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This paper discusses the significance of interference effects in D meson decays, outlining new results from CLEO experiments since 2005. The research covers topics such as quantum correlations, Dalitz analyses, and quantum correlation analysis (TQCA). Preliminary data on D▶KKπ and D▶3π decays are highlighted, along with insights into strong phase differences and mixing parameters. The study underscores the importance of interference effects in extracting fundamental parameters. Experimental setups, data sets, and methods used by CLEO are detailed to shed light on the complexities of D meson decay processes.
Interference Effects in D Meson Decays D. Cinabro Wayne State University FPCP 2006, 12 April
Why Interference Effects? • Provide unique information • Phases and amplitudes are otherwise inaccessible • Need these to extract fundamental parameters (CKM elements for example) from other measurements • Challenge and input for QCD
Outline New results (since summer 2005) are thin • DKK0 Dalitz analysis for DKK* strong phase from CLEO-III • D3 Dalitz analysis from CLEO-c • Quantum Correlations in D0D0 decays from the ’’ for phases and mixing parameters from CLEO-c _
CLEO Data Sets • CLEO-III data on (4S), 9/fb with charm produced in continuum or from B decay • CLEO-c data on the ’’, 281/pb, which corresponds to 1.4M D pairs.
CLEOc Detector Venerable CsI Calorimeter 2.2% resolution on 1 GeV photon, 5% on 100 MeV, p/p = 0.6% at 1 GeV, RICH particle ID
CLEO-III: DKK0 • Motivation is to extract strong phase difference in DK*K • See Grossman, Ligeti, and Soffer (PRD 67(2003)07130) and Rosner and Suprun (PRD68(2003)054010) for how this helps measure CKM (3) in charged B decay
DKK0: Charged D* Tag • 600 Signal S:B=4:1, Soft tag gives D0 flavor
DKK0 • Both charges of K* and contributions clearly visible • Interference between K*’s is also clear
CLEO-III: DKK0 • Preliminary • DK*K = 332o±8o±11o, large interference • |A(DK*-K+)|/ |A(DK*+K-)|= 0.52±0.05±0.04 • Precision limited by non-K* contributions to the decays • Observed branching fractions consistent with previous measurements
CLEO-c: D3 Dalitz First time doing a Dalitz analysis that has been done by E791 and FOCUS (previously concentrated on modes with 0) 2600 signal on S:B of 2:1 (E791 1200, FOCUS 1500) Mbc = Ebeam2 + p32, E = Ebeam - E3 __________
D3 Dalitz • Symmetry under interchange of like-sign pions • Dalitz analysis on high mass versus low mass unlike-sign pion combinations • Big vertical stripe is Ks
D3 Dalitz • Worry that efficiency will be difficult in corners of the Dalitz plot since D+ starts nearly at rest. • Looks good, changes are smooth. • Model with both MC bin-by-bin and polynomial fit.
D3 Dalitz • Backgrounds from sidebands (offset in E to insure that it remains on the Dalitz plot) • Add in Ks, , f0(1370) to represent possible resonance contributions
f2 D3 Dalitz f0
CLEO-c: D3 Dalitz • Still preliminary • Need to consider other models of S-wave (for example replace and f0 contributions by generalized interaction) to compare with FOCUS which used the K-matrix • Broad agreement with E791 ( contribution, first observation for CLEO)
The Quantum Correlation Analysis ee*D0D0 is C -1 K-+ vs K+- interfere and thus sensitive to DCSD and strong phase Time integrated rate depends on both cosDK and mixing parameter y = /2 K-+ vs K-+ forbidden unless there is mixing. K-+ vs semileptonic measures isolated decay rate and tags flavor of decaying D Different sensitivity to mixing vs DCSD D decays to CP eigenstates also interfere and opposite semileptonics to get isolated rate, flavor tags for yet another dependence on y and strong phase CP eigenstate vs CP eigenstate shows maximal correlations CLEO-c: TQCA -
See PRD 73 034024 (2006) [hep-ph/0507238] by Asner and Sun TQCA RM= (x2+y2)/2 r = Amp DCS/Amp CF - And measure branching fractions simultaneously
TQCA: Single Tags in Data K-+ K+- KK Ks0 Ks00
TQCA: Double Tags in Simulation M(K-+) M(K-+) M(K+-) M(K-+) M(KK) M(KK) M(K-+) M(KK)
TQCA:Semileptonics Opposite K Flavor Tag Opposite CP- Tag Signal Backgrounds Electron Momentum (GeV) Electron Momentum (GeV)
CP tags vs CP tags clearly shows Quantum Correlation TQCA CP+ CP- C P + CP-
TQCA K-+ vs K-+ K-+ vs K+- Data clearly favors QC interpretation showing constructive and destructive interference and no effect as predicted CP+ vs CP+ CP- vs CP- CP+ vs CP- K vs CP+ K vs CP-
CLEO-c: TQCA • Obviously still preliminary, but very promising • Systematics look tractable (< stats) • Number of CP tags is limit so working on adding more • C+ fraction < 0.06±0.05±? on ’’ • Ultimate sensitivity with projected CLEO-c data set y ±0.012, x2 ±0.0006, cosDK ±0.13, x(sinDK) ±0.024 (needs C+1 initial state from running above the ’’)
Conclusions • Unique information from interference effects in D decays • All since summer 2005 from CLEO • DK*K = 332o±8o±11o and |A(DK*-K+)|/ |A(DK*+K-)|= 0.52±0.05±0.04 in DKK0 Dalitz • D3 Dalitz agrees with E791 on need for low mass S-Wave contribution • CLEO TQCA sensitive to D mixing parameters and DK