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Hydroponics. Hydroponics. The growing of plants in a solution of nutrients necessary for plant growth, rather than directly in soil. Substrate. the substance in which something takes root. General Facts:. any plant can be grown in a hydroponics system

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  1. Hydroponics

  2. Hydroponics • The growing of plants in a solution of nutrients necessary for plant growth, rather than directly in soil.

  3. Substrate • the substance in which something takes root

  4. General Facts: • any plant can be grown in a hydroponics system • almost any system will produce acceptable growth

  5. General Facts; • small scale is entirely different from the culture of several thousand plants • has contributed much to understanding plant growth

  6. General Facts: • Very few commercial producers • Most facilities are experimental, studying plant nutrition

  7. Different Names: • nutriculture • solution culture • slop culture • gravel culture

  8. Requirements for home hydroponics • best possible light • humidity 50% or more • day temp 75 degrees • night temp 65 degrees

  9. Requirements for home hydroponics • no need for special drainage system • small scale, outstanding plants such as tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, carnations, roses, cabbage etc. produced

  10. Requirements for home hydroponics • return is not sufficient for a hobbyist to earn a living.

  11. Facts about hydroponic growing • plants don’t do well unless all essential nutrients are available in reasonable amounts

  12. Facts about hydroponic growing • 25 gallon container, minimum size for proper proportion of nutrients

  13. Facts about hydroponic growing • the larger the particles in the substrate, the more often it must be watered.

  14. Commercial use • very familiar with plants • observation can determine temps and nutrient deficiency

  15. Commercial use • to earn a reasonable living you must grow thousands of plants

  16. Commercial use • minimum of 100,000 square feet is needed to break even financially

  17. Growers must know about plants • most plants are very adaptive • plants can take a lot of abuse

  18. Growers must know about plants • plants require a minimum amount of water, food, vitamins, sleep and proper temps.

  19. Growers must know about plants • each species has its own requirements for maximum growth

  20. Media • almost any inert material may be used as a substrate • substrate must not decompose or be too fine

  21. Media • River washed gravel is competitive in price with soil mixtures • aeration of roots is necessary

  22. Various Media Types • rock • volcanic ash • vermiculite - heated mica • perlite - exploded volcanic rock 1800 degrees F.

  23. Various Media Types • peat moss • granite or sand • idealite - concrete aggregate • water

  24. Watering • frequency depends upon media • each time a hydroponics system is replanted, roots will be left, this increases water holding capacity

  25. Conventional Irrigation • flooding • flood tray until water appears at surface • perforated tube is used to fill and drain media as needed

  26. Flooding • nutrient solution is pumped back and tray is flooded again

  27. Disadv. Of Flooding • nutrient solution can become unbalanced • bacteria and disease can be spread

  28. Peripheral Gates • nutrient solution applied and allowed to drain away • non recirculating system • no storage tank

  29. Peripheral Gates • bacteria and diseases are drained away • solution is sprayed on

  30. Disadv. Of Peripheral • more expensive, solution is not reused • spraying can cause spread of disease by splashing

  31. Ooze Tube System • drip holes in double tube • no splashes • Disadvantages: most expensive

  32. Facts about nutrients • all plants require certain basic elements • if nutrients are missing poor growth may result

  33. Facts about nutrients • plants need more of the major elements • any deficiency is rapidly apparent

  34. Facts about nutrients • trace minerals are often present in tap water in sufficient amounts.

  35. Major Elements in a basic solution • Ca - Calcium • K - Potassium • N - Nitrogen • P - Phosphorous • Mg - Magnesium

  36. Minor Elements • Mn - Manganese • S - Sulfur • Cu - Copper • B - boron

  37. Minor Elements • Fe - Iron • Zn - Zinc • Mo - Molybdenum

  38. Recommendations • If less than 25 gallons of nutrient solution is needed, purchase a commercial preparation • Get a scale that can weigh to less than 0.01 oz.

  39. Diatomaceous Earth • Skeletons of diatoms • dried and used as a filter

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