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Emerging Good Practice in Managing for Development Results. Source book. Third Edition A unique opportunity to experience MfDR in action!. Leadership and MfDR. The Sourcebook is a product of the OECD/DAC Joint Venture on MfDR & the World Bank

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  1. Emerging Good Practice in Managing for Development Results Sourcebook Third Edition A unique opportunity to experience MfDR in action!

  2. Leadership and MfDR • The Sourcebook is a product of the OECD/DAC Joint Venture on MfDR & the World Bank • First edition: illustrates how countries and donor agencies are managing for results at different levels: national, sector and agency • Second edition: highlights how MfDR works for various audiences: political decision makers, technical practitioners, the private sector and NGOs • Third edition: focuses on the nexus between leadership and results • Cases are nominated that: “Provide examples of an action or chain of actions that ignited a change process within and possibly beyond an organization that is sustainable and easily replicable, and that leads to a focus on Results”

  3. Selected Cases • Agence Francaise de Developpement - The challenge of Accountability for a bilateral donor • Afghanistan - Minister Ehsan Zia for his role with the National Solidarity Programme • Brazil Ceara - The Practice of MfDr at the Subnational Level • Cambodia - Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority • Chile - Management for Results Leader • Colombia - Case Study for Results by President Alvaro Uribe Velez • Development Gateway Foundation – The role of improved aid management in strengthening country systems Government of Ethiopia and Tanzania • Guinea Bissau and D.R. Congo – Mr. Claude Kakule Mukanda, former Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for UN WFP Guinea Bissau and D.R. Congo as a “Results Leader” • International Fund for Agricultural Development – MfDR at Corporate, Country and Project level • Kenya – Rapid Results Initiatives in Kenya • Morocco – Morocco’s strategy to strengthen basic health care services via regional empowerment • Mozambique – Aga Khan Foundation Canada • Niger - Results chain of the Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program • Pakistan – National Highways and Motorway Police • Sri Lanka – Mrs Dhara Wijayatilake as a Results Leader • Honduras* - Leadership of President Manuel Zelaya Rosales in MfDR • Madagascar* - Mr. Marc Ravalomanana President of the Republic of Madagascar • Moldova* - Hope for Life, Coping with HIV/AIDS • Yemen* - Ministry of Health and Population: RRA

  4. Distribution of Cases

  5. Format and Planning • Executive Summary • Introduction and Definition of MfDR • Leadership Principles and Literature Review • Case studies • Conclusions June 20: Deadline for receipt of supplemental case information July 8: Draft executive summary, introduction, leadership chapter and conclusion August 3: Finalize draft for printing September 1: First draft of the Third Sourcebook circulated at Accra HLF

  6. Information and Contact Information: www.MfDR.org Elizabeth Ashbourne: eashbourne@worldbank.org Ingwell Kuil: ikuil@worldbank.org Daphne Leger: dleger@worldbank.org

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