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Business Profile. M. ENTER. IT Consulting. G. S. Greek. English. Profile. Greek. English. The Company
Business Profile M ENTER IT Consulting G S Greek English
Profile Greek English The Company MGS IT CONSULTING was established in 2010 by Mr. Efstratios Magos. The experience in the IT field over a decade in Business Management Consulting (Software & Hardware) and the implementation of complex IT projects, created a significant infrastructure as regards the level of know-how. The company has the flexibility of designing and implementing: √ horizontal solutions for needs of all organizations, √ vertical solutions addressed to specific areas in the market, √ innovative solutions in co-operation with the company’s Research & Development Department that focuses on fast development of new applications and services. Vision The vision of MGS IT CONSULTING is to “have a strong presence in the market of Systems Integration, making use of the state-of-the-art technological solutions, aiming at offering its customers development through achievement of high productivity, effectiveness and hence, a competitive advantage”. Efstratios Magos M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
Activities Greek English Professional Services Alongside other business activities, MGS IT CONSULTING supplies customers with a complete series of premium professional services in several technology areas. The company has a long track record and boasts high - level experience in several cutting-edge technologies and be able to leverages these services to allow clients to utilize continuously emerging technologies; increase their efficiency; reduce their business risks; generally, to optimize the efficiency of their technology investments. Utilizing its experience and best practices in consulting services, application development, solution integration and infrastructure design, MGS IT CONSULTING is designing, developing and implementing end-to-end technology solutions, having already obtained leading satisfaction ratings from its customers in a large number of complex projects. MGS IT CONSULTING employs the specialized units of its Professional Services to provide technology services in Technical & operational level support for miscellaneous vendor operating systems; provision of multi level SLAs; Outsourcing of services. Management of ΙΤ Infrastructure The need to contain continuously increasing IT infrastructure support and configuration costs is the driving force for requirements that call for solutions Offering central management of end user’s desktops. MGS IT CONSULTING provides a Comprehensive platform to address these needs, covering the following: √ Desktop management √ Remotecontrol √ Remotesoftware management √ Recording and administration of resources & assets √ Reporting M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
Activities Greek English Systems Integration Information technology is now recognized as a critical factor in the implementation of a company's/ organization's business strategy and as the tool that will allow the company to operate in the fast-changing "digital" world and to cope with the competitive environment. MGS IT CONSULTING approach supports a full set of services, designed to produce transformation strategies in new corporate environments that will maximize the yield of investments in IT systems. This approach includes: √ The definition of targets and priorities in the business environment. √ The documentation of restrictions imposed by the business environment. √ The presentation of the existing situation as regards corporate IT systems and their evaluation as to their effectiveness and productivity. √ The definition of a strategy and basic directions that the company must follow the current situations. √ The definition of Critical Success Factors Implementation The definition of a policy (operational and planning) that will ensure the integration of a technology-related business strategy within the company's environment. The definition of technological needs and the collection of solutions that transform the current informational infrastructure in the new environment. The aim of the analysis is the definition of all parameters that affect the system’s design which are evaluated and systematized. Analysis is performed with the co-operation of our company’s and the customer’s engineers, aimed at the definition of functions, procedures, applications, resources, as well as security and support requirements. The design phase deals with issues such as the new functions and procedures, the technological approach thereto, such as support applications, information and telecommunication systems, security policies and function support. This phase also includes the design of the solution with all details in every parameter. While the process of designing an informational system consists of an analysis procedure, system integration is a process of composition in which engineers of different specialties meet and systems of different technologies, separate tasks and processes are combined to produce a single system – a solution for your needs. M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
Activities Greek English System Security Services With its strong know-how and based on its co-operation with international specialized firms, MGS IT CONSULTING is able to assist all companies in: √ Maintaining their credibility and reputation √ Ensuring their network integrity and production process stability √ Ensuring compliance to international security specifications. MGS IT CONSULTING achieve a shielding of the company's external network, while the company is put in a powerful position being aware of possible vulnerabilities that may exist on the network (LAN, WAN, Wireless), servers and software. Testing may be performed for: √ Checking the existing or new network infrastructure √ Ensuring the integrity of software patches √ Assessing the impact of upgrades and configuration changes √ Periodic control in the future. ConsultingServices MGS IT CONSULTING isan IT Consultancy and Supportnewtechnologysolutionsprovider. Ourcollaborations and ourexperiencecoverthepartofstrategicplanningforIT departmentsinboth Hardware and softwareinstallationlevelto provideintegratedsolutions.MGS IT CONSULTING, weareturningourexperienceintousefuladviceforyourbusiness, whichincreaseyourefficiencyand reduceyourcosts. M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
Activities Greek English ComputerService & Installation Hardware√ Diagnosis and repairdamageofyour PC by qualified computertechnician. √ functionaloptimizationinsystem and applicationssettingsaccordingtoyourownpreferences. PC Service.√ DataRecovery√ Format and installnewoperatingsystem√ installingfreeofficesoftwareOpen Office, antibioticprotection AVG, etc√ Neutralizationofviruses, dialers, spy-wareetc.√ Installsecurityapplications (anti-virus, firewall, spy-adwareremover)√ Installationnew PC/ Servers / Networkequipmentinyoursite EquipmentUpgradesThe processincludes:√ Recordthenecessaryupgradestoconsultationwiththeclient √ Updatethecustomerforthecost√ Upgrade√ TestfunctioninthepresenceofClient√ pricinglabor and materials√ UpgradeNotebookWiththeevolutionoftechnologyisoftennecessarytoupgradeour PC orsoftware. Ourcompanycanundertaketheprocessofupgradingyoursystemswiththeappropriate Hardware and Software installations.Ourcooperationwithlocalsuppliersguaranteetheexcellentqualityofmaterials, butalsoourabilitytosupplyyouwiththeappropriatesoftwareupgrades.Ifweareabletododownloadupdates andinstall themonyourcomputerwith a smallcharge.Sorelyneededupgradestothesoftwareweupdatesyouroperatingsystem andyourantivirus. M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
Activities Greek English Construction √ SiteFlowDiagram √ CustomerPermissions √ DemoSiteCreation √ DataEntry √ UploadtheSitetothe Web √ SiteMarketing Web Designwith a websiteyoupresentyourbusinessintotheweb. Thereisnoneedtoinvestmuchmoneyfor astaticpagebeacuseithas a lowacquisitioncost, zeromaintenancecost and veryfastconstruction!Advantagesofstaticwebdesign Hereareanalyzedtheadvantagesof a staticpagedesignedforyourbusiness:CostLowcostmanufacturingofstaticwebpagestogetallthe onlineidentity. ZeromaintenanceSupportContinuousaftersalessupport and specificchangesper annualfortext and photosupdates. CreationTimeFastconstructionwithin 30-55 days, thefinaldeliveryis accordancewiththeearlieragreementwithcustomer. M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
Activities Greek English Customized Applications and SolutionsThe businessstructure, complexityinoperation and thespecialshowing, oftenrequires additionalapplicationstailoredexactlytomanagementneeds. Becauseeachcompanyhasitspeculiarities and mustbetreatedas aseparateentity, theimplementationofCustomApplications - solutionsprovidesrealsolutiontoyourcompanyneeds.The partnersof MGS IT CONSULTING havealltheneededexperiencetoimplementanycustomapplicationforitsclientneeds. The successfulprogressofthecompany'spartnersinthelargests ITcompaniesinGreeceprovesit. MGS IT CONSULTING developssoftwareimplementationsasadditionalinternalorexternalaccordingtocustomerrequirements.Throughtheprocessofanalyzingyourrequirements (BusinessAnalysis), thepreparationoftheVolumeAnalysis (documentation), projectimplementation (Implementation), controlofdeliverablesfunction (UserTraining and UserAcceptanceTesting) consist a completedapplication. Weinstallthesystem and trainyourusers. Wesupportthesystem and makefurthercorrections / improvements (aftersalesSupport). M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
Advantages Greek English The company’s granted experience in large-scale and complex IT systems integration is combined with a systematic approach to design. These elements provide the guarantee for the implementation of a high-quality project in the shortest possible time MGS IT CONSULTING comes with all guarantees – documented ability and sufficient size- that will ensure the desired result. With its holistic approach towards IT systems integration, MGS IT CONSULTING stands out since it offers competitive advantages to customers through: √ Coverage of business aims – needs and immediate correlation thereof with technological solutions and deliverables, so that they may be acceptable and supported by other levels of organization’s structure. √ Emphasis – priority to the achievement and support of business goals against technological priorities. √ Sound technological approach to the implementation of a project not limited by manufacturers or partnerships, but may combine different technologies and products aiming only at providing the optimum result possible for each customer. M IT Consulting G S Information Technology Solutions & Services
…connect now …with your IT partner !!! Founder’s short C.V Magos Efstratios Degrees University of Hertfordshire - BSC in Computer Science - MSc in Software Engineering Certifications - Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CCNA) Seminars - Seminar in Management (LCCIEB - London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board) - Seminar in Financial Management - Seminar in Human Resources Management - Seminar in Quality Control Research “A strategy to improve the quality and reliability of Telecardiology” Academy of Athens / Biomedical Research Foundation - (2005 – 2008) Membership - Member of Hellenic Management Association - Member of Greek Institute of Information Technology Working Experience 2000-2004 IT Business Consultant (Projects: Athens 2004 Olympic Games as Network Manager in Venues and Olympic Halls, Citibank as IT Consultant) 2004-2006 Cofounder, Partner and Manager of Diadosys Systems ( Integrated IT Solutions And Services) 2006 – 2007 Sales Area Manager South Greece ( Multimedia IT Publisher Company) 2007-2009 IT Manager in Scandinavian Tobacco Hellas (Integration Manager in BAT Acquisition) 2009-2010 Serve in Greek Army As Sergeant in Electronic Warfare. 2010 Founder of MGS IT CONSULTING M IT Consulting G S