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Language:. “the jewel of the crown of cognition” - Steven Pinker. What is language?. A form of communication that is based on a system of symbols It is perhaps what separates humans from other species. Language Structure. Phonemes Morphemes Words Phrases Sentences Discourse.

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  1. Language: “the jewel of the crown of cognition” - Steven Pinker

  2. What is language? • A form of communication that is based on a system of symbols • It is perhaps what separates humans from other species.

  3. Language Structure • Phonemes • Morphemes • Words • Phrases • Sentences • Discourse

  4. Grammar: The rules of language • Semantics - deriving meaning from morphemes, words, and sentences • Syntax - rules of how words are ordered • Note that there is productivity in language as well as regularity

  5. Can Animals Understand Language? • Washoe- chimpanzee who was taught sign language • Acquired 181 signs • Kanzi- bonobo taught some English • displays understanding of limited vocabulary

  6. How does language develop? • 6 months = cooing, vowels, babbling • “citizens of the world” • 12 months = spoken language sounds only, first words • 18-24 months = telegraphic (two-word) speech • By age 6 = understands most grammar rules of language (implicitly!)

  7. Can the “citizens of the world” window be lengthened? • Using audiotapes of other languages? • Videos of other languages?

  8. A related tangent: Theory of Mind • The understanding of symbolic representations occurs around 48 months of age • This is also the age when theory of mind develops = understanding of others’ mental states

  9. Zimmerman, Christakis, and Meltzoff (2007) • Compared language development in children who had been exposed to ‘Baby Einstein’ and ‘Brainy Baby’ DVDs • Found a large negative correlation between watching and language abilities • Avg of 6-8 words lost per hour of watching

  10. Critical Period for Language • During this period, we are especially sensitive to environmental influences • Evidence: • Children in isolation do not learn rules of grammar • Recovery after brain damage much more likely earlier rather than later

  11. Bilingualism • Simultaneous bilinguals: learned 2 languages simultaneously • Sequential bilinguals: learned one language, then another

  12. Age of learning a 2nd language • Phonology: the earlier, the better • Vocabulary: age of acquisition does not matter • Grammar: age does not matter • Brain activation (Hirsch, 1997) • Early bilinguals- same area activated • Later bilinguals- adjacent area activated

  13. Biological Influences: Chomsky’s Language Universals • An innate ability to learn language is prewired • Children worldwide develop in similar way around the world • Language ability cannot be solely due to imitation

  14. Environmental Influences • Behaviorist view- operant conditioning • Issues • Exposure to language improves and quickens language development

  15. Strategies • Be an active conversationalist. • Talk as if you’re understood. • Use a style with which you feel comfortable. • Remember, infants shape us, too!

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