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Introduction:. In India, there are around 4,000 varieties of rice cultivated based on the weather, soil, structure, characteristics and purposes. Since 1965, around 600 improved varieties of Indica rice have been released for cultivation.

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  1. Introduction: In India, there are around 4,000 varieties of rice cultivated based on the weather, soil, structure, characteristics and purposes. Since 1965, around 600 improved varieties of Indica rice have been released for cultivation. Certain types of rice are grown in specific regions like Basmati Rice is grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, ‘Sona Masuri’ in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, ‘Molakolukulu’ in Andhra Pradesh, ‘Patna Rice’ in Bihar and ‘Ambe Mohor’ in Maharashtra. Other popular varieties of rice are Pusa Basmati, R-24, Emergency, Champa rice1034, I.R.64, Ponni Rice, Sujatha and Raja Hansa.

  2. Rice Nursery Rice Nursery

  3. Desired Characteristics • Quality of Rice: the quality of rice in demand in various regions varies depending on the taste of the people. Long grained, short grained, fragrant, non fragrant, sticky or non sticky varieties are preferred in various regions. It is necessary to study the market trend before selecting the cultivar to be produced in a nursery. • Yield: Varieties which produce good quality seeds in large quantities must be selected. • Planting Season: Demand for Cultivars change with season of planting. Care should be taken to choose varieties which produce high yields in the respective planting seasons.

  4. Desired Characteristics • Disease and Pest Resistance: Variety selected must be resistant to various pest and disease attacks prevalent in the area. A detailed survey of the geographical area around nursery and market should be undertaken to understand the major attacking pests. • Resistance to water stress conditions: Depending on the season of planting the selected varieties must tolerate to stressful conditions like water logging etc • Tolerance to salinity or alkalinity: Selected variety must be well suited to soil profile of the area. Production and yield should be least affected by soil conditions like salinity, alkalinity etc.

  5. Recommendations: Considering the list of criteria to be considered before selecting a certain variety for nursery production, a list of recommendations of variety suiting different agro-climatic zones in India as well as Maharashtra have been enlisted further. This list could simplify the selection process for the nursery men and also give an idea about the varieties recommended in the perticular agro climatic zone.

  6. Region wise Recommendations for Maharashtra

  7. Season-wise recommendations for Maharashtra

  8. Popular Rice Varieties in Maharashtra • .

  9. State wise hybrids Rice released in India.

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