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Vivian D. Definition of Humility. Humility is the state or action of being humble; to not think or act highly of yourself; to not think you are better than anyone; To think of yourself equally or lower to others. Importance to Being Humble. Humility shows your true character
Definition of Humility • Humility is the state or action of being humble; to not think or act highly of yourself; to not think you are better than anyone; To think of yourself equally or lower to others.
Importance to Being Humble • Humility shows your true character • Humility shows your true intentions • Being humble shows what you think or feel in your mind and heart • Being humble portrays who you really are and what your feeling towards life, others and everything are
Humility Struggle is Real • Teenagers struggle with humility for titles • Exhibition of placement in class society • For a higher social status in school, sports, as well as other places and situations • Humility is largely struggled with by teenagers because of appearance and/or the attempt to impress peers
Humility and the Bible • The bible has plenty to say about humility • In James 4:6 the bible talks about God’s demand for the humble instead of the proud • In Philippians 2:3-11 the bible talks about doing things in humility and not in rivalry or conceit • In Luke 14:11 the bible says that anyone who humbles themselves shall be exalted and he that exalts his/her self shall be humbled
More Verses on Humility • 1 Peter 5:6 • Proverbs 22:4 • Colossians 3:12 • 1 Peter 5:5 • John 3:30 • James 4:10 • Proverbs 11:2
Steps to becoming more humble • There are many steps one can take to being more humble • You can learn to appreciate others • Think of yourself equal or less in a positive way • Keep in mind others and their feeling as well as your own
God’s word and say on Humility • The following video explains more in depth about what the God (the bible) has to say on humility
Bibliography • http://www.justhelga.wordpress.com • http://www.openbible.info/topics/humility • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdAv9CoNYJo • http://learnthis.ca/2011/01/50-ways-to-be-more-humble-and-to-act-humbly/ • https://www.google.com/search?q=bible+say+about+humility&oq=bibles+say+on+humility+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0.11719j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=biblical+scripture+on+humility&start=10&tbm=vid