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The Language of Prospecting with the ISA dreamteam

The Language of Prospecting with the ISA dreamteam. Table of Contents. Chapter 1: The Language of Prospecting Tips and Rules of the Language of Prospecting Chapter 2: The Language of the Initial Contact Warm Market Additional Approaches and Approaching Professionals

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The Language of Prospecting with the ISA dreamteam

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  1. The Language of Prospecting with theISAdreamteam
  2. Table of Contents Chapter 1: The Language of Prospecting Tips and Rules of the Language of Prospecting Chapter 2: The Language of the Initial Contact Warm Market Additional Approaches and Approaching Professionals Chapter 3: The Introductory Call Chapter 4: Reference
  3. Reference 5 Steps to Fielding A Phenomenal Team Determine Appropriate Email for Prospect Handling Common Questions/Objections: Initial Contact Introductory Call Who Do you Know? What do You Do? Short and Fun Professional Invite to a Group Presentation Invite to a Webinar Follow up after sending information How do you Attract Serious Business Builders? Table of Contents
  4. 5 Steps to Fielding a Phenomenal Team Use the Product Follow the Game Plan Build a Team Initial Contact: Objective of which is to set up the introductory call while saying as little as possible.   Introductory Call: 20 minute call where your prospect can be in front of their computer while on the phone with you. The objective of which is to provide a high level overview and determine area and level of interest; then schedule the next exposure. 3rd Party Validation Exposure: Objective of which is to Provide 3rd party validation through a phone call or an event to connect your prospect to another/other team member(s) who have achieved success in the same area as your prospect’s stated area of interest. Enrolling Language: Objective of which is to order products and schedule the orientation call. Orientation Call: Objective of which is to acquaint your new associate with their account, delegate the auto rewards responsibility and set them up with the tools for a positive product experience AND to create intrigue and engagement with regard to the business opportunity.. Reference
  5. Mindset:Begin with the End in Mind To impact world health and free people from physical and financial pain, and in the process create the largest health-and-wellness company in the world.
  6. Weekly Planning Have your prospecting log (found on 1st Base) in hand as you begin. Your earning week is from Monday 12:01AM eastern until Sunday midnight. Mark out Introductory Call time slots on your calendars in 40 minute increments. Determine how many you can do. The goal is to make as many Initial Contacts as possible with the objective of scheduling as many Introductory Calls as your schedule permits.
  7. Rules of Prospecting Prospecting is a PROCESS, not an event! We take someone from A to B to C, not from A to Z!! Do NOT skip the Initial Contact, Introductory Call, 3rd party validation exposure or Orientation Call. These are the foundational elements to building a rock solid business that stands the test of time. The best way to succeed in getting someone engaged is through a series of multiple exposures in a condensed period of time. The Direct Sales Association says it takes 5-12 exposures for someone to enroll. Use this system; we have found that it takes, on average, three exposures.
  8. RULES of Prospecting (Continued) If you use this system: You can’t fail at prospecting unless you fail to prospect. We educate, let them decide and then we support. Keep The Initial Contact under 4 minutes and The Introductory Call to 20 Minutes. Use your timer on your smartphone. Lock arms with your business mentor and utilize her/him for your first 5 Introductory Calls, Enrollments and Orientation Calls. Make it fun. Smile, you are having a conversation. When in a 3 month building burst, schedule “2 hour tornadoes” to get your business in momentum. Call for two hours straight booking your calendar.
  9. Who to Look For Entrepreneurial Self Motivated Team Player Health Conscious People Person Dependable Leaders Passionate about Helping Others
  10. The ABC’s of NWM Always BE Curious
  11. TIPS Trust this process. Connecting on a warm level is EVERYTHING! It’s what you say but also HOW you say it. Please do not stray too far from this language. Each and every word and sentence has been carefully crafted. There is a specific reason behind why and when we say what. Practice this language until you feel comfortable and confident and it rolls off your tongue. Record yourself on your smart phone. Remember, in this business, it’s not what works but what duplicates. If you follow this system, when you start a new associate, they are already familiar with about 80% of how to build this business. Table of Contents
  12. The Language of The Initial Contact with theISAdreamteam
  13. The Initial ContactTable of Contents Objective Possible Outcomes Introductory Call Email FOUND ON 1st BASE Initial Contact Language for Warm Market Additional Approaches and Approaching Professionals
  14. Objective: To set up the Introductory Call while saying as little as possible Table of Contents
  15. Possible OutcomesThe Initial Contact Introductory Call successfully scheduled Leave a Message Determine Appropriate Email Not Interested Table of Contents
  16. Initial ContactBoard of Directors and Memory Jogger No Answer be sure to leave a message. “Hi (Prospect), it’s (YOUR NAME) calling. (let them respond) Listen, I hope you and the family are doing well and I’m looking forward to catching up with you. I haven’t talked to you in awhile but today I’m calling for a specific reason. Do you have a minute (let them answer) (if no reschedule, if yes continue) “Great, I wanted to let you know that I’ve started my own business. I’ve partnered with a company by the name of Isagenix. Just curious, do you happen to be familiar with Isagenix?”(let them answer) NOYES
  17. YES They have heard of Isagenix Ask questions… “Really -- How did you hear about it? Are you working with a consultant? Did you order the products? If yes, great! If not: really, why not? I’m just curious...” (if you determine that your prospect has an established relationship with someone or is being actively engaged by another consultant, encourage them to circle back and get on the program -- always edify our products and the opportunity ...doing the right thing will only benefit your business in the long run) Table of Contents Prospects choice– (Bear in mind that it is the prospect’s choice as to who they ultimately enroll with.) If it is appropriate to move forward: (Prospect) after experiencing phenomenal results on the products I feel compelled to share these benefits, and turn my passion into an income. And that’s the reason I am calling you today.” Bring Down the Walls
  18. NO They have not heard of Isagenix “Well, I’m excited about it because it’s a company that provides comprehensive nutritional systems designed to address four key areas: weight loss, energy and performance, healthy aging, not to mention an opportunity to create additional cash flow.” “(Prospect) after experiencing phenomenal results on the products I feel compelled to share these benefits. And that’s the reason I’m calling you today.” Bring Down the Walls
  19. Bring Down the Walls “Now I have no idea whether or not this is something you would have an interest in, but I’d love to schedule a time when I can call you back to give you a brief overview. Even if it's not a good fit for you, you may know JUST the person who is looking for me. All I need is about 20 minutes... and based upon our conversation we can determine your level of interest, if any. Would you be open to that?”(get answer) If YES: Set up Introductory Call If questions:Handling Common Questions If no interest: Not Interested
  20. Set up The Introductory Call!Know your own schedule “Awesome (Prospect). I can’t wait to share this with you. The easiest way to do this is to schedule a phone call where you can be in front of your computer.” “I have ____, ____ and _____open. What works best for you?”(Give 2 to 3 times that work for you and coordinate specific time and date) “Is this the best number to reach you? Great, you’ll be receiving an email from me that you’ll want to have pulled up on your computer for our call. Can you confirm your current email address?” Place Value on your Time
  21. Place Value on Your Time “And (Prospect) can you do me a HUGE favor? If something comes up, I certainly understand, but if you can just give me a heads up so we can reschedule I’d appreciate it. “Thank you so much (Prospect)and I’m really looking forward to sharing this with you.” “Have a great day.” SEND Isagenix Introductory Call Email
  22. Additional Approaches and Approaching Professionals Additional Approaches Approaching Professionals Health Care Professional Gym Owner PersonalTrainers Massage Therapist Table of Contents: Initial Contact Reference Cold Market Approach Compliment Approach Referral Approach Win/Win Approach
  23. Cold Market Approach “So, What do you do for a living?” If they are polite they will ask you what do you do? “I’m a consultant for a company called Isagenix. Are you familiar with it?” If YES–If NO-- continue “It’s a company that specializes in nutrition and anti-aging solutions. We have product systems that help people shed pounds, gain energy and even earn extra money. Business is booming because nowadays who isn’t looking to improve in at least one of those areas? You know what I mean?”(Pause. The key is to get them talking) Bring Down the Walls
  24. Compliment Approach “You are really good at what you do. You would be incredible in my business. Would you feel comfortable sharing your contact information with me so we could explore whether their might be a potential fit?” “I bet you get paid a lot of money for what you’re doing.” “I’m looking for people like you to partner with me in my business - those that have an entrepreneurial sprit and are self motivated.” Bring Down The Walls
  25. Referral Approach “I really respect you for what you have done in business (PAUSE).Maybe you can help me. I just started my own business and I’m looking for a few motivated people that have a burning desire to change their position in life… people that would be interested in creating an additional income stream without having to give up what they are currently doing “WHO DO YOU KNOW?” If they respond, “Well maybe I’m interested” Bring down the Walls
  26. Win/Win Approach “Hi (Prospect). Listen, I’ve recently aligned with a company that is on the cutting edge of nutrition and anti-aging technology. In fact, a recent published clinical study showed that our nutritional system outperformed the medical gold standard heart healthy diet. Health benefits including reduction in inflammatory markers, visceral fat and more were verified through MRI scans. I thought it might be worthwhile to get together and explore possible synergies between your business and mine. Would you be open to that?” If yes: Bring Down the Walls If not interested
  27. Prospecting/Connecting “I’m excited. I just started my own business. I’ve partnered with a company that is changing lives physically and financially.” “I thought of you because we could potentially work together. We could partner with each other. I would love the opportunity to share with you what makes this company and their products so unique in the marketplace.” Share your product story or cast your vision: “I’ve found an opportunity to pay cash for my children’s college tuition. I’ve lost 18 lbs. of fat. I have more energy and stamina than ever...” Bring down the walls
  28. Health Care Professionals “(Prospect) I have partnered with a company where results are not just anecdotal, but backed by rock solid science..  In fact, our cleansing and fat burning system clobbered the results of the Heart Healthy diet endorsed by most physicians and the clinical study is now published in several medical journals.   Do you happen to be familiar with Isagenix? “Well (Prospect) it’s a nutritional cleansing program designed to flush the body of toxins and then flood the body with essential nutrients.   (share your personal testimonial or a generic one)  Many _____(chiropractors, MDs, dieticians) across the country are incorporating Isagenix into their practice and helping their patients/clients achieve extraordinary results.”  This could be something that could add another stream of income for you as well.  It may or may not be something that will resonate with you, but would you be open to setting up a 20 minute phone call to explore potential synergies? If no: Not interested If yes: Set up Introductory Call
  29. Gym Owners/Personal Trainers “(Prospect) I’m sure you’re bombarded with different companies all claiming to have the best of the best nutritional line.  Believe me, I’ve heard it all before too.  But (Prospect) I’ve found something that I’m super impressed with.  Results are not just anecdotal, but backed by rock solid science.  In fact, our system clobbered the results of the Heart Healthy diet, the medical gold standard, and the clinical study is now published in several medical journals.   Do you happen to be familiar with Isagenix? (Yes Branch to Yes under Initial Contact) NO “Well (Prospect) It’s a nutritional cleansing program designed to flush the body of toxins and then flood the body with essential nutrients. Many ____(gym owners/personal trainers)across the country are incorporating Isagenix . “This could be something that could add an additional stream of income for you in addition to being a huge benefit in helping your clients attain their health goals. It may or may not be a fit for you but would you be open to setting up a 20 minute appointment or phone call to explore potential synergies?” If no: not interested If yes: Set up Introductory Call
  30. Approaching a Massage Therapist “I’ve got to talk to you about this cleanse program I just tried!  I think it would be amazing for you to offer your clients.  Massage already begins a gentle detox by releasing toxins from the lymphatic system.  Imagine if you could send each client home with a pack that could really start to cleanse the body at the cellular level and assist in releasing unwanted weight quickly.” “This could be something that could add another stream of income for you in addition to helping your clients attain optimal benefits. From a health perspective.  It may or may not be something that will resonate with you, but would you be open to setting up a 20 minute appointment or call to explore potential synergies? ” If no: Not interested If Yes: Set up Introductory Call
  31. Accessing Emails Pull up theISAdreamteam Emails found on Second Base and link to the email you wish to send from the Table of Contents. Using Your email system:   Copy the email, paste into your email and edit Name and Signature. Using MyIsagenix:   Copy only the body of the email and paste into MyIsagenix Create Email/Single Email. Address it to your prospect. It will complete the Prospects name and Your Signature. Table of Contents Table of Contents
  32. Not Interested: Initial Contact “All right that’s fine. Isagenix isn’t right for everyone and I appreciate you feeling comfortable enough to be honest with me.” “I work on referrals so if you know of anyone looking to increase energy, improve sleep, lose or gain some lbs or increase cash flow, I would love to have the opportunity to be of service. Does anyone come to mind?” End the call (No means Not now – it does not mean Not ever) Table of Contents
  33. No Answer:Leave a Message “Hi (Prospect) it’s (YOUR NAME). I have something I want to share with you. If you can give me a call back that would be great or I’ll try you again in a couple of days. Talk to you soon.” Table of Contents Back to Possible Outcomes
  34. Handling Common Questions: Initial Contact If they Can’t Book then but Want to Hear More What is it? Can you tell me more about it? I’m already taking something I like Is It Like… Is This a Pyramid Scheme? Table of Contents
  35. If they can’t book then but want to hear more: “No problem, I can call you back later. When is typically a good time to reach you?”**For Cold Market: Make sure to get their email, name and phone number. You do not have a contact unless you have their information** Handling Common Questions Table of Contents
  36. What is it?Can you tell me more about it? “Isagenixprovidess a variety of turn key nutritional systems designed to maximize health. The purpose of the 20 minute call would be to give you an overview of those different systems to determine whether or not it is something you may have an interest in.. I know you’re super busy but would that be too much ask?”(let them answer) Agree to call:Set Up Introductory Call If NOT willing to set up call: “Ok – I understand. Instead, would it make sense for me to email you some information on our solutions or do you just have no interest whatsoever? If no interest: Not Interested If interested: Determine Appropriate Email Handling Common Questions
  37. I’m already taking something I like…. “ I'm sure what you're doing is great -- and if it ain't broke, why fix it, Right? But having said that, many people use Isagenix simply as a complement to what they are already doing so as to maximize results. Now I don't know if Isagenix can help you, but if there were a way to improve upon what you’re currently doing, would you want to know about it?” YES -Set up Introductory Call If NOT willing to set up call: “Ok – I understand. Instead, would it make sense for me to email you some information on our solutions instead or do you just have no interest whatsoever?” If interested in more information: “Ok great --  I really think you'll be impressed.  Once you've reviewed the information, you can either email or call me back  to let me know whether or not this is something you wish to explore further. If I don’t hear from you I will follow up with you in a week or so. Does that sound good?” Determine Appropriate Email If no interest: Not Interested Handling Common Questions
  38. Is it like .....Advocare, Juice Plus, Vemma... “Well the biggest difference between Isagenix and other approaches is that we offer nutritional systems which work synergistically to maximize results - it’s not just a juice, a pill or a shake, but a comprehensive approach to ridding the body of toxins and replenishing the body with optimal nutrition. It may or may not be a good fit for you but are you open to setting up a 20 minute call to learn more?” YES:Set up Introductory Call If NOT willing to set up call: “Ok – I understand. Instead, would it make sense for me to email you some information on our solutions instead or do you just have no interest whatsoever?” If interested in more information: Determine Appropriate Email If no interest: Not Interested Handling Common Questions
  39. Is this a pyramid scheme? What’s your definition of a pyramid scheme? Everyone starts at the top of their pyramid. Anyone can surpass their sponsor. Posture about NWM: I love this PROFESSION If it were a pyramid scheme it would be illegal. You mean like the government, the Girl Scouts, Corporate America? Isagenix is not corporate America. Isagenix is a real opportunity for real people. The beauty of the binary is I work for you. Right below you… NO Breakaway and holdover volume Handling Common Questions
  40. Determine Appropriate Email “OK great... so I know specifically what to send, which of the following five areas would you want to improve upon most? (speak slowly)  Weight loss, Energy and Performance, Healthy Aging, Anti-aging skin care or our business opportunity?” (Let them answer) “Well, I might have the solution you have been searching for. I'll email you  information specific to ______ . I think you'll be impressed.  Once you've reviewed the information, you can either email or call me back to let me know whether or not this is something you wish to explore further. If I don’t hear from you I’ll follow up with you in the next week or so. Sound good?” Table of Contents Product information Emails
  41. Follow-up on More Information Requests “Hi (Prospect)  this is (YOUR NAME) calling.  I sent you some information in regard to Isagenix _______ (System interested) and wanted to confirm you received it.   I know you're super busy but  I just wanted to make sure I'm not dropping the ball...if you're not interested, just let me know...no big deal.  However, if you ARE interested in learning more, know I'm here and ready to share.  You can reach me at:  ___-___-____.” Table of Contents
  42. What Do you Do? Short and fun I help people get skinny and rich. What about you? What do you do for a living?” I provide solutions for people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I help people look better naked and make money doing it. I work with helping people who are serious about improving their health and wealth I show people how to build an internet based business through social media - are you on Facebook? I promote a contest that allows people who want to lose weight the opportunity to lose fat while earning money and prizes. I help people lose 2 dress sizes in 9 days. Reference Table of Contents
  43. What Do you Do? Professional I teach people how to eat for free, lose weight and inches, and decelerate aging.  How about you what do you do? What about you? I work with helping people who are serious about improving their health and wealth I help people replace pharmaceuticals with natural solutions I work with a group of scientists and doctors at an international company headquartered in Phoenix . It's leading edge nutrition for the seriously health-conscious.   I show people how to build an internet based business through social media - are you on Facebook? I work with athletes who want to lose those bricks of fat while gaining pounds of muscle. Reference Table of Contents
  44. Who Do You Know? Who needs our solutions? In this profession? - network marketer/ networker -Teacher - alternative health practitioner - nutritionist - chiropractor - veterinarian - dentist - physician - personal trainer - bodybuilder - hair stylist - esthetician - massage therapist - police officer - real estate agent secretary/ office manager Referral Reference - health-conscious - is concerned about their weight - needs deeper sleep— less stress - wants more energy - wants to make more money - is a champion - is self-motivated - is enthusiastic- is entrepreneurial - is organized - has a good telephone personality - has desire and DRIVE - is a people person - is a team player - has character and integrity - is dependable - is fun and friendly - has computer and internet skills - loves a challenge
  45. How do you Attract Business Builders Talk about the business BNI groups Post on belief in this profession Cast A BIG VISION! We get paid to endorse a product I’m looking for 10 strong business builders to come with me. Walk your new business builders through the five steps to their first five enrollments and duplicate that throughout your organization. Table of Contents Reference
  46. The Language of The Introductory Call with theISAdreamteam
  47. Table of ContentsThe Introductory Call Accessing the Introductory Call Email Objective Possible Outcomes Reminder Text, Email or VM Begin the Call, Set the Stage Additional Questions or Concerns
  48. Objective To determine the area and Level of Interest; then Schedule the 3rd party validation exposure. Table of Contents
  49. Possible Outcomes Schedule Follow up Call/3rd party validation exposure Enrollment: Proceed to Enrolling Language on 3rd base Not interested Table of Contents
  50. Send Reminder Text VM or Email “(Prospect), friendly reminder that your Isagenix introductory call is scheduled for _____ today. Can’t wait!” Table of Contents
  51. Begin the Call Set the Stage Confirm Time: “Hi (Prospect), it’s (YOUR NAME) . Thanks again for agreeing to speak with me today. As promised, this shouldn’t take any longer than 20 minutes. Is that time allotment still OK with you?” (Let them answer: if no, reschedule the call) Have them pull up the Introductory Email: “Great, are you in front of your computer? Excellent. I sent you an email with the subject line: Introduction To Isagenix. Did you receive that? (If not resend.) “Perfect, go ahead and open it up and we will refer back to that in just a moment” For Board of Directors For all Other Prospects
  52. Board of Directors “I’m really excited to share what I'm doing with you (Prospect)…and actually you’re one of the very first people I’m reaching out to. “ I thought of you because: (Group the items that fit your prospect.) It would be a dream come true for me to have you as a business partner. I’ve always admired the way you have taken such a proactive approach to health and finances. I have a lot of respect for your business acumen. I would love to get your perspective. I know how active you and your family are ~ I may have a solution that is custom made for you. You are so influential: you know everyone, and everyone loves you. Bring down the walls: “(Prospect) Please Know that as much as I would love to partner with you in my new endeavor, if this isn’t something that resonates with you, I want you to feel completely comfortable telling me no. Will you feel comfortable telling me that?” Today’s Objective
  53. Today’s Objective “As I referenced in the email, my objective today, is not necessarily for you to make a decision but just to give you a high level overview of Isagenix, and based upon our conversation, determine whether or not you have an interest in learning more. Sound good?”(Let them answer) Next
  54. Introduction “Well, let me start by telling you (Prospect) that Isagenix is a company specializing in cutting edge nutrition and anti-aging technology. We show people how to open their own wholesale, online account to purchase, what I like to refer to as, Ferrari nutrition at Ford prices. We have energy drinks, protein bars, fruits and greens, delicious fat burning chocolate (my favorite!) and more but our core product line is what I would like to focus on today and is based upon what is known as the six pillars of health.” Qualifying Question
  55. Qualifying Question “Now (Prospect) before we go into the specifics of these 6 pillars, If I asked you which of the solutions listed in this emailwould you want to improve upon the most, what would you say? (let them answer) More than One Cash Flow Product Solutions
  56. More than One “Well that’s pretty typical, I’m going to make note of that, but if you had to choose just one, which would you say is your highest priority?” ProductCash Flow
  57. Cash Flow Opportunity “Smart woman/guy! (Prospect) what makes this such a compelling income opportunity is that, in today’s day and age, it seems that everyone’s looking to improve upon at least one of those areas and there are so many struggling financially. Wealth is health. Wouldn’t you agree?” (Let them answer) Cash Flow Opportunity Continued
  58. Cash Flow Opportunity “Just like our product line provides a turn key nutritional system, we also have a turn key business opportunity with significant income potential. The compensation plan is 2nd to none.” “Simply stated, you order the products and then find two others to do the same. At that point you’re in a position to start earning. Having said that, the first step is to determine whether or not the products are something you would feel comfortable sharing with others. Does that make sense? Although you’ll want to listen to the business opportunity video contained in the email -- for the time remaining, let’s focus on the products. Would that be ok with you?” (let them answer) “As the email conveys, there are 4 different health solutions that Isagenix addresses: Which of those areas is of greatest interest to you?” (let them answer) Probing Questions
  59. Probing Questions Once they identify the solution that most resonates with them, ask questions, listen and repeat what they say to you…… What are you currently doing to address (solution they’ve chosen)? How long have you been doing (what they said)? How has that been working for you? Well (Prospect) thank you for sharing that with me. For All Product Solutions
  60. For All Product Solutions “There are a lot of nutritional and anti-aging options out there, but one of the major differentiators between Isagenix and other approaches is that they’ve developed a COMPREHENSIVE synergistic system for ______(solution they’ve chosen) and this is the reason people are having such great success. We’re going to listen to the ____ video in a minute, but before we do, let me give you a brief overview of the 6 pillars. Would that be OK?” (Let them answer) Six Pillars of Health
  61. Six Pillars of Health Our first pillar, Cleanse for Life is key for ridding the body of toxins and it is the gold standard of all cleanses. Don’t worry, it’s not a colon cleanse or a diuretic but a full body cellular, lymphatic and blood cleanse. It’s like showering the inside of your body. Our 2nd pillar is our Isalean shake which supports the body in building lean muscle and shedding unwanted pounds. It’s a full meal replacement and there is nothing you could put in your body that would give you the same level of dense nutrition per calorie. The third pillar, Ionix supreme, addresses stress andis known as the “happy drink” or “rejuvenator.” It contains a variety of Adaptogens to assist in combatting the effects of mental and physical stress. I can’t live without this stuff. Six Pillars Continued
  62. Six Pillars Continued 4 and 5. The 4th and 5th pillars are (4) our Ageless Essentials and (5) Product B. We would have to consume the equivalent of $550 worth of food per day to get the nutritional value contained in these AM and PM packets full of everything we need: resveratrol, omegas, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. 5. And the best is Product B which is all about decelerating the aging process from the DNA level. 6. And, last but not least, the 6th pillar is our Rejuvity anti-aging skin care line which nourishes and protects your skin from the inside out. Watch Video
  63. Watch Video “Now, (Prospect) because you mentioned (solution they’ve chosen) as a priority, I want to be respectful of your time and I’ve found that viewing this short video is the most effective and efficient way to present our (solution they’ve chosen) solution.” “Let's watch this short video together and afterwards I’ll answer any questions you might have and determine next steps. So go ahead and click on (Solution they’ve chosen).” Next
  64. After They Watch the Video “So (Prospect) I know that’s just a high level introduction but based on what’s been discussed thus far is this sounding like something you may be interested in learning more about?” Yes or Maybe for Product Solutions Yes or Maybe For Cash Flow Opportunity NO-Not Interested
  65. Yes or Maybe for Products “Ok great…well the best part is that our products are “Instead of”, NOT “in addition to.” You’re just trading up for better nutrition. Nutrient for nutrient we offer the best value you’ll find in the marketplace and it’s just so easy and convenient. You might be feeling a bit overwhelmed right now as it’s all so new, but Isagenix has simplified my life so much that I can’t imagine how I ever lived without it. I think we all need a shortcut to getting what we need with our food supply so depleted. Would you agree?” ”And (Prospect) It’s interesting because, most people, can tell me almost immediately how much they pay for their mortgage, rent or car loan. But what’s so fascinating is with food it’s not that way. We go to Sam’s, the corner super market, we spend a little here and there on drinks and snacks and it all adds up. (Prospect), if you don’t mind sharing, how much do think you spend per day on food? NEXT
  66. Proactively handle Cost Concerns for Product Users “Well, (Prospect), as I mentioned, Isagenixis simply a redirect of your existing food budget and you can incorporate Isagenix for as little as $5 to a maximum of $20/day depending upon your goals and objectives. Our 30 day systems replace anywhere from 30-70 meals and you can test drive these products with a 30 day money back guarantee When I was considering partnering with this company, the integrity with which they stand behind their products was the icing on the cake. Can you imagine going to the grocery store, eating 30 or more meals, taking back the empty containers 30 days later and getting a refund?” “I know you’ve heard this before, but I’ll tell you what (Prospect) this is the real deal. If you’re serious about taking control of your health and (Increasing energy and performance, losing weight and keeping it off, Aging gracefully) I’m confident, if you’ll follow this system, you will start SEEING and FEELING results within two weeks. If you don’t – send them back!” Proactively handling I need more Information
  67. Proactively handle I Need More Information Products “Now (Prospect) I realize you may have additional questions. The reality is all of the details about the products, how to tailor them to your lifestyle, the ingredients, the science behind them etc. can be found on the website and will be addressed during a 20 minute orientation call I would conduct with you should you decide to order.” “But in my opinion, the only way to truly know whether or not these products, or any products for that matter, are going to work for you is to get them into your own body. You know what I mean?”(Let them answer) Call to Action
  68. Proactively handle Cost Concerns for Business Opportunity “Well here’s the cool thing...Isagenix offers a 30 day money back guarantee so that you are afforded the opportunity to explore the business and test drive the products. The beauty of this is that the only overhead you have in this business is what you eat. For as little as $20-$40 per day depending on which products you order for yourself and your family’s personal consumption, you can start your own business with significant upside This initial investment in your health can drop down to as little as $5/day for the months moving forward.” “I know you’ve heard this before, but I’ll tell you what (Prospect), if you’re serious about taking control of your financial future, this is the real deal.” Next
  69. Proactively handle I Need More InformationFor Business Opportunity “Now I realize you may have additional questions but the first step in determining whether or not the business opportunity is the right fit for you is to open an account so that you can begin your due diligence on the products, the company, the compensation plan and our team system, not to mention anchor your position in our organizational hierarchy.” Call to Action
  70. Call to Action “ Now (Prospect) we’re running out of time today but at this point, given the money back guarantee, some people are ready to just dive right in and test drive the ______system, while others need additional information before making a decision. How about you? Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to get started today?” Additional Questions Schedule Follow Up Call No - Unwilling to Try Ready to Get started: “I love hearing that. Would you have 10-15 more minutes or so to determine which package is right for you and to get your products on the way… or do you prefer I call you back?” Schedule Follow Up Call If ready to enroll: Find Enrolling Language on 3rd Base
  71. Additional Questions or Concerns How much does it cost? How do I you use it? Need more information Do you just drink your meals? Can you Eat? Will I have to do this the Rest of My life? I’m really busy Is this a Pyramid Scheme? Reference
  72. How much does it cost?. “As I mentioned earlier, you can spend anywhere from $5-$20 per day depending upon which products you order. Remember, it is just a redirect of your existing grocery budget, but would it be helpful if I send you some purchasing options for the 3 different packages I recommend for ________?”(let them answer) “In addition to pricing, what other information might you need?” (let them answer) What else? (let them answer) Anything else? (let them answer) Schedule Follow up Call Back to Additional Questions and Concerns
  73. How do you use it? “Well (Prospect) that’s a great question. And remember the nice thing about Isagenix is that it is designed to simplify rather than complicate your life. It’s a turn key system that is easily incorporated into your lifestyle and provides flexibility.” “If you would like I can email you some specific instructions on how to use it, but here’s the deal, most people replace one or maybe two meals a day with a shake or bar. How you use it will be dependent upon your specific goals and objectives. Does that make sense? “Is there any additional information that you might need?” (let them respond) What else.....(let them respond) Anything else? (let them respond and ask again) Schedule Follow up Call Back to Additional Question or Concerns
  74. Need More Information “OK great... so I know specifically what to send, what information, specifically are you needing? Science? Ingredients? How to use it? What kind of Support will you receive? “Well, I might have the solution you have been searching for. I‘ll email you  information specific to  _______.  I think you’ll be impressed.” Schedule Follow up Call
  75. Do you just drink your meals?Can you eat? “Well that’s a common concern. But all you’re really doing is replacing one, maybe two, meals per day How you use it will be dependent upon what your goals and objectives are. Does that make sense? (let them respond) And remember the nice thing about Isagenix is that it is designed to simplify rather than complicate your life. It’s a turn key system that is easily incorporated and tailored to your lifestyle. “If you would like I can email you some specific information on the different _______ systems including instructions on how to use them. Would that help?” (let them respond) Anything else? (let them respond) What else.....(let them respond) Schedule Follow up Call Back to Additional Questions and Concerns
  76. Will I have to do this for the rest of my life? “That’s a good question and it’s important to realize that this is a nutritional system designed to fuel your body with optimal nutrition. Once your _______ goals are met, most people choose to continue on a maintenance program as a proactive way to taking charge of their health. But how you use it and how long you choose to use it is going to be entirely up to you.” “If you would like, I can email you some specific information on the different _______ systems including instructions on how to use them. Would that help?” (let them answer) “Is there any additional information that you might need?” (let them respond) Anything else? (let them respond) What else.....(let them respond) Schedule Follow up Call Back to Additional Questions and Concerns
  77. Is this a pyramid scheme? What’s your definition of a pyramid scheme? Everyone starts at the top of their own pyramid. Anyone can surpass their sponsor. Posture about NWM: I love this PROFESSION If it were a pyramid scheme it would be illegal. You mean like the government, the Girl Scouts, Corporate America? Isagenix is not corporate America. Isagenix is a real opportunity for real people. The beauty of the binary is I work for you. Right below you… NO Breakaway and holdover volume Schedule Follow up Call Back to Additional Questions and Concerns
  78. I’m really busy Perfect: busy people are great at this. They have a structured schedule. Busy is not a statement of fact but of priority. I can’t tell you how much time I save using Isagenix. I’m getting the best nutrition as fast and conveniently as possible. How much time do you think you would need? Feel, felt found: I know how you feel, I felt the same way but this Is what I’ve found. Lots of people doing this in the pockets of their lives. Is your time going towards creating leverage for your future. I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way…how would you like to change that? Schedule Follow up Call Back to Additional Questions and Concerns
  79. Schedule Follow-up Call “Great, I’m going to email you some information to better educate you on our ______ solution, and why don’t we go ahead and schedule a follow up call within the next couple of days so I can get your feedback, answer any additional questions you might have, and determine whether or not this is something you want to move forward with. How does that sound?”(Schedule the time) Permission to conference in business partner Back to Potential Outcomes
  80. Permission to Conference in Business Partner “And by the way, would it be ok if I see if my friend/business partner ____ can join us?” “I would love for you to meet her/him because he/she has had such great success with (reference your prospect’s goals). and she/he would be more qualified to answer any specific questions/concerns you might have in that area. Would that be ok?” (let them answer) Meet our Team (coming soon) Once call is scheduled: OPTIONAL: By the way, Invite to a presentation Invite to a webinar Table of Contents
  81. NO: Unwilling to try "Well (Prospect) I can't tell you how much I  appreciate your being so generous with your time.   I realize that Isagenix is not a fit for everyone, but the more people that know about what I'm doing, the better...  “(Prospect) I build my business on referrals and you may know JUST the person who is looking for me.  It would mean the world to me if you could think of anyone I might be able to help.   Does anyone come to mind?”(Let them answer.) Table of Contents
  82. Invite to a Group Presentation(For St. Louis) “We happen to have a presentation Check theISAdreamteam Calendar where you can meet some of our team and learn a bit more about the products. If interested, you can stay for an overview of the business opportunity. I know _____ can be difficult but if you could carve out an hour from ____I would love for you to join me. Do you think you might be able to make that work?”(let them answer) **It is best to meet them at a nearby coffee shop and drive together or pick them up. End the Call Table of Contents Reference
  83. Invite to a Webinar “Our team has webinars that you can watch from the comfort of your home. Would you be interested in learning more about the income opportunity or the compensation plan?” (let them answer) “The next one is theISAdreamteam Calendar . Does that work for you? Great, I will email the schedule and registration link.” Compensation Plan: 1st Tuesday of each month 7:30-8:30pm CST   Webinar   Register Here Recording of our last compensation webinar Product and Income Opportunity 3rd Tuesday of each month 7:30-8:15pm CST  Why Isagenix, Why Now Webinar  Register Here Recording of our last opportunity webinar Table of Contents Reference
  84. Follow-up on More Information RequestsCall, Vmail, Text or Email “Hi (Prospect)  this is (YOUR NAME) calling.  I sent you some information in regard to Isagenix _______ (System interested) and wanted to confirm you received it.   I know you're super busy but  I just wanted to make sure I'm not dropping the ball...if you're not interested, just let me know...no big deal.  However, if you ARE interested in learning more, know I'm here and ready to share.  You can reach me at:  ___-___-____.” Table of Contents Reference
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