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Evolution of Game Interfaces from Text-Based to Modern GUI Systems

Explore the progression of gaming interfaces from text-based adventures to graphical user interfaces, from ASCII-based games to fully interactive 3D environments, highlighting the development of AI in gaming.

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Evolution of Game Interfaces from Text-Based to Modern GUI Systems

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  1. Assignment 1.c Presentation on HCI solutions within GUI development Laurien woodgate

  2. Text based game

  3. Text based games where the first type of pc games to come about they have no “graphics” and use only a keyboard. Many are like flotsam (screenshot) they are based on the adventure type books where you take a multiple choice route and what happens depends on your actions, because they require only ASCII and paths to different locations the code is relatively short compared to modern day games.

  4. Others text based games are build upon a basic speech type command line, where you would type “go to castle” or pick up cheese” instead of just choosing a letter, although these provided better interaction getting the right syntax was often hard in the game and most users got stuck trying to do something because they hadn’t worded it for the game to understand.

  5. Menu driven game

  6. Menu driven games like final fantasy 3 and others where the next step up from text based games they contained “graphics” usually in the form of sprites they still only used the keyboard but now where driven by a menu based engine, in final fantasy you and a group of people battle monsters you do this by taking it in turns to hit each other relative to your speed, with your turn you can select what you want to do from a menu, like fight, magic and item or even bring up the main menu. The main menu is featured in most games now and is a menu which you can get to at any time.

  7. There are 3 types of area in the game, the main map, think of it as a map of the world, and the town map which is a more detailed map of where you are think of your city for example, and then there is battles where you are set in a a place against an enemy until someone dies or runs away, Because in the game you can talk to people it is still like a multiple choice in some ways, not being able to use actual speech yet it is still multiple choice and this can have an effect on the game like older text based games

  8. Wimp interface games

  9. Wimp interface games are the modern standard of games they now use the mouse and the joystick but they are still also driven by the menu and text based games to some degree. Nowadays the graphics are fully 3d rendered and are fully intractable with the graphics have gotten to a stage of near realism in some games and they use special features such as bump mapping and mipmapping to make things very realistic. Unreal tournament is a game where you pick up weapons and kill other people and you get awarded points there is also many team games like capture the flag where multiplayer is available online.

  10. A big part of the new games is the AI, in unreal especially the “bots” are very advanced, they are computer simulated players so that you can play on your own, or have extra players without having any real people. They are advanced and know how to take a command, if you tell them to defend they will defend in the correct position not a million miles away from your base, this was not possible in older games as the code wasn’t advanced enough. they also know that a missile is bad and will try to avoid it.

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