Author Tommy Stahl Animators!
Animator • An artist that creates cartoon drawing for the digital age is called an animator. Animators use their natural talents to create characters and settings to tell stories and entertain people. In the future animators will need advanced skills in computer programming and graphic design to bring their art to the world.
Skill • Animators have to have a lot of skill with art. They have to be able to put their drawing together with sound tracks. Sound tracks are like voices for characters. Animators also have put their drawing with story lines, layouts, and special effects.
Tools • Most animators do their work on computers and drawing in their studies. You will see their work on T.V. shows, movies, and you may see them in video games.
Location • Animators and animation studios are mostly in Hollywood, L.A., and California. You may find more studios around the world.
Assistant • An assistant for an animator helps him/her fill in other parts of the head animators story. They help him/her with minor characters.
Salary • Most animators make around 72,000$ a year. A high amount for them to make would be around 99,000$ a year. A lower amount would be around 58,000$ a year.
Compare • An animator and a cartoonist are a lot alike but at the same time a lot different. An animator first draws his characters and some settings then continues on the computer. A cartoonist draws his characters and settings then puts them together and then you have like a comic strip. They are both the same though because you need to be talented in art to be either of those jobs. Vs
Transition • In the future animators will need advanced skills in computer programming and graphic design to bring their art to the world. Animators now need to know how to draw and create settings but eventually they will need to know computer skills.
Training • In the future animators will need computer training. Animators will need training in computer as well as art. Art is a very important skill for an animator to have but computer is starting to over power drawing so the y will need more training in computers.
Technology change • Because technology is changing so much right now in the future animators will no longer need art as their biggest skill. Their new biggest skill will be compute skills.
Conclusion • So in conclusion animators now need and have a lot of skill in art but in the future will need skill in computer.
Glossary • Animator- An artist that creates cartoon drawing for the digital age is called an animator. • Special Effects- Visual and sound effects beyond the range of normal photography or recording. • Studios- The workroom or atelier of an artist, as a painter, sculptor, and drawer.
Work cites • http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/jobs/animation.html • http://careers.stateuniversity.com/pages/102/Cartoonist-Animator.html • http://www1.salary.com/Cartoonist-Animator-Salary.html • http://www.cartoonbrew.com/ • http://www.artinstitutes.edu/SERCH/Dynamic/Display.aspx?RIFID=2132&SOURCE=PSGSR&CID=GOOGS_AIWA_0911_SRCH_001&type=p&net=search&pcrid=4614506693&keyword=animation&account=chicago&rank=1t1 • http://www.retrojunk.com/details_articles/5016/ • Google images