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Results Based Planning & Budgeting of National Health Programs in Vietnam

Results Based Planning & Budgeting of National Health Programs in Vietnam. Vietnam 20 May 2009. An Analytical Costing and Budgeting Approach and Toolkit for Health Service Planning & Management. Recent progress & MBB Applications.

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Results Based Planning & Budgeting of National Health Programs in Vietnam

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  1. Results Based Planning & Budgeting of National Health Programs in Vietnam Vietnam 20 May 2009 An Analytical Costing and Budgeting Approach and Toolkit for Health Service Planning & Management

  2. Recent progress & MBB Applications • Asia-Pacific Investment Case for MNCH launched at May ADB organized Finance Ministers mtg in Bali 11 Country Specific Strategic Analysis in Asia prepared for All Asia Rep’s meeting UNICEF Development of sub-national investment cases in 5 Asia-Pacific countries with support of UQ and regional academic institutions • IHP+ Compact Development in Nepal, Ethiopia, Zambia, Mali, Rwanda, Madagascar, Mozambique with World-Bank and WHO • Costing of Health System Strengthening to achieve health Related MDG’s in 49 LDC’s for High Level Task Force on Innovative Financing of Health System Strategies by UNICEF- World Bank-UNFPA-PMNCH • Inter-agency working group on harmonization of costing tools (World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS, PMNCH)

  3. Shifting Production of Health

  4. Steps in Results-Based Planning & Budgeting Step 1: Analyzing Health Systems & Epidemiology to Prioritize High Impact Intervention Packages for each national program Step 2: Analyzing supply & demand Bottlenecks + selecting strategies to increase effective Coverage with each national program Step 5: Budgeting and analyzing Fiscal Space for each national program Step 3: Estimating Impact on MDGs 1b,4,5,6 Step 4: Estimating Marginal Cost

  5. Inputs (health & WSS inputs) to release Bottlenecks Health Output MDGs Outcome 1 Essential drugs commodities, safe water system, and/or human resources etc. Availability ∆Cof health & nutrition interventions delivered by Family/Community Support for community meeting, inputs for a mobile team, construction of health post etc. Impact on MDG health indicators: Reduction in U5MR and MMR Accessibility ∆Cof health & nutrition interventionsdelivered by Outreach team Drugs and supplies, subsidies for insurance for referral care per user etc. Utilization Demand side subsidy, performance-based incentives for health workers, doctors, and IEC inputs etc. ∆Cof health & nutrition inter-ventionsdelivered by Clinics/Hospitals Continuity Cost of removing bottlenecks to achieve certain MDG target Training, supervision and monitoring of community mobilizers, primary and referral clinical care etc. Quality Aggregate cost of inputs Linking Flow of Funds to Impacts by applying the Tanahashi Model

  6. National program interventions in MBB • Malaria: ITN, IRS, ACT • Tuberculosis: DOTS, retreatment, MDR tr. • AIDS: condoms, PMTCT, Cotrim.,ARV, STI • Immunization: Penta; Measl, Pneumo, Rota • Nutrition: Breast + Complementary feeding; Micronutrients, Therapeutic feeding • Reproductive health: Family Planning, Skilled Birth Att., ANC+, EmONC • Leprosy:…………………….

  7. Nutrtion program Bottlenecks

  8. Immunization Program Bottlenecks

  9. Reproductive health Program Bottlenecks

  10. HIV/AIDS Program Bottlenecks

  11. Immunization Program Bottlenecks

  12. Reproductive health program Bottlenecks

  13. Malaria program Bottlenecks

  14. MDG Impact + Additional Cost Estimates

  15. Integrating the Planning-Budgeting Process Immunization Financial Sustainability Plans MBB simulation tools MTEF Malaria Program Costing HIV/AIDS Program Costing IMCI, Reproductive Health Safe Pregnancies Annual Budget

  16. Budgeting the National Programs

  17. Fiscal Space for National Programs

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