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Baryonic B Meson Decays. Min-Zu Wang ( 王名儒 ) National Taiwan University. Introduction Charmless decays Charmful decays Summary. CP violation in Standard Model. In 1973, M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa realized: CP violation third generation of quarks
Baryonic B Meson Decays Min-Zu Wang (王名儒) National Taiwan University Introduction Charmless decays Charmful decays Summary
CP violation in Standard Model • In 1973, M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa realized: CP violation third generation of quarks • In SM, CPV can be accommodated via the CKM matrix, which relates quark mass eigenstates to weak eigenstates: • With 3 quark generations, there is 1 phase in the CKM matrix which is physical (can’t be absorbed in redefinition of the fields) • allows possibility of CP violation qi W Vij qj CYCU Seminar
Two B Factories SLAC (史丹福大學) KEK (日本) BaBar Belle CYCU Seminar
1.7 229M BB Integrated Luminosity CYCU Seminar
B Meson Production • Electron-Positron collider: e+e-(4s) B0B0 • Only 4s resonance can produce B meson pair • Low B0 production cross-section: ~1 nb • Clean environment, coherent B0B0 production CYCU Seminar
uds charm off Data sideband uds charm off Data sideband Background Suppression SFW Moment (F) Signal MC Likelihood Ratio (LR) uds charm cosθB distribution Data sideband off Optimized by study CYCU Seminar
Signal Extraction ∆E Mbc • PDFs: • Background modeling: a line (curve) to represent the ∆E and the following parametrization first suggested by ARGUS group to represent the Mbc. • Signal modeling: a double Gaussian for ∆E and a Gaussian for Mbc. • 1D-binned fit: maximum Likelihood fit • Branching fraction are calculated by ∆E fit • Mbc fit for cross-check. • 2D-unbinned fit (∆E-Mbc): Extended maximum likelihood fit. ∆E Mbc CYCU Seminar
First Observation of Charmless Baryonic B Decays B+ ppK+ With charmonium veto PRL 88, 181803 (2002) ) ( PRD 65 091103 (2002) BF(3-body) >> BF(2-body) CYCU Seminar
Peak at Low Mass Possible explanations Baryon form factor? Quasi 2-body Decay? glueball baryonium Fragmentation? New type of B Decays: fJ(2220)? Phase-space MC CYCU Seminar
Observation of B0→ PΛπ-MpΛ Plot PRL90 201802(2003) Search for BPΣ0π- negtive Theoretical Pretiction 78.1fb-1 Data CYCU Seminar
Many rare baryonic decays found PRL92 131801(2004) CYCU Seminar
Threshold Enhancement • PLB 617, 141-149, 2005 p- ppK+ ppK0S Glueball is ruled out CYCU Seminar
p Өp X K+ p at pp rest frame Angular distribution: ppK+ ppK signal Proton against K- (p against K+) : flavor dependence! CYCU Seminar
Information from the ppK+Dalitz plot • The lower bands shown in the plots are J/psi and eta_c. • Asymmetry near threshold of ppbar indicates flavor dependence • Anti-proton moves slower in parallel with proton PRD72 051101 (2005) CYCU Seminar
Decay diagrams of J/Ψ to baryon pair dominant decay diagram < λ1 λ2|U|JM> = AJλ1 λ2 linksDJMλ1- λ2 (θ,φ) Massless Proton mass + E M Quark mass Kada, Marco and Parisi Quark + scaler diquark Latest BES result : CYCU Seminar
A twist to compare α General form of α:(Phys. Rev. D 51, 3487–3500) ~ - 0.8 CYCU Seminar
Fit cosθ ( J/→ p p) L = e-(Ns+Nb)/N! [NsPs(Mbci , Ei)(cos)P(cos)+NbPb(Mbci , Ei)] (cos) - normalized efficiency,P(cos) = (1+cos2)/(2+2/3) χ2 fit Likelihood fit pp signal B= -0.60 ± 0.13 (stat) ± 0.14 (syst) = 0.43 ± 0.13 (stat) ± 0.14 (syst) CYCU Seminar
u u d u u d d s Pentaquark search in ppKs • Θ+(1540) : uudds • Θ+ K+nΘ+ K0 p • B0 Θ+ pB0 ppK0, B ppKsSearch for B signal with a 20 MeV pKs mass window cut at 1540MeV d d d s dd u s u u p K0 n K+ Θ+ Θ+ CYCU Seminar
Pentaquark search in ppKs Fixed background shape from sideband data Count the events in signal region and compare with background estimation BF product upper limit < 2.3 x10-7at90% C.L. CYCU Seminar
bsγMC +7.1- 6.6 +0.58- 0.53 140fb-1 B+pΛγ (b sγ) • PRL 95, 061802, 2005Simultaneous fit on BpΛγ and BpΣ0γSignal Yield for BpΛγ with MpΛ<2.4GeV/c2: 34.1 • Statistical Significance: 8.6σ • BF(BpΛγ )(2.16 ± 0.20)x10-6BF(BpΣ0γ):<4.6 x 10-6 pΛγSignal Not bremstrahlung CYCU Seminar
γ Photon energy and Angular distribution θx p Fit results in bins of cosθX with MpΛ<4.0GeV/c2 (Assuming XpΛ, calculated in X rest frame.) Λ Lab frame X frame qq background bsγMC Signal Yield Signal Yield CYCU Seminar
b s g s s First observation of bs s s baryonic decay Signal Yield in 2D fit: 19.9 Efficiency: 4.0%-6.9% Statistical Significance: 7.4σ BF:(2.91 ± 0.38) x 10-6 +6.5- 5.1 +0.90- 0.70 B+ΛΛK+ 140fb-1 threshold peaking • First Charmless B decay with two Λ! • Threshold enhancement again. • Compliment to BφK(*)(bsss penguin) PRL 93,211801, 2004 CYCU Seminar
Observation of ηc Λ Λ PRL 97, 162003 (2006) new Ratio for baryon quark-diquark model check CYCU Seminar
Fit result for exp7-43 with Mpp<2.8GeV/c2 • Signal Yield for B+ppπ+ : 180.9 • LR selection: 0.85 • Statistical Significance: 13.5σ • Signal region +19.1-18.3 Mbc>5.27 GeV/c2 |ΔE|<0.05 GeV ppK ppπ 414fb-1 Result for B+ppπ+ CYCU Seminar
hep-ph/0606141 fitting curve B+→ppK+ B+→ppπ+ predicted curve Theoretical Predictions • Angular distribution • Perturbative QCD(PQCD): (hep-ph/0606141) • Final-State Interaction (FSI): (hep-ph/0609133) • Upper limit • BF of B+→pΔ++ was predicted to be • 2.9×10-7(QCD sum rules, Nucl. Phys. B 345, 137 (1990) ) • 3.2×10-4(pole model, Phys. Rev. D 43, 1599 (1991); Phys. Lett. B 237, 513 (1990)) • 1.4×10-6(pole model, Phys. Rev. D 66, 014020 (2002)) CYCU Seminar
B+→pΔ0 B+→ppπ+. signal region. sideband region B+→pΔ++ Current Work: B+→ppπ+ 414fb-1 We apply Mpπ<1.4 GeV/c2 for B+→pΔ0 and B+→pΔ++ study. B+→pΔ0expected background:81.2background uncertainty:2.0%observed event:?upper-limit:? averaged efficiency:4.0±0.1%BF(B+→pΔ0)< ? B+→pΔ++expected background:72.3background uncertainty:2.1%observed event:?upper-limit:? averaged efficiency:11.6±0.2%BF(B+→pΔ++)< ? Preliminary CYCU Seminar
The studies of intermediate two-body decays: We apply 2.262<MΛπ<2.310 GeV/c2 for B0Λcp. BF(B0Λc p): ? BF(B0Λc p): (2.19 ±0.32 ±0.57) x10-5(PRL 90 121802) We apply Mpπ<1.40 GeV/c2 for B0ΛΔ0. BF(B0ΛΔ0 ) < ? We apply 1.30<MΛπ<1.45 GeV/c2 for B-Σ*0 p. BF(B0Σ*+ p) < ? +0.56- 0.49 Current Work: CYCU Seminar
Phase space p Λπ0Signal Signal Yield Signal yield: Signal Yield for BpΛπ0 with MpΛ<2.8GeV/c2: 56.1 Statistical Significance: 10.2σ BF(BpΛπ0 ): Study of First observation! CYCU Seminar
θ p Λ π- ω p θpb B π- Study of helicity selection rules in weak decay • Decay parameter α: • Transition rate R is proportional to (1+αcosθ). • θ is defined as the angle between the initial hyperon polarization and the momentum of the final baryon. • αΛ=0.642±0.013 (PDG, Journal of Phys. G33, 1 (2006)) • The effective angular asymmetry parameter α :(J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 29(2003) B15-B22) • For the cascade decay BΛXπ-pX : • θpb is defined as the supplementary angle between the emitted proton momentum and the B momentum in the Λ rest frame. CYCU Seminar
Measurement of α inΛdecays • Paper J.Phys. G29, 15 (2003) reported that the dΓ/d cosθ is proportion to (1+αcosθ) when the s quark comes from bLsL penguin-type transition. • Systematic error CYCU Seminar
b c u d B0 D(*)0 p p Belle: PRL 89, 151802 (2002) 29.4 fb-1 B0 D0pp B0 D0* pp D0 K- p+ 33.6evnts 8.9s total 19.3 evnts 5.6s D0 K- p+ p-p+ 24.2evnts 5.6s 34.2evnts D0 K- p+ p0 5.1s D*0 D0p0 CYCU Seminar
b c u d b c d u u u d d B0Lc+p First observation of baryonic 2-body decay Belle : PRL 90, 121802 (2003) 78 fb-1 +5.0 - 4.4 Lc+ B0 19.6 5.8 s p +0.56 - 0.49 Br = ( 2.19 ±0.32±0.57 ) x 10- 5 Stat. Sys. error of Br (Lc+) CYCU Seminar
b c u d B- LC+ p p - Belle140 fb-1 PRL 97, 242001 (2006) BF x 10-5 264±20 signals +0.74 - 0.66 +0.56 - 0.49 + 6.6 - 5.9 SC(2455)0 32.6 + 5.7 - 5.0 SC(2520)0 12.8 Observation of new 2-body decay sideband ~ 25% of total BF CYCU Seminar
M(Lc+p) structure in 3, 4 body decays B- (Lc+p) p- Preliminary consistent with 4-body MC phase space, fine structures ? B0 (Lc+p) p+ p- MC 4-body phase space B Signals by DE fit SC++/0 (2455/2520) excluded CYCU Seminar
Observation of B+c+c-K+ PRL 97, 202003 (2006) Unexpected large rate considering the limited phase sapce Threshold effect? c+ pK-π+ signal +1.0 -0.9 BF(B+c+c-K+ ) = (6.5 ± 1.1 ± 3.4) × 10-4 CYCU Seminar
Observation of B cc Hep-ex/0510074 B+c0c+ B0c-c+ CKM(cc)=VcbVcs* <-> CKM(cp)=VcbVud* Enhancement for smaller Q ? cc 10-3 >> cp 10-5 c π 1% CYCU Seminar
Observation of J/p PRD72 051105 (2005) J/p J/pp CYCU Seminar
Search for inclusive Λc+ production in tagged B sample N(B+) = 200359± 705 N(B0) = 110735± 424 CYCU Seminar
Determination of BF(B Λc+ X) +1.0 -0.6 BF(B- -> Λc+ X) =(2.8±0.5±0.3 )% BF(B0 -> Λc+ X) =(5.0±1.0±0.5 )% BF(B- -> Λc+ X) =(2.1±0.5±0.2 )% BF(B0 -> Λc+ X) =(1.6±0.9±0.2 )% hep-ex/0606026 Useful for the understanding of the charm counting problem in b decays +1.8 -1.0 +0.8 -0.4 +0.6 -0.3 CYCU Seminar
Summary • Exclusive baryonic B decays: Well established after few years of B-factory running • BF(2-body) < BF(3-body) • Threshold enhancement in the baryon-antibaryon system • Searching ground for exotic states • Good crosscheck for baryonic charmonium decays • Lots of local contributions, both experimental and theoretical CYCU Seminar