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Teacher Information!. Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide. Fire. Pgs 277-283 in Ch.22 of Managing Our Natural Resources. Rangelands , Forests, & Fire. Students will be able to…. Explain the fire triangle and how this is used for fighting fire.

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  1. Teacher Information! • Necessary materials: • PowerPoint Guide

  2. Fire Pgs 277-283 in Ch.22 of Managing Our Natural Resources Rangelands, Forests, & Fire

  3. Students will be able to… • Explain the fire triangle and how this is used for fighting fire. • Discuss the positive and negative aspects of fire.

  4. Largest U.S. Fires • Peshtigo, 1871 • 3.8 million acres • Wisconsin & Michigan • Escaped slash fire in a hot, dry summer • Miramichi, 1825 • 3 million acres • Maine & New Brunswick

  5. U.S. Fire History • Taylor Complex—2004 • Fires in 2004 burned > 6.3 million acres in Alaska • Murphy Complex—2007 • > 650,000 acres • Largest Idaho fire in recent history

  6. Fire: Wild and “Tame” • Wildfire  any uncontrolled fire • Bush fire, grass fire, forest fire • Prescribed fire  Controlled use of fire to accomplish specific purposes

  7. Wildfire Benefits • Wildfires are a natural part of many ecosystems • Sets back succession • Some wildlife species need earlier successional forest habitat • Aids the reproduction of some conifer species

  8. Wildfire Benefits • Improves wildlife habitat • Creates open spaces for wildlife • Exposes seeds and insects • Returns nutrients to soil • Removes debris from forest floor

  9. Negative Effects of Wildfire • Pollutes streams & ponds • Kills or injures wildlife & habitat • Can effect local & state economy • Dangerous to human lives & property

  10. Prescribed Fire Benefits • Reduces fuel available for wildfire • Improves wildlife habitat • Site preparation  Reduces competition & provides suitable seedbed • Range management Improves forage quality

  11. Prescribed Fire Benefits • Most economical tool for cleaning operations in young pine stands • Disease control • Improved accessibility & visibility for timber cruising

  12. Prescribed Fire • Weather conditions must be perfect • Sufficient relative humidity • Low wind speed • Sufficient fuel loads • Maintain low heat • Should only be done by trained professionals

  13. The Fire Triangle • To produce fire, three things must be present at the same time- fuel, heat, and oxygen FUEL HEAT OXYGEN

  14. The Fire Triangle The fire triangle is like a three-legged stool. If you remove one leg, the fire goes out. heat fuel oxygen

  15. How is the triangle broken? • Some of the ways used to break the fire triangle are: • fire rake FUEL • fire flap or pine top OXYGEN • backpack water pump HEAT • tractor with a fire plow FUEL • backfire torch FUEL • airplane water bomb HEAT • prescribed burning FUEL Substance Eliminated

  16. Review • Explain the fire triangle and how this is used for fighting fire. • Discuss the positive and negative aspects of fire.

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