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Learn about the basics of engineering and technology through interactive slides and quizzes. This activity is designed for high school students interested in engineering and the mechanical arts.

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  1. Teacher Information

  2. Target Audience • High School students (grades 9-12) that are interested in Engineering and the mechanical arts. • Students open to learn about new things

  3. Learning Environment • This activity should be done in a computer lab so each student can have a turn on their own if possible. This can be done in small groups, but individually is recommended • The working environment should be a quiet area • There should be headphones available for each student

  4. Objectives • Students should be able to identify some of the components of the engineering process. • Students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge by completing the quiz questions with an 80%+ accuracy.

  5. Engineering Design An Introduction John Teagardin

  6. If you ever want to go back a slide, press the Back button To advance to the next slide, press this Next button Home Back Next To return to the menu, press the Home button http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif Try it out! Press the Next button. How to Navigate

  7. So what is engineering anyway? • Engineering is defined as “The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures. • Engineering really is so much more than that! • Engineering was involved in everything from this computer to the shoes you are wearing and the packaging they came in! http://www.thevarguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Oracle-Sun-Channel-Partners.jpg Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  8. Well if that is Engineering, what is Technology? • Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. • When people think of technology they typically think of computers, phones, and other electronics. • This is also a misconception. Technology is any tool created for practical purposes. This can be anything from a pencil to the design of your chair! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4cUwhbTwT00/TLTRZEA-wBI/AAAAAAAAAIM/i487mmaxg3k/s1600/question_mark_guy.jpg Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  9. How Are Engineering and Technology Used? • Drafting • Prototyping • Product Design Click the topic to learn more about it! Home Screen! Lets go to the Quiz! Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  10. Drafting What is drafting? • The systematic representation and dimensional specification of mechanical and architectural structures or designs • Drafting is used to prepare a preliminary version of something • It is used to fully express the details within a technical drawing. Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  11. Types of Drafting Three view • Generally dimensioned and shows detail • The complete shape of the object should be know by looking at this drawing alone http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0214980/3viewstep4.JPG Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  12. Types of Drafting Isometric View • This is the same object in isometric, or 3D view. • It is generally used to simply show what the final object will look like • It is hard to dimension or show a lot of important details in this view http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0310106/isometricstep3.jpg Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  13. Different Line Types • Solid line • This line is used to show an edge in some fashion • Hidden (dashed) line • A hidden line is used to show a feature behind a solid surface • Center line • The center line is used to show the center of a circle or a curved surface Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  14. You’ve Talked About Dimensioning, So What is It? • Dimensioning is to mark up a drawing or sketch with measurements • This is used to convey specific information such as the size and location of the circle on this drawing to the right. http://www.maelabs.ucsd.edu/mae_guides/cad/dimensioning/Dimensioning_Fundementals_files/image002.gif Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  15. Types of Dimensions R y x x Horizontal y Vertical R Radial Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  16. Why is Dimensioning Important? Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  17. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material first? Try again? Home Review material?

  18. Application Question Which line represents a hidden feature? Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  19. B. Is correct! This is called a hidden line (or dashed line) and it shows a feature that is hidden behind another! This is the end of the section, return to the home screen to choose a new one Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  20. Prototyping What is a prototype? • A prototype is the original form or a preliminary version of something • It is not a finished product but almost a working model of the original sketches • It is an experimental model of whatever it is that you are designing Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  21. Why prototype?! • Prototyping is a cheap way to create a project or at least a preliminary representation of what the project will look like or how it will perform • Prototyping saves money because it can point out potential flaws in the design earlier • A prototype can also be used to present a product in order to raise money to create an actual version of it. Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  22. Benefits of Prototyping • Your prototype will be cheaper • A prototype can be thrown together much faster than a final product • A prototype is not meant to last but to show weak points in a Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  23. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material first? Try again? Home Review material?

  24. Application Question At what stage is prototyping used? • At the beginning of a project, after brainstorming • When a design is ready to be first tested • When the product needs to be first presented • All of the above Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  25. D. All of the Above Is correct! Prototyping can be done at virtually any stage in development depending on whether or not you need to test it for possible weaknesses or even present it! This is the end of the section, return to the home screen to choose a new one Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  26. Product Design How is a design started? • A product is designed due to customer demand or • A product is designed as a side project Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  27. Projects are not easy • Many times the customer is not happy with the product because it wasn’t made exactly how they wanted it, but they didn’t specify what they wanted close enough • That is why it is important to ask many questions before you start a project to be sure it will be exactly to specifications Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  28. How Today’s Products were created Some products are very much trial and error and several were turned down upon first being presented. Did glue used in sticky notes was a huge failure? It was supposed to be a strong glue and was later put on paper and found that it could be easily removed. It was still turned down when it was presented but was later accepted when it was seen being used around the office and made millions. Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  29. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material first? Try again? Home Review material?

  30. Application Question Is a design that does not meet customer needs usually the engineers fault? • Yes, the engineer should know what the customer wanted • No, the customer should have been more specific Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  31. A. Yes, the engineer should have known what the customer wanted Is correct! Even if the customer wasn’t specific enough, it is the job of an engineer to find out exactly what they want even when the customer doesn’t know exactly what it is! The customer is always right! This is the end of the section, return to the home screen to choose a new one Back Home Next http://novassembly.com/images/gears-animation.gif

  32. Quiz Time! You will no longer be able to use the next and back buttons, however there will still be a home button. Click to begin! Home

  33. AwwTry again! For this one make sure you read all of the answers before you choose one, but I know you can do it! You just have to Try again!! Home Review material?

  34. Question 1 Why is Prototyping important? • To point out potential flaws • To save money • To present a product early • All of the above Home

  35. D. All of the Above Is correct! Prototyping is used to point out potential flaws in the design, save money on expensive parts, and present a product, or its representation, early to a group. Next Question Home

  36. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material? Try again? Home Review material?

  37. Question 2 Upon first being presented, how successful was the sticky note? • A huge success! • They barely accepted it • It was turned down Home

  38. C. It was turned down! Is correct! Crazy to think such a widely used object such as the sticky note was not only turned down, but was created because of a failure. Cool huh? Next Question Home

  39. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material? Try again? Home Review material?

  40. Question 3 What Should the red line be? • Solid line • Center line • Hidden line Home

  41. A. Solid Line Is correct! The red line is representing a visible edge Next Question Home

  42. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material? Try again? Home Review material?

  43. Question 4 What Should the red line be? • Solid line • Center line • Hidden line Home

  44. C. Hidden Line Is correct! Simply moving that one view changes everything! Now that red line is behind a solid surface and should be represented with a hidden (or dashed) line. Next Question Home

  45. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material? Try again? Home Review material?

  46. Question 5 Which type of drafting generally has dimensions on it? • Three view • Isometric • Neither Home

  47. A. Three View Is correct! Three view drawings are often dimensioned because they can show the most information easiest. Next Question Home

  48. AwwTry again! That answer didn’t seem quite right, maybe you should view the material first? Try again? Home Review material?

  49. Question 6 What is a dimension? (in engineering drawings) • The heading and any extra information available • The orientation of the drawing • The measurements on a drawing • All of the above Home

  50. C. The measurements on a drawing Is correct! A dimension is the measurement shown on a drawing Next Question Home

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