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University’s strategy for recruitment to science. Kenneth Ruud Prorector for research and development. Bachelor/Master studies. Provide the students with relevant background knowledge , ideally broad in scope Introduction to research ethics and research methodology
University’sstrategy for recruitment to science Kenneth Ruud Prorector for research and development
Bachelor/Master studies • Provide the students with relevant background knowledge, ideally broad in scope • Introduction to research ethics and research methodology • Possibility of more integration of education and research
Learning research methodologyThe PhD degree • Provide you with a detailed training in the scientific method • Provide you with expert knowledge in a limited field • Develop skills in how to find new knowledge • Using existing literature • Using your own skills • Learning to use other people’s skills • Produce high-quality scientific results • Provide you with a suitable set of complementary skills
Broadening your horizonThe postdoc years • You should: • Broaden your scientific profile • Travel to a different group, ideally abroad • Create new networks • Publish • Supplement still missing skills, in particular applying for research funding/review processes/supervision skills • We as an institution should: • Provide high-level specialization training • Broaden the horizons of our own research group/environment • Help contribute to the independence of our postdocs • Assist our PhD students in finding suitable postdoc hosts • COFUND • Marie Sklodowski-Curie • NFR • Mentor’s postdoc funding
Creating an independent scientific career • The weakest point in the Norwegian funding system • How do we fund the need to test scientific independence? • New measures are coming: • Innstegsstillinger • Ungeforskertalenter • ERC Starting/Consolidating Grants • More active recruitment of research talents by the University (but how?) • COFUND? • A frequent comment in evaluations of Norwegian research: Lack of mobility
Developing the scientific career • Universities can/should help develop the scientific career of staff members • Mentoring • Performance reviews • Science is largely a group effort, the Universities must build structures that support this • Need to be clearer on the capacity we need for research in different domains • Help identify and combat “invisible” obstacles to furthering scientific careers
The Norwegian academic funding ladder ERC AdG FRIPRO Forskerprosjekt ERC Starting/Consolidator Grants Ungeforskertalenter Innstegsstilling/forsker Postdoc abroad (COFUND) PhD studies
Big questions in temporary appointments • Rindal-report: • Researcher-driven vs. Strategically driven research. • Qualificationprinciple vs. priority to existing staff members • Difficultprocesses for terminatingworkcontracts • The use of external funding to improve scientific quality • Each researcher his/her own research manager • If we hire more staff members in permanent positions based on external funding, do we get two different classes of researchers? • The division of work between university sector and applied research institutes? • The amount of research based on university funding almost exclusively based on the study choices of students • We an evaluation of the societal need for competence (the need for education) and the societal need for research capacity in different scientific disciplines)
The university recruitment considerations • Need to find the best people to develop the institution as a whole • Good balance between building on expertise and scientific renewal • Challenge: permanent vs. temporary employment • Open calls vs. targeted calls • Open recruitments vs. targeted recruitment • Large part of decisions delegated to faculties • (and departments)