Story 1: Vivian’s Sunday Sundae Directions: Your group has been given number lines and a stack of direction cards. On each card, you will find a description of what happens to Vivian the bird during a certain time period. After reading the card, put a sticker on your number line where Vivian is in relation to the origin (0 cm mark).
Card #1 It is 11 o’clock in the morning and Vivian is sitting outside her birdhouse enjoying the sun.
Card #2 Suddenly feeling a bit hungry, Vivian flies 20 cm away from the house in search of something to eat.
Card #3 Vivan spots something! She continues until she is 40 cm away from the house and sees a couple of fat Earthworms sitting outside enjoying the sun as well.
Card #4 Vivian does a nose-dive and swoops down to the first worm (50 cm away from her tree), enjoying a tasty snack.
Card #5 She stays in the same spot, waiting for the second worm to arrive at her spot (50 cm). She easily grabs another snack.
Card #6 Of course, Vivian isn’t the only animal outside ready for lunch! A predator starts getting closer to Vivian’s nest. Vivian zooms towards her nest to rescue her babies. She is half-way there (25 cm).
Card #7 Finally Vivian makes it back! She is able to get back to the nest, scare away the attacker, and protect her babies. All is well! …the end!
Story 2: Horton Hears a Who! Directions: Your group has been given number lines and a stack of direction cards. On each card you will find a description of what happens to Horton during a certain time period. Put a sticker on your number line where Horton is in relation to the origin ( 0 cm mark). Note--this is “relative position” since we cannot really fit an entire jungle in 50 cm!!
Card #1 One afternoon in the Jungle of Nool, Horton the Elephant is splashing in a pool (30 cm away from his house). He hears a a voice from a small speck of dust!
Card #2 Horton is very confused. He stands in in the same place (30 cm mark) and stares at the speck. It turns out the speck of dust is actually a tiny planet, home to a village called “Who-Ville”.
Card #3 Horton continues to stand in the same spot (30 cm away from his house) and speaks with the Mayor of Who-ville. The Mayor asks Horton to protect the village from harm.
Card #4 Horton walks further into the forest (40 cm mark) to search for Vlad Vladikoff, the Wickersham Brothers and the Sour Kangaroo. He wants to tell them about the Whos.
Card #5 Horton finally arrives deep in the forest (50 cm mark) to see Vlad Vladikoff, the Wickersham Brothers and the Sour Kangaroo. However, they do not believe Horton and start tormenting him.
Card #6 Vlad Vladikoff, the Wickersham Brothers and the Sour Kangaroo chase Horton, pushing him into a cage (35 cm from Horton’s house).
Card #7 Horton convinces the Whos to make loud noises so the other animals can hear them. Now convinced of the Whos’ existence, Horton’s neighbors vow to help him protect the tiny community. They all go back to Horton’s house and celebrate! (0 cm) …the end!
Story 3: A Bug’s Journey! Directions: Your group has been given number lines and a stack of direction cards. On each card you will find a description of what happens to a bug during a certain time period. Put a sticker on your number line where the bug is in relation to the origin ( 0 cm mark).
Card #1 A small bug named Dot is relaxing under a nice shaded leaf that is 20 cm away from her colony.
Card #2 Dot feels a rain drop and starts flying back to her colony. She lands 10 m away from her house to gather some flower nectar.
Card #3 After making it back to her colony, she decides to take a small nap and rest at the house.
Card #4 After her nap, Dot wrestles with her twin brother Doyle at the house.
Card #5 Siblings Dot and Doyle wrestle for a couple of minutes. Finally, Dot wins the battle by pulling off one of Doyle’s feelers off from his head!
Card #6 Doyle cries and howls in pain, so Dot flies away from the house and in search of a hiding spot (25 cm). She doesn’t want to get in trouble when her parents come home.
Card #7 Unable to find a safe hiding spot, Dot continues to fly so far away from home that she got lost. She is eaten by a spider who has spun a web to catch run-away teenager bugs (50 cm away from Dot’s colony). …the end!
Story 4: Crush the Turtle Directions: Your group has been given number lines and a stack of direction cards. On each card, you will find a description of what happens to Crush the Turtle during a certain time period. Put a sticker on your number line where Crush is in relation to the origin ( 0 cm mark).
Card #1 Crush the Turtle starts out his day as usual, getting ready to leave his house (0 cm) by putting on his flippers.
Card #2 On his way to work he rescues two fish named Marlin & Dory. Marlin and Dory nearly escapes death after passing through a sea of jelly-fish (5 cm away from Crush’s house).
Card #3 Marlin tells Crush that he is trying to swim to Sydney to find his son Nemo. Crush is so impressed with Marlin and Dory that he carries them on his back riding the Eastern Australian Current (EAC). This current starts 10 cm away from Crush’s house.
Card #4 The EAC carries Crush, Dory, and Marlin quickly away. Halfway thorugh the journey (30 cm from Crush’s house) Marlin begins to tell the story of how Nemo got lost.
Card #5 They finally arrive in Sydney (50 cm away from Crush’s house) where Crush drops Marlin off and hungs out at the harbor to wait for good news.
Card #6 At the Sydney harbor (50 cm mark) Crush hears about Nemo’s escape from the dentist’s office through a drain pipe.
Card #7 Finally, Dory, Nemo, and Marlin meet up with Crush at Sydney Harbor (50 cm mark). Crush witnesses Nemo using his lucky fin to save Dory from a fishing net, proving to Marlin he is an independent young clown fish. …the end!