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15: The Coming Crisis, the 1850s

15: The Coming Crisis, the 1850s.

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15: The Coming Crisis, the 1850s

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  1. 15: The Coming Crisis, the 1850s

  2. “The majority rules and law rests on numbers, not on intellect or virtue. . . while theoretically holding that no vote of the majority can authorize injustice, we practically consider public opinion the real test of what is true and false; and hence, as a result, the fact which Tocqueville has noticed, that practically our institutions protect, not the interest of the whole community but the interests of the majority.”  Abolitionist Wendell Phillips

  3. What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelly to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour. Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the old world, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival. Frederick Douglass, July 4, 1852 Rochester, NY

  4. Henry Clay addressing Senate, 1850 -- the CA gold rush pushed the Wilmot Proviso into the spotlight when CA applied for statehood in September of 1849

  5. CA as a free state Territorial governments for Utah and NM Slave trade in D.C. was abolished Strict fugitive slave law Texas land claims settled MA Senator Daniel Webster 1782-1852 who worked with Clay for 8 months on the Compromise of 1850

  6. Millard Fillmore 1800-1874 US President when Zachary Taylor died in July 1850 Taylor had opposed 1850 Compromise while Fillmore supported it

  7. A slave coffle in Washington, D.C.

  8. Boston handbill, 1851, warning “colored people” of slave catchers

  9. San Francisco celebrates first “Admission Day”

  10. San Francisco’s Vigilance Committee hangs two men in 1856 – 6,000 vigilantes marched through the city

  11. Fort Defiance, New Mexico Territory [present day Arizona]

  12. 1852 Cuban sugar estate – many Americans invested in Cuban sugar plantations

  13. President Franklin Pierce elected in 1852, supported 1853 $130 million effort to purchase Cuba – “Ostend Manifesto” threatened US seizure of Cuba

  14. Commodore Matthew Perry 1794-1858 -- brother of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, sent to open Japan in 1852

  15. Japanese admiring technological gifts, Tokyo in July 1853

  16. 1854 Honolulu -- President Pierce’s foreign policy he called “Young America” attempted unsuccessfully to annex Hawaii

  17. NY city torchlight meeting of “Know-Nothings” or American Party, Nov. 1855

  18. A “Know-Nothing” cartoon – they elected governors in NY and MD

  19. “The Hurly-Burly Pot” cartoon – issues that threatened US in 1850s

  20. Stephen A. Douglas 1813-1861 -- “Little Giant” proposed popular sovereignty for both Kansas and Nebraska

  21. Chicago 1865

  22. “Bull’s Head stockyards in Chicago, opened in 1848

  23. An illustration from Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1852

  24. Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896 -- daughter of Lyman Beecher and sister of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher

  25. Harriet Tubman 1821-1913 -- helped John Brown organize armed raids against slavery from her farm in Canada

  26. Walt Whitman 1819-1892, Leaves of Grass in 1855, anti-slavery

  27. Salmon P. Chase 1808-1873, early leader of Republican Party after “Bleeding Kansas” caused Whigs to leave their party

  28. Ripon, Wisconsin schoolhouse where Republican Party held first meetings

  29. SC Senator Andrew Butler 1796-1857, After Sen. Charles Sumner of MA accused him of a conspiracy of Kansas slaveholders, Sumner was attacked on May 21, 1856

  30. Congressman Preston Brooks of SC 1819-1857, hitting Sumner with cane – Sumner didn’t recover for nearly 3 years

  31. General John C. Fremont 1813-1890 First Republican candidate for president in 1856 An antislavery Southerner who married daughter of Sen. Thomas Hart Benton, Missouri

  32. James Buchanan 1791-1868, Elected 15th US President in 1856, was Polk’s Secretary of State during Mexican War

  33. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney 1777-1864, Maryland slaveowner who manumitted own slaves, 1857 Dred Scott decision

  34. Dred Scott with wife Harriet. She sued Dred’s former owner who brought him into the Wisconsin Territory where they met. [Both brought back as slaves]

  35. Governor’s mansion in LeCompton, Kansas Territory in 1857 – They held proslavery constitutional convention boycotted by Free Soilers. Douglas broke with Buchanan when asked to admit Kansas as slave state

  36. Bleeding Kansas in 1858 [Pottawatomie Creek massacre by John Brown, May of 1856]

  37. 5th Lincoln – Douglas debate at Knox College in Illinois -- October 7, 1858

  38. Lincoln and William Herndon had law office on this street in Springfield, Illinois

  39. Lincoln’s home for 17 years in Springfield, Illinois

  40. Lincoln’s Springfield kitchen

  41. Campaign cartoon accusing “Honest Abe” of being two-faced about own ambitions -- Lincoln was chosen over frontrunner William H. Seward of MA

  42. Harper’s Ferry in [West] Virginia ca. 1856

  43. John Brown 1800-1859 daguerreotype from 1856 or 1857

  44. John Brown and 17 others seized the federal arsenal, armory, and a rifle works on October 16, 1859 but he surrendered from this fire station two days later.

  45. Col. Robert E. Lee, led US Marines that captured Brown – 10 of Brown’s men were killed

  46. Chronology 1820        Missouri Compromise 1832        Nullification Crisis 1848        Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; Zachary Taylor; "free-soilers" 1850        Compromise of 1850; American "know nothing" movement; Millard Fillmore president 1851        Northern reaction to the Fugitive Slave Law; Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852        Franklin Pierce elected president 1854        Ostend Manifesto; Kansas-Nebraska Act; treaty renegotiations; Republican Party begins 1855        William Walker’s "filibuster" in Nicaragua 1856        Looting of Lawrence, Kansas; John Brown’s Pottawatomie massacre; Buchanan president 1857        Dred Scott decision; Buchanan accepts proslavery Lecompton constitution; Panic 1858        Congress rejects Lecompton constitution; Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1859        John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry 1860        4 parties run candidates for president; Lincoln’s election; S. Carolina secedes 1861        6 additional "deep South" states secede; Confederate States formed; Lincoln takes office

  47. Bibliography Davis, William C.  An Honorable Defeat:  The Last Days of the Confederate Government. [2001 Fehrenbacher, Don E. The Dred Scott Case:  Its Significance in American Law and Politics. (1978) Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men:  The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War. (1970) Franklin, John Hope. A Southern Odyssey:  Travelers ih the Ante-bellum North. (1976) Oates, Stephen.  To Purge This Land with Blood:  A Biography of John Brown. (1970) and With Malice toward None: A life of Abraham Lincoln. (1977) Potter, David.  The Impending Crisis, 1848-1861. (1976) Stampp, Kenneth.  America in 1857. (1990) and The Causes of the Civil War. (1974) Takaki, Ronald.  A Proslavery Crusade:  The Agitation to Reopen the African Slave Trade. (1971) Woodward, C. Vann. American Counterpoint:  Slavery and Racism in the North-South Dialogue. (1971)

  48. Chapter Focus Questions • Why did the Whigs and Democrats fail to find a lasting political compromise on the issue of slavery? • What caused the end of the Second American Party System and the rise of the Republican Party? • Why did the secession of the southern states follow the Republican Party victory in the election of 1860?

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