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Hsp. Pesach. Passover. Pascua. Prophecy. Gen 15:13 Adonai said to Avram, "Know this for certain: your descendants will be foreigners in a land that is not theirs. They will be slaves and held in oppression there four hundred years.
Hsp Pesach Passover Pascua
Prophecy Gen 15:13 Adonai said to Avram, "Know this for certain: your descendants will be foreigners in a land that is not theirs. They will be slaves and held in oppression there four hundred years. Gen 15:14 But I will also judge that nation, the one that makes them slaves. Afterwards, they will leave with many possessions.
Prophecy So did this happen? Many people will say that this was just made up? The bible is a collection of stories?
Prophecy So did this happen?
Prophecy The Bible tells us approximately 3,500 years ago, Moses parted the Red Sea and led the Israelites out of Egypt across to the other side. Then, when the Egyptian chariots crossed after them in pursuit, God caused the wheels to come off the chariots and the waters to quickly recede upon them, drowning all Pharaoh's army
Prophecy So did this happen?
Prophecy The Granite Columns of Solomon Ron Wyatt found this column lying at the edge of the water in 1978. It matches one on the other side of the gulf in Saudi Arabia which had the inscriptions intact. The Hebrew words Mizram (Egypt), death, water, pharaoh, Edom, Yahweh, and Solomon were on that column. Apparently one can conclude King Solomon had these columns erected 400 years after the miracle of the crossing of the Red Sea on dry land. Solomon's sea port was at the northern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba at Eilat (I Kings 9:26) and he was very familiar with the Red Sea crossing site, as it was in his neighborhood. The Bible even mentions this column! Isaiah 19:19, "In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its border." You can visit the beach today and see the column in person.
Prophecy The Bible account of the Exodus tells us that God caused a "strong east wind" to blow the waters back so the people could walk ten miles through the Red Sea to safety in Arabia. The crossing path is about a quarter to a half mile wide and is on a gradual slope down to the bottom of the Red Sea and then up to the Saudi beach. On either side of this path are the depths of the Red Sea, the Eilat Deep and the Aragonese Deep, each 3000 and 5000 feet deep respectively.
Prophecy The Red Sea Crossing Site Found The children of Israel lived in the Nile delta area or the land of Rameses, and first encamped at the northern end of the Gulf of Suez or Succoth at the beginning of the Exodus. This was the first point where they went into the camping mode. Then they travelled through the wilderness of the Red Sea, or what we call today the Sinai Peninsula, and encountered the Gulf of Aqaba. (I Kings 9:26 calls this the Red Sea.)
Prophecy The Red Sea Crossing Site Found When travelling through "the wilderness of the Red Sea" Ex.13:18, escaping Pharaoh's army, God told Moses to turn south, so they headed through a wadi or canyon area that is called the Wadi Watir which led to the sea. The Bible in Ex. 14:3 says, "They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in." When arriving at the beach, the children of Israel felt trapped, as they could not turn back, nor head north because at the northern end of the beach was a three story, Egyptian military fortress which is still standing today undergoing restoration. Additionally there were mountains obstructing their escape. To the south the mountains came down to the sea, as mentioned by Josephus, "For there was [on each side] a [ridge of] mountains that terminated at the sea, which were impassable by reason of their roughness, and obstructed their flight" Antiquities of the Jews, Bk. 2, 15-3. You can see the mountains at the beach today. The people were about to turn against Moses because he had led them to an area where they were trapped and would surely die, or so they thought.
Prophecy Chariot Wheels Found in the Sea at Nuweiba The Bible says the Egyptians pursued the Israelites into the opened sea. But it was a trap set by God. It says when they were fully into the crossing, "He threw the army into confusion caused the wheels of their chariots to fall off". He then caused the sea to return to its place and the entire Egyptian army was swept into the sea. Based on this account, we should find chariot parts at the bottom of the sea at the supposed crossing point, right? Above, chariot wheels fixed to axels standing at attention on the seabed
Prophecy • Now that we have beyond a shadow of a doubt proven that this event has happened. • Why did it happen? • What was it’s purpose? • Does it have an end-time purpose? • If so what is it’s end-time purpose? • We must now ask the question do we need to still do Pesach? • Is it for all people who follow the Jewish Messiah? • Or is it only for the Jew?
Pesach Lev 23:1 Adonai said to Moshe, Lev 23:2 "Tell the people of Isra'el: 'The designated times of Adonai which you are to proclaim as holy convocations are my designated times. Lev 23:3 " 'Work is to be done on six days; but the seventh day is a Shabbat of complete rest, a holy convocation; you are not to do any kind of work; it is a Shabbat for Adonai, even in your homes. Lev 23:4 " 'These are the designated times of Adonai, the holy convocations you are to proclaim at their designated times. Lev 23:5 " 'In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between sundown and complete darkness, comes Pesach for Adonai. Lev 23:6 On the fifteenth day of the same month is the festival of matzah; for seven days you are to eat matzah. Lev 23:7 On the first day you are to have a holy convocation; don't do any kind of ordinary work. Lev 23:8 Bring an offering made by fire to Adonai for seven days. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; do not do any kind of ordinary work.' "
Pesach The word Pesach appears 70 times in 66 verses
Pesach Num 9:9 Adonai said to Moshe, Num 9:10 "Tell the people of Isra'el, 'If any of you now or in future generations is unclean because of a corpse, or if he is on a trip abroad, nevertheless he is to observe Pesach. Num 9:11 But he will observe it in the second month on the fourteenth day at dusk. They are to eat it with matzah and maror,
Pesach Luk 2:41 Every year Yeshua's parents went to Yerushalayim for the festival of Pesach. Luk 2:42 When he was twelve years old, they went up for the festival, as custom required. Luk 2:43 But after the festival was over, when his parents returned, Yeshua remained in Yerushalayim. They didn't realize this; Luk 2:44 supposing that he was somewhere in the caravan, they spent a whole day on the road before they began searching for him among their relatives and friends. Luk 2:45 Failing to find him, they returned to Yerushalayim to look for him. Luk 2:46 On the third day they found him — he was sitting in the Temple court among the rabbis, not only listening to them but questioning what they said; Luk 2:47 and everyone who heard him was astonished at his insight and his responses. Luk 2:48 When his parents saw him, they were shocked; and his mother said to him, "Son! Why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been terribly worried looking for you!" Luk 2:49 He said to them, "Why did you have to look for me? Didn't you know that I had to be concerning myself with my Father's affairs?" Luk 2:50 But they didn't understand what he meant. Luk 2:51 So he went with them to Natzeret and was obedient to them. But his mother stored up all these things in her heart. Luk 2:52 And Yeshua grew both in wisdom and in stature, gaining favor both with other people and with God.
Pesach Luke 22:8-48
Pesach 1Co 5:4 In the name of the Lord Yeshua, when you are assembled, with me present spiritually and the power of our Lord Yeshua among us, 1Co 5:5 hand over such a person to the Adversary for his old nature to be destroyed, so that his spirit may be saved in the Day of the Lord. 1Co 5:6 Your boasting is not good. Don't you know the saying, "It takes only a little hametz to leaven a whole batch of dough?" 1Co 5:7 Get rid of the old hametz, so that you can be a new batch of dough, because in reality you are unleavened. For our Pesach lamb, the Messiah, has been sacrificed. 1Co 5:8 So let us celebrate the Seder not with leftover hametz, the hametz of wickedness and evil, but with the matzah of purity and truth. 1Co 5:8 Therefore let vs kepe holy day, (BISHOPS BIBLE)
Pesach Heb 11:24 By trusting, Moshe, after he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. Heb 11:25 He chose being mistreated along with God's people rather than enjoying the passing pleasures of sin. Heb 11:26 He had come to regard abuse suffered on behalf of the Messiah as greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, for he kept his eyes fixed on the reward. Heb 11:27 By trusting, he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered as one who sees the unseen. Heb 11:28 By trusting, he obeyed the requirements for the Pesach, including the smearing of the blood, so that the Destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Isra'el. Heb 11:29 By trusting, they walked through the Red Sea as through dry land; when the Egyptians tried to do it, the sea swallowed them up.
Pesach Lev 23:1 Adonai said to Moshe, Lev 23:2 "Tell the people of Isra'el: 'The designated times of Adonai which you are to proclaim as holy convocations are my designated times. Lev 23:3 " 'Work is to be done on six days; but the seventh day is a Shabbat of complete rest, a holy convocation; you are not to do any kind of work; it is a Shabbat for Adonai, even in your homes. Lev 23:4 " 'These are the designated times of Adonai, the holy convocations you are to proclaim at their designated times. Lev 23:5 " 'In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between sundown and complete darkness, comes Pesach for Adonai. Lev 23:6 On the fifteenth day of the same month is the festival of matzah; for seven days you are to eat matzah. Lev 23:7 On the first day you are to have a holy convocation; don't do any kind of ordinary work. Lev 23:8 Bring an offering made by fire to Adonai for seven days. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; do not do any kind of ordinary work.'
Pesach Exo 12:1 Adonai spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the land of Egypt; he said, Exo 12:2 "You are to begin your calendar with this month; it will be the first month of the year for you. Exo 12:3 Speak to all the assembly of Isra'el and say, 'On the tenth day of this month, each man is to take a lamb or kid for his family, one per household — Exo 12:4 except that if the household is too small for a whole lamb or kid, then he and his next-door neighbor should share one, dividing it in proportion to the number of people eating it. Exo 12:5 Your animal must be without defect, a male in its first year, and you may choose it from either the sheep or the goats. Exo 12:6 " 'You are to keep it until the fourteenth day of the month, and then the entire assembly of the community of Isra'el will slaughter it at dusk. Exo 12:7 They are to take some of the blood and smear it on the two sides and top of the door-frame at the entrance of the house in which they eat it.
Pesach Exo 12:7 They are to take some of the blood and smear it on the two sides and top of the door-frame at the entrance of the house in which they eat it. Exo 12:8 That night, they are to eat the meat, roasted in the fire; they are to eat it with matzah and maror. Exo 12:9 Don't eat it raw or boiled, but roasted in the fire, with its head, the lower parts of its legs and its inner organs. Exo 12:10 Let nothing of it remain till morning; if any of it does remain, burn it up completely. Exo 12:11 " 'Here is how you are to eat it: with your belt fastened, your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand; and you are to eat it hurriedly. It is Adonai's Pesach [Passover]. Exo 12:12 For that night, I will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both men and animals; and I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt; I am Adonai. Exo 12:13 The blood will serve you as a sign marking the houses where you are; when I see the blood, I will pass over [Hebrew: pasach] you — when I strike the land of Egypt, the death blow will not strike you. Exo 12:14 " 'This will be a day for you to remember and celebrate as a festival to Adonai; from generation to generation you are to celebrate it by a perpetual regulation.
Pesach Questions to ponder: Did Adonai write this book? Does Adonai make any errors? Is this remembrance celebration of Pesach for Jew and Gentile or only the Jew? Did Yeshua stop the Pesach or did He continue it? Is the teachings of Adonai dead at the cross and been replaced by man’s teachings? What does the word for ever mean to you?
Pesach The Last Seder Luke 22:1-20 Key Verses: Luk 22:8 Yeshua sent Kefa and Yochanan, instructing them, "Go and prepare our Seder, so we can eat." Luk 22:13 They went and found things just as Yeshua had told them they would be, and they prepared for the Seder. (How does one prepare a Seder) Luk 22:14 When the time came, Yeshua and the emissaries reclined at the table, (what was the time was it at the beginning or end)
Pesach The Last Seder Key Verses: Luk 22:17 Then, taking a cup of wine, he made the b'rakhah and said, "Take this and share it among yourselves. Luk 22:18 For I tell you that from now on, I will not drink the 'fruit of the vine' until the Kingdom of God comes." Luk 22:19 Also, taking a piece of matzah, he made the b'rakhah, broke it, gave it to them and said, "This is my body, which is being given for you; do this in memory of me." Luk 22:20 He did the same with the cup after the meal, saying, "This cup is the New Covenant, ratified by my blood, which is being poured out for you.
Pesach The Last Seder Questions: Where did Yeshua keep His lamb for 4 days? For the wine Yeshua did not say do this in memory of me. For the Matzah Yeshua said do this in memory of me, do what? Verse 20 it says the cup after the meal. So how many cups are there? Verse 20 it says a New Covenant is this true? How many Gentiles were at this Seder? When Yeshua spoke certain phrases or words do they mean something different to the Jew?
Pesach The Last Seder Questions: Verse 20 it say a New Covenant is this true? Ecc 1:9 What has been is what will be, what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Reference NEW MOON?
Pesach The Last Seder Questions: Where did Yeshua keep His lamb for 4 days? Did Yeshua break TORAH? Heaven forbid!!! Luk 22:13 They went and found things just as Yeshua had told them they would be, and they prepared for the Seder.
Pesach The Last Seder Questions: Luk 22:17 Then, taking a cup of wine, he made the b'rakhah and said, "Take this and share it among yourselves. Luk 22:18 For I tell you that from now on, I will not drink the 'fruit of the vine' until the Kingdom of God comes." Luk 22:19 Also, taking a piece of matzah, he made the b'rakhah, broke it, gave it to them and said, "This is my body, which is being given for you; do this in memory of me." Luk 22:20 He did the same with the cup after the meal, saying, "This cup is the New Covenant, ratified by my blood, which is being poured out for you. For the wine Yeshua did not say do this in memory of me. For the Matzah Yeshua said do this in memory of me, do what? Verse 20 it says the cup after the meal. So how many cups are there?
Pesach The Last Seder Questions: Where did Yeshua keep His lamb for 4 days? For the wine Yeshua did not say do this in memory of me. For the Matzah Yeshua said do this in memory of me, do what? Verse 20 it says the cup after the meal. So how many cups are there? Verse 20 it say a New Covenant is this true? How many Gentiles were at this Seder? When Yeshua spoke certain phrases or words do they mean something different to the Jew?
Pesach Exo 12:7 They are to take some of the blood and smear it on the two sides and top of the door-frame at the entrance of the house in which they eat it. Exo 12:14 " 'This will be a day for you to remember and celebrate as a festival to Adonai; from generation to generation you are to celebrate it by a perpetual regulation. H5769 עלם / עולם ‛ôlâm BDB Definition: 1) long duration, antiquity, futurity, for ever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, world At BGMC our stance on weather or not we still need to place the blood on the door that of Yeshua Adonai’s and we follow HIS example. We Believe Yeshua is the WAY. We put the blood on the door of the place where we are going to be eating the Pesach. We believe if you do not do this you are in direct disobedience to ADONAI’S Commandments.
Pesach Sh’mot 2 - INTRODUCTION TO EXODUS 2 This chapter relates the birth of Moshe, and his preservation in an ark of bulrushes, Exo_2:1. His being found by Pharaoh's daughter, took up, and put out to nurse by her, and adopted for her son, Exo_2:4, some exploits of his when grown up, taking the part of an Hebrew against an Egyptian whom he slew, and endeavouring to reconcile two Hebrews at variance, when one of them reproached him with slaying the Egyptian, Exo_2:11, which thing being known to Pharaoh, he sought to slay Moshe, and this obliged him to flee to Midian, Exo_2:15 where he met with the daughters of Reuel, and defended them against the shepherds, and watered their flocks for them, Exo_2:16, which Reuel being informed of, sent for him, and he lived with him, and married his daughter Zipporah, by whom he had a son, Exo_2:18 and the chapter is concluded with the death of the king of Egypt, and the sore bondage of the Israelites, and their cries and groans, which God had a respect unto, Exo_2:23.
Pesach Sh’mot 3 - INTRODUCTION TO EXODUS 3 In this chapter we are informed how that ADONAI appeared to Moshe in a bush on fire, but not consumed, Exo_3:1, declared unto him that he had seen and observed the afflictions of the children of Israel, and was determined to deliver them, Exo_3:7, that he gave him a call to be the deliverer of them, answered his objections to it, and instructed him what he should say, both to the elders of Israel and to Pharaoh, Exo_3:10, and assured him, that though at first Pharaoh would refuse to let them go, yet after many miracles wrought, he would be willing to dismiss them, when they should depart with great substance, Exo_3:19.
Pesach Sh’mot 4- EXODUS 4 Overview Exo_4:1, Moshes’ rod is turned into a serpent; Exo_4:6, His hand is leprous; Exo_4:10, He is loath to be sent; Exo_4:13, Aaron is appointed to assist him; Exo_4:18, Moshe’s departs from Yitro; Exo_4:20, The deliver of Israel rides a donkey Exo_4:24, Zipporah circumcises her son; Exo_4:27, Aaron is sent to meet Moses; Exo_4:29, The people believe them.
Pesach • Sh’mot 5- EXODUS 5 • Overview • Moses and Aaron are here dealing with Pharaoh, to get leave of him to go and worship in the wilderness. • They demand leave in the name of God (Exo_5:1), and he answers their demand with a defiance of God (Exo_5:2). • They beg leave in the name of Israel (Exo_5:3), and he answers their request with further orders to oppress Israel (Exo_5:4-9). These cruel orders were, • Executed by the task-masters (Exo_5:10-14). • Complained of to Pharaoh, but in vain (Exo_5:15-19). • Complained of by the people to Moses (Exo_5:20, Exo_5:21), and by him to God (Exo_5:22, Exo_5:23).
Pesach Sh’mot 6- EXODUS 6 Overview Exo 6:1 Adonai said to Moshe, "Now you will see what I am going to do to Pharaoh. With a mighty hand he will send them off; with force he will drive them from the land!" Exo 6:2 God spoke to Moshe; he said to him, "I am Adonai. Exo 6:3 I appeared to Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya`akov as El Shaddai, although I did not make myself known to them by my name, Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh (י ה ו ה ) [Adonai]. י ה ו ה
Pesach Sh’mot 6- EXODUS 6 Overview Exo 6:3 I appeared to Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya`akov as El Shaddai, although I did not make myself known to them by my name, Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh (י ה ו ה ) [Adonai]. Exo 6:3 וארא אל־אברהם אל־יצחק ואל־יעקב באל שׁדי ושׁמי יהוה לא נודעתי להם׃ י ה ו ה
Pesach Sh’mot 7- EXODUS 7 Blood! Dam Waters Turned to Blood The first of the judgments was upon the waters of Egypt. The Nile was the highway of this ancient land, as it still is today. Not only was the Nile turned to blood, but the other waters of the land were as well, even the water that was drawn for use in the houses in wooden and stone jars. For seven days the whole land was in horror, with dead fish and a stench from the river. Osiris (Asar, Wesir, Ausar, Unnefer) A god of the earth and vegetation, Osiris symbolized in his death the yearly drought and in his miraculous rebirth the periodic flooding of the Nile and the growth of grain. He was a god-king who was believed to have given Egypt civilization.
Pesach Sh’mot 7- EXODUS 7 Frogs! Tz'far-day-ah, One of the principal goddesses of the land was Hekt , the wife of the creator of the world, who was always shown with the head and the body of a frog. Hekt: She is one of the most ancient Egyptian divinities and was midwife at the birth of the sun, she continues each day to help it into the sky. Her name means "great magician" and she is represented by a frog-headed woman. Hekt represents the embryonic grain that dies, rots, and then sends forth roots and sprouts to begin life anew. It was she who gave all people life by touching the lifeless humans at the original creation with the ankh, causing them to breathe and move.
Pesach Plagues Kinim (Lice/gnats) All: "And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Say unto Aaron: "Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust of the earth, that it may become lice throughout all the Land of Egypt.’" (Exodus 8:12-13) Gnats! Ki-neem, The Hebrew word comes from a root meaning to dig; it is probable t that the insect was one which digs under the skin of men. This was an embarrassment to their great god of the earth, Geb, to whom they gave offerings for the bounty of the soil. He is usually shown as a man wearing either the crown of the North or of the South. Added is either the Atef crown or a goose. The goose was a sacred animal to Geb, as such he was sometimes called "The Great Cackler" It was said that Geb's laughter was the source of earthquakes. Other images show him lying underneath his wife (Nut, goddess of the sky) and his father (Shu, god of the air). He reclines on one elbow with a knee and arm in the air. In this way he symbolized the valleys and hills of the land, which was called "The House of Geb." He is shown either as a dark or green skinned man (the colors of life, the soil of the Nile and vegetation, respectively) with leaves on his skin.
Pesach Plagues Swarm - The Scarabs The fourth of the plagues were "swarms" ("of flies" is not in the original). The word is `arob , a swarm, possibly suggesting incessant motion. The deification of the scarab beetle is still conspicuous - even today - in the jewelry and artifacts celebrating ancient Egypt. Amon-Ra , the king of the gods, had the head of a beetle. Some of the giant scarabs were even accorded the honor of mummification and entombment with the Pharaohs. This is particularly bizarre since the scarab is actually a dung beetle. The insect is about the size of a nickel and feeds on dung in the fields or the side of the road.
Pesach Plagues Dever, Disease to Livestock! The fifth plague was against the domestic animals of Egypt, and thus Apis, the bull god, and the cow-headed Hathor, goddess of the deserts. Hathor (Het-hert) Symbols: cow, lioness, falcon, cobra, hippopotamus, sistrum, musical instruments, drums, pregnant women, mirrors, cosmeticsCult Center: Dendera The horned cow-goddess of love, she was also the deity of happiness, dance and music, and a protector of women. She is depicted as a cow, as a woman with the head of a cow, or as a woman with who wears the stylized cow-horns which hold in them the solar disk. Her symbols also included the papyrus reed, the snake and a rattle called a sistrum.
Pesach Plagues Sh'cheen, Boils! The sixth wonder was manifested against the bodies of men. The plague of shechiyn , translated "boils",9 may hide something more terrible. The root means "burning," and the same word can be translated as leprosy,10 and as the Egyptian botch,11 which was declared to be incurable. Among the gods to which cures would have been ascribed were Thoth, the ibis-headed god of intelligence and medical learning, and Apis, Serapis and Imhotep . Thoth was believed to have filled many roles in the world of the gods. It was believed that he invented writing and was the vizier and official scribe of the afterworld. The Book of the Dead was written by him. He and Ma'at were believed to stand on either side of Re in his boat as he (as the Sun) traveled across the sky. It was thought that they also may have directed the course that the boat took. It was widely believed that Thoth invented the magical and hermetic arts, and thus the Tarot deck is frequently referred to as the "Book of Thoth" He was associated with the moon; as the sun vanished, Thoth tried to dispel the darkness with his light.
Pesach Plagues Barad, Hail! Egypt is a sunny land with virtually no rain. The seventh wonder was a tempest of hail and fire.12 Where was Shu, the wind god? And Nut, the sky goddess? Where was Horus , the hawk-headed sky god of upper Egypt? Shu His name means "dry, parched, withered." He was asssociated with the heat of the sunlight and the dryness of the air. Shu considered the god of the space and light between the sky and the earth. Shu was believed to also hold power over snakes and he was the one that held the Ladder the deceased used to climb to heaven. As Lord of the Air or Atmosphere, it was Shu's duty to seperate his children: the sky (the goddess Nut) and the earth (Nut's husband, Geb). His eternal occupation was holding Nut up above Geb. It was said that if he ever was removed from his place, Chaos would come to the Universe. Many images show him holding up his daughter, while his son reclines beneath him.
Pesach Plagues Ar-beh, Locusts! earlier plagues may have been separated by extended intervals, but the eighth plague followed immediately on the heels of the seventh: locusts came upon the land. Every twig and leaf that had somehow escaped the hail and fire was now taken by the locusts. Where was Nepri, the grain god? Where was Ermutet, goddess of childbirth and crops? Where was Anubis , the jackal-headed guardian of the fields? Renenutet was a protective snake-goddess whose role evolved in unexpected ways over time. Originally, she guarded the king and later the farmers' harvests. She was depicted as a raised cobra with the sun disk and horns on her head, or two tall feathers and the solar disk. Alternately, Renenutet was shown as a woman with a snake's head, sometimes nursing her son Nepri. While it may seem odd to modern people to personify a protective deity as a poisons' snake, the ancient Egyptians saw it in a different way. By appealing to a dangerous animal, the snake used its powers for the benefit of the people. Plus, the Egyptians undoubtedly noticed that beneficial snakes ate rats, birds and other vermin that threatened their crops in the field and in the granaries.
Pesach Plagues Cho-shech Darkness! Where was Ra, god of the sun? The sun god of Annu (Heliopolis, near modern-day Cairo), he became a state deity in the Fifth Dynasty. Some traditions made him the creator of men, and the Egyptians called themselves "the cattle of Re". His name is thought to mean "creative power", and as a proper name "Creator". Very early in Egyptian history, Re was identified with Horus, who as a falcon-god represented the loftiness of the skies. He was represented as a hawk-headed man or as a hawk. A combination of the two, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, "Re, who is Horus of the Horizons" showed the two as manifestations of the singular Solar Force. Re was the father of Shu and Tefnut, grandfather of Nut and Geb, great-grandfather of Osiris, Seth, Isis, Nephthys and great-great-grandfather of Horus. Seeing as that the sun was a fire, the Egyptians believed that in order to travel through the waters of heaven and the underworld, one required a boat and so Re traveled in one. In the day, the boat was a great galley known as "Madjet" ("becoming strong") that rose in the east from behind "Manu" the mountain of sunrise and passed between two sycamores. As the sun set the boat Re used was a small barge called "Semektet" ("becoming weak").
Pesach Plagues Makat B’chorot (Slaying of the Firstborn) The jackal-god of mummification, he assisted in the rites by which a dead man was admitted to the underworld. Anubis was worshipped as the inventor of embalming and who embalmed the dead Osiris and thereby helping to preserve him that he might live again. Anubis is portrayed as a man with the head of a jackal holding the divine sceptre carried by kings and gods; as simply a black jackal or as a dog accompanying Isis. His symbol was a black and white ox-hide splattered with blood and hanging from a pole. It's meaning is unknown. Anubis had three important functions. He supervised the embalming of bodies. He received the mummy into the tomb and performed the Opening of the Mouth ceremony and then conducted the soul in the Field of Celestial Offerings. Most importantly though, Anubis monitored the Scales of Truth to protect the dead from deception and eternal death. Early in Egyptian history, Anubis was a god of the dead. This role was usurped by Osiris as he rose in popularity.
Pesach Sh’mot11- EXODUS 11 Moses having an intimation from the Lord that one plague more would be brought on Pharaoh, and then he would let Israel go, when they should borrow of their neighbors jewels of gold and silver, the people being in great favor with the Egyptians, Exo_11:1, he declares to Pharaoh, before he went out of his presence, the slaying of all the firstborn in Egypt, which would issue in the dismissing of Israel, and then he went out from him in great anger, Exo_11:4, but still Pharaoh would not hearken, and his heart was hardened, and he refused again to let Israel go, Exo_10:9. י ה ו ה
Pesach Sh’mot12- EXODUS 12 This chapter begins with observing, that the month in which the above wonders were wrought in Egypt, and the following ordinance appointed to the Israelites, should hereafter be reckoned the first month in the year, Exo_12:1 on the tenth day of which a lamb here described was to be taken and kept till the fourteenth, and then slain, and its blood sprinkled on the posts of the houses of the Israelites, Exo_12:3, the manner of dressing and eating it is shown, Exo_12:8 and the reason of the institution of this ordinance being given, Exo_12:12, and an order to eat unleavened bread during seven days, in which the feast was to be kept, Exo_12:15, directions are also given for the immediate observance of it, and particularly about the sprinkling of the blood of the lamb, and the use of it, Exo_12:21, and this ordinance, which they were to instruct their children in, was to be kept by them in succeeding ages for ever, Exo_12:24 about the middle of the night it was first observed, all the firstborn in Egypt were slain, which made the Egyptians urgent upon the Israelites to depart in haste, Exo_12:28 and which they did with their unleavened dough, and with great riches they had borrowed of the Egyptians, Exo_12:34, the number of the children of Israel at the time of their departure, the mixed multitude and cattle that went with them, their baking their unleavened cakes, the time of their sojourning in Egypt, and of their coming out of it that night, which made it a remarkable one, are all particularly taken notice of, Exo_12:37, laws and rules are given concerning the persons that should partake of the passover, Exo_12:43 and the chapter is concluded with observing, that it was kept according to the command of God, and that it was on the same day it was first instituted and kept that Israel were brought out of Egypt, Exo_12:50. י ה ו ה
Pesach Sh’mot 13- EXODUS 13 This chapter begins with an order to sanctify or set apart the firstborn of man and beast to the Lord, Exo_13:1 and the people of Israel are charged to keep the feast of unleavened bread in its season, from year to year, when they came into the land of Canaan, the reason of which they were to acquaint their children with, Exo_13:3 and they are also directed, when come into the land of Canaan, to set apart every firstling of a beast unto the Lord, and particularly the firstling of an ass was to be redeemed with a lamb, or its neck to be broke, and all the firstborn of men were to be redeemed also, Exo_13:11, and when their children inquired the reason of it, they were to be told it was on account of the Lord's slaying the firstborn of men and beast among the Egyptians, when Pharaoh would not let Israel go, and of saving the firstborn of his people, Exo_13:14, and it is observed, that when the children of Israel went out of Egypt, they were not led by the nearest way, the way of the land of the Philistines, but a round about way, the way of the wilderness of the Red sea, when they took the bones of Joseph with them, as he had adjured them to do, Exo_13:17, and the chapter is concluded with an account of their journeying from Succoth to Etham, the Lord going before them in a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night, Exo_13:20. י ה ו ה