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On Selfishness

On Selfishness. Non-Kin and Relatives. Kin Selection. Question: Reproductive Altruism Eusocial Insects Reproductive, Worker Castes Cooperative Brood Care Multiple Origins Hymenoptera, Isoptera. Kin Selection. Fitness: Lifetime Reproductive Success

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On Selfishness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. On Selfishness Non-Kin and Relatives

  2. Kin Selection Question: Reproductive Altruism Eusocial Insects Reproductive, Worker Castes Cooperative Brood Care Multiple Origins Hymenoptera, Isoptera

  3. Kin Selection Fitness: Lifetime Reproductive Success Inclusive Fitness Direct & Indirect Components Ego (Actor) & Relative(s)

  4. Helpers at the Nest: Assist Parents

  5. Inclusive Fitness

  6. Inclusive Fitness Direct Fitness Component of Behavior: Net Benefits to Ego Kin Altruism: Net Benefit < 0, Hence Cost to Altruistic Ego

  7. Inclusive Fitness Indirect Fitness Component of Behavior: Net Changes to Relatives’ Fitness, Devalued by Coefficient of Relatedness r, Caused by Ego’s Behavior Does Not Include Fitness Relatives Enjoy Outside of Interaction with Ego

  8. Inclusive Fitness Hamilton’s Rule for Kin Altruism B Net Benefit of Act on Relatives’ Fitness C Fitness Cost to Ego Natural Selection Favors Act r B – C > 0

  9. Inclusive Fitness Social Insects: Equivalent Version Hamilton’s Rule Gene for Kin Altruism: Care for Relative’s Offspring Assume Worker Has Altruism Allele Favored by Natural Selection?

  10. Haplo-Diploidy

  11. Inclusive Fitness Gene for Kin Altruism: Care for Relative’s Offspring Rear Extra b Offspring of Relative; r1 Ego’s Relatedness to Offspring Lose c of Ego’s Offspring; r2 Ego’s Relatedness to Offspring

  12. Inclusive Fitness Kin Altruism: Care for Relative’s Offspring r1 b – r2c > 0 b, c Units of females

  13. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality Worker Caste: All Females Queen = Mother to Ego Egg/Larva = Sister to Ego “Worker’s Daughter” = Cost c

  14. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality Ego’s (Worker’s) Relatedness to Daughter Females Diploid, Have Father & Mother r2 = ½ Since Daughter Would Also Have Father

  15. Inclusive Fitness HaplodiploidEusociality Ego’s (Worker’s) Relatedness to Sister, Daughter Ego’s Mother & Father r1: Altruism Gene, Identical by Descent, Through Father (Haploid) or Mother = Queen (Diploid)

  16. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality r1 = ½ [(1/2)0] + ½ [(1/2)1] = ¾ Father: No Meiosis; Mother: 1 Meiosis Ego More Closely Related to Sister than Her Own Daughter

  17. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality Reproductive Altruism Favored: r1 b – r2c > 0 Let c = 1 female (daughter); (3/4)b – (1/2) > 0 b > 2/3; Reproductive Altruism Favored Via Kin Selection

  18. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality b > 2/3; Reproductive Altruism Favored Via Kin Selection If worker can raise 2 sisters instead of raising 3 daughters, benefit of altruism = cost of altruism

  19. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality Drones: Males Queen = Mother to Son Egg/Larva = Brother to Ego “Worker’s Son” = Cost c

  20. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality Assume Worker Has Altruistic Allele Ego/Worker: Has Father Drone: No Father r1 = Pr[Allele From Mother]/2 = (1/2) (1/2)1 = 1/4

  21. Inclusive Fitness Haplodiploid Eusociality Worker Less Closely Related to Brother Than To (Hypothetical) Son More Workers Than Drones Workers Raise Drones

  22. (Haplodiploid) Eusociality Kin Selection: Focus on Within-Nest Social Behavior Nests Differ in Productivity = Rate of Forming New Colonies Focus on Between-Nest Competition Family Level Group Selection?

  23. (Haplodiploid) Eusociality Does Queen Manipulate Sisters (Workers) to Raise Her Offspring? Mechanism vs Function Current Areas of Research

  24. Kin Selection Facultative Sociality Individuals “Decide” to Breed Alone or Help Relative Altruistically Carpenter Bee Xylocopa sulcatipes Nest: Hollow Plant Stems, Excavate Cavity in Wood

  25. Kin Selection Females Nest Singly or in Pairs Pair: Mother & Daughter, Dominant and Subordinate Mother: Reproductive Consumes Any Eggs of Daughter Most Foraging, Provision Brood

  26. Kin Selection Mother & Daughter, Dominant and Subordinate Daughter: Helper, No Reproduction Guards Nest/Brood Nest Lost, New Occupant Kills Brood

  27. Why Daughter Altruistic? Cost: Offspring as Solitary, 1.5 Benefit: Extra Offspring Produced by Mother-Daughter Pair Pair: 5.5 Offspring Extra Offspring = 5.5 – 1.5 = 4 Weigh Cost & Benefit by Relatedness

  28. Why Daughter Altruistic? Altruist’s Guarding Reduces Chance of Losing Brood Allows Dominant More Time to Forage & Provision Brood Facultative Sociality: Economic Basis in Kin Selection

  29. Kin Selection “Inclusive Fitness Thinking” Eusociality Evolution of Family Parent-Offspring Conflict

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