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Sections 6.3-6.5

This section explores Niels Bohr's quantum model for the hydrogen atom, wave behavior of matter, electron arrangement in atoms, energy levels, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and the quantum mechanical model. It also covers ground and excited states, matter waves, momentum, uncertainty principle, wave functions, probability density, electron density, and orbitals.

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Sections 6.3-6.5

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  1. Sections 6.3-6.5 The Bohr Model, Wave Model, and Quantum Model

  2. Objectives • Analyze Bohr’s model of the electron • Describe the wave behavior of matter • Arrange electrons in an atom • Identify energy levels • Apply Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle • Describe the quantum mechanical model

  3. Ground state Excited states Matter waves momentum Uncertainty principle Wave functions Probability density Electron density Orbitals Electron shell subshell Key Terms

  4. Niels Bohr, 1913 • Proposed quantum model for H atom • Proposed H atom has only certain allowable energy states • Lowest state= ground state • Gaining energy = excited state

  5. Niels Bohr, 1913 • Electrons move in certain, specific, circular orbitals • Energy added to atom e- moves to higher energy level • Electron in “excited state” drops to a lower energy orbit emits a photon

  6. Niels Bohr, 1913 • Problems with Bohr’s model • Only explained H • Electrons move as waves

  7. De Broglie, 1924 • Electrons, like light, have particle-wave dual nature

  8. Heisenberg UncertaintyPrinciple, 1927 • Fundamentally impossible to know precisely both the velocity AND position of a particle at the same time. x h 4mv

  9. Assignment De Broglie and Heisenberg Worksheet

  10. Quantum Mechanical Model • 1926 • Schrödinger • Limited electrons to only certain energy levels • Atomic orbital: 3 dimensional area around nucleus; 90 % PROBABLE location of electron

  11. Principal quantum number, n • Principal energy levels (shells) • Positive integers greater than 0 • Relative to sizes and energies

  12. Azimuthal quantum number, l • Energy sublevels (subshells) • Integers from 0 to n-1 for each n value • Defines the shape of orbital

  13. Continued • l is designated by a letter:

  14. Magnetic Quantum Number, ml • Orbitals • Has integer values between –l and l, including zero • Describes orientation of orbital in space

  15. Spin Magnetic Quantum Number, ms • Electrons • 2 per orbital • -1/2 or +1/2 • Represents the direction on electron’s spin

  16. All Together… • Each electron can be described using: • n,l,ml,ms OR • Principal energy level, sublevel, orbital, spin

  17. s orbital

  18. p orbitals

  19. d orbitals

  20. f orbitals

  21. Assignment Quantum Model Worksheet

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