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“All Politics is Local”. Local Government Unit Glacier Peak High School. Local Government in the USA. To Govern: Lead, Guide, Rule, Command, which term do you like? Which is closer to your experience? Many styles of Governments exist at the three levels, Federal, State, and Local.
“All Politics is Local” Local Government Unit Glacier Peak High School
Local Government in the USA • To Govern: Lead, Guide, Rule, Command, which term do you like? • Which is closer to your experience? • Many styles of Governments exist at the three levels, Federal, State, and Local.
Federalism • The concept of a nation composed of states which voluntarily come together under a national government. Each state takes care of certain things, leaving other things to the national (federal) government.
JURISDICTION*Who’s job is that? Or from the latin“law pronouncer”Fred makes the rules for his house, how about your house?No that’s your job.Who makes the rules for Monroe or Everett?That’s their job, you and Fred stay out of it.Snohomish county voters elect a council to make our county’s ordinances ( laws)King or Skagit county can’t make our rules and vice versaNext the State of Washington Legislature makes law for all the counties of the state.Finally back in Washington DC we have congress who makes law that covers every state, every county, city, town, household, and person.
ReviewHow many layers of government ?Name them, starting from biggest.Could some of you have more levels of government than others?Why or why not?
National Government Styles • Dictatorship- Strong man-(ruler gives orders) • Theocracy- Holy Book provides law (“god” rules) • Democracy- Rule by the People (people rule) • Monarchy- King or Queen & family rule • Oligarchy- Group Rule (rule by committee) • Anarchy- No government (really a phase) • Republic- Elected persons rule under law (constitution)
What is the USA?We are a Federal Republic.Our government is described in and made legal, by our constitution.That document dates from the 1780’s.The powers of government are assigned and limited by that document. You have heard of amendments to the constitution. In over 220 years, we have changed it only 27 times.
How is the US Organized? 50 statesWhich are mini nations Each State has counties and cities of various sizes Counties duplicate State and federal government branches. Legislative=Council Executive= County Executive Judicial= Lower courts • State governments look much like the Federal Government. • All have 3 parts • Legislative (Congress/State legislature) • Executive= (President/Governor) • Judicial (Supreme Court/State Supreme Court)
So….. A quick reviewOne Federal Government in Washington DC,50 State Governments all across North America,The states placed themselves under that authority.Hundreds of County Governments, Dozens per state.ALL SHARING THE 3 BRANCH MODELLEGISLATIVEEXECUTIVEJUDICIAL
The Foundation of our Republic,Local Government1)You and I as Citizens,Agree to follow the Laws and Pay our Taxes or pay the penalty.
2)Households,Hold land by Rent or Ownership.Mom/Dad are Legislature, Executive and Judicial. (in the eyes of the law)Households job is to raise kids whoknow their Responsibilities and Rights.Schools? Next section
3)CommunitiesTheir job is to take care of local needs.Schools, Fire Protection, Water, Etc.The lowest actual codified law is at the community level. Heard of Neighborhood Covenants?House Paint? Cars under Tarps?How many Chickens can you have?This is the stuff of Local Government.Stories from your ‘hood?
Special Cases (4.Districts)Snohomish School Dist # 201In which fire district do you reside?Districts are usually for a single purpose ie, parks, drainage, sewer, water. Can you name other DISTRICTS?When you go to a Baseball Game can you sue if you get hit by a hit ball?Why or why not?
Districts are a function of Geography.You decide where to live and travel.Where you live decides what set of rules you live under. When can I have a fire in my yard?Do I need to smog test my car?Can I split my land into 4 lots to sell?Local Government makes the call on these questions and lots more.
5)Citiesare classified into categories by sizeduhSome cities are like states, ie New York, Chicagosome are more like neighborhoods, ie Sultan, Snohomish
City Government Types Strong Mayor (Traditional) Strong Council (City Manager) Council sets Policy, Appoints Department Heads, acts as Legislative Branch. Mayor is member of City Council, job may rotate. May not have enough cases for a court, so cases handled by county courts. City Manager hired to run day to day operations. • Council advises mayor, acts as legislative body (passes ordinances) • Mayor is full time Executive, appoints department heads, Runs city day to day. • Municipal Courts handle traffic and minor criminal cases.
6)COUNTIESThese are the largest of the local governments.(any bigger and you’d be a state)
How are Counties Organized?There are two main styles of county government County Council Model Commissioner Model Commissioners run for position by district, Are legislature and executive branch in one. Courts are like other model. Smaller counties use this model. • Council Elected by District, Functions as Legislature. • Separate County Executive elected by whole county. • Courts run by County, with elected Judges. • Snohomish County uses this model.
Now you have an idea of how local governments fit in with the big picture. BUT………What do Counties and cities do?Couldn’t we just let the state or Federal government do it all?
Local government has so many responsibilities that it’s easier to look at what local government doesn’t do.Can you name 5 things local government doesn’t do?
Local Governments don’t……..Control armies or naviesPrint Money or StampsNegotiate treaties with other landswrite criminal law, build prisons,regulate tradeorchase smugglers
So what do we get for our tax $?Counties provide roads, bridges, courts, jails, county health workers, the Sheriff’s department, a county courthouse for records to be recorded, a county accessor to see that tax values are fairly assigned.They also staff planning and land use boards to help organize growth and make sure roads and ditches get built where people are living.
REVIEW- COUNTY SERVICESWhat does the Sheriff do?Traffic, Criminal Investigations, Courts, jail.What about roads? Signs, stripes, Speed limitsCounty Roads Department.How about Health? Disease statistics, Immunizations, Food handlers permits,Who inspects restaurants? The health department.Records like Births, Marriages, Deeds? The County Clerk. Land use rules like zoning? The County Planning Commission.And counties supervise elections!
Each County has Commissions and Boards to run and regulate our lives.Examples are groups which monitor and regulate drainage, noxious weeds, air quality, and general planning of land use. To get on a commission you must run and be elected. To get on a board, you may be appointed by elected officials.
What about towns and cities?Think county and you’ll be close.Many cities have duplicates of county services like police, courts, and road crews.Cities commonly provide more personal services such as water, garbage collection, fire protection, and sewer treatment.
District Level GovernmentThis level is the closest to you and me on a daily level.Districts are small geographic areas that lump together in order to tax the people to provide for a specific service.Can you name 5 district types?
DISTRICTSSchool Districts,Water Districts,Fire protection, Libraries, Parks, Drainage, Sewer, Flood control, Regional Air Quality, Noxious weed control, and Electrification districts among others.
How does all this affect me?You want to buy a home. Your dream house??Check the school district. What’s the sales tax? What water system are they on?Nearest hydrant? Do they fix the streets?What about the police and fire? Do they staff paramedics? EMT’s, taxi drivers?Can we get a building permit to build a home or business? What is the minimum lot size? Are we on sewers or septic tanks? How many bedrooms can I have?
All Districts have…. • A specific geographic area to serve. • A specific purpose to exist. (limited jurisdiction) • A Board of Commissioners as Administration. • Employees to do the work. • Taxation authority from the state or county. • Regularly scheduled Public meetings & Elections.
Homework • Visit the Snohomish county council website and locate the who represents you search box. • Enter your street address without using words ie 1234 55 For each of 11 Districts that cover you, find your Dist #. A handout will list the districts to name.
REVIEW CONTINUED Counties are divided up into many types of subunits called districts. The word district has two meanings: 1.Districts may refer to elections districts divided up so that each citizen has equal population and representation. ie Legislative districts, or County Council districts. 2.Special Service Districts cover one thing for that small area, like Fire or Water Districts.
Yep, More Review Districts have elected officials (Commissioners) They set policy and rules for that geographic area. ie, how should we best provide fire protection for farmland vscul de sacs or high-rise apartments? Districts have taxation authority to add to your property tax to pay for the service (schools)or to bill you directly (water).