD Injuries/ Sick Leave/STD Complaints/Grievances Poor Staff Retention/Turnover Liability\Legal Costs The Cost of Doing Nothing

  5. The Cost-Effectiveness of Doing Something? Depression= “very cost-effective” Psychosis= “quite cost-effective” Alcohol Abuse=“very cost-effective” (WHO, 2013)

  6. How do We Treat the Mentally Ill? “Negative cultural attitudes …persist” (who,2013) What if we Treated Everyone like we Treat the Mentally Ill? Video - Struck Down- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBqEz7q5Zp4

  7. Workplace Mental Health Factors Engagement Recognition & Reward Civility & Respect Balance Psychological Support Psychological Protection Organizational Culture Psychological Job Fit Involvement & Influence Supportive Physical Environment Workload Management Clear Leadership & Expectations Growth & Development

  8. What Can be Done in the Workplace? • EFAP • Address Psychosocial Risk Factors • Train Managers on Workplace Mental Health • Address Stigma • Peer Support Training • Support Managers around Accommodation and Return to Work

  9. Need a framework to align your efforts? • Implement the National Standard for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) The Standard is a set of guidelines, tools & resources focused on promoting employees’ psychological health & preventing psychological harm due to workplace factors

  10. The Standard is Gaining Traction • Top industry sectors • Healthcare • Government /Judicial/Policing • Education • Top regions • Ontario • British Columbia • Alberta • Quebec • Nova Scotia

  11. Following more than 40 organizations 3 year national study Primary objectives Determine promising practices for implementation Breakdown barriers to implementation and identify gaps and challenges Identify tools/resources to help with implementation Case Study Research Project (MHCC)

  12. Organizational Motivations for Implementation

  13. Navigate the Journey • MHCC and the CSA Group collaborated to develop “Assembling the Pieces: An Implementation Guide to the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace” • Intended to be used in conjunction with the Standard • Assist organizations through the initial planning stages through to full implementation • Officially launched in November 2014 www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/standardguide

  14. Mental Health First Aid • Is a 2 Day Course Aimed to: • Improve Mental Health Literacy • Reduce Stigma • Support People with Skills and Knowledge • Respond Confidently and Proactively to Mental Health Issues

  15. Evidence Based Outcomes • Significantly greater recognition of the most common mental health disorders • Decreased social distance from people with mental disorders • Increased confidence in providing help to others • Demonstrated increase in help actually provided

  16. Goals of First Aid:

  17. Goals of Mental Health First Aid

  18. Signs and Symptoms • Substance Related Disorders • Mood Disorders • Anxiety Disorders • Psychotic Disorders • Deliberate Self-Injury (Youth Course) • Eating Disorders (Youth Course)

  19. ALGEE- The Centerpiece of MHFA • Assess risk of suicide and/or harm • Listen non-judgmentally • Give reassurance and information • Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help • Encourage other Supports

  20. Crisis First Aid • Suicidal behaviour • Overdoses • Panic Attacks • Reactions to traumatic events • Psychotic episodes

  21. Mental Health First Aid in Canada • Over 135,000 people trained • A network of over 1,600 instructors • Active in every province and territory • In both Official Languages ( French and English) • Active in every economic and social sector • Oil and gas • Construction • Education • First Responders • Social Services

  22. Resources/Actions • Train employees in Mental Health First Aidso they can recognize emerging mental health problems or crises in themselves and their colleagues, and provide initial help: http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca/EN/Pages/default.aspx • Download the National Standard on Psychological Health and Safety at www.csagroup.ca or the Action Guide for Employers – provides guidelines that encourage executive leadership to commit to making mental health in their workplace a priority Visit Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace for free tools & resources: http://www.gwlcentreformentalhealth.com/english/index.asp As an Employer join Mindful Employer by signing the Charter, train and support Managers through Mindful Manager Program : http://mindfulemployer.ca or http://mindfulemployer.org

  23. Resources/Actions (Cont’d) • Take advantage of the free and comprehensive set of resources offered by Guarding Minds at Workto help protect and promote psychological health and safety in the workplace: http://www.guardingmindsatwork.ca/ • Learn about additional solutions for employers and supports for employees offered by Mental Health Works, a national program of the Canadian Mental Health Association • JoinPartners for Mental Healthin taking the pledge to support the improvement of mental health for all Canadians: http://www.partnersformh.ca/

  24. Thank you! Visit: www.mentalhealthcommission.ca www.consult-actioninc.com www.mindfulemployer.ca

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