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The Last Sherlock Holmes Story. German Loyola Rodrigo Rivera. About the author.
TheLastSherlock Holmes Story German Loyola Rodrigo Rivera
Abouttheauthor • Michael Dibding(1947-2007) wasborn in England. He wenttoschool in NorthenIreland, and he wenttouniversity in England and Canada. Hisfirstbookwas “TheLastSherlock Holmes Story”, in 1978. After that he went to Italy to teach English. Other books were “A Rich Full Death”, 1986 and “Ratking”, 1988, wich introduced Inspector Zen that it will be used in other books. He later lived in USA.
Aboutthebook • Thebookisaboutthe case of Jack theRipper, a manwhokillsstreetwomen. Holmes decides tosolvethe case and he bellivesthatthekillerwasisprofessorMoriarty, a veryinteligentuniversityprofessor. However, Watson discoversthatwas Holmes thekiller and that he wasmad. At theend Holmes in hismadnesscommits suicide so thatMoriartycan´twin.
Characters • Sherlock Holmes: A famousclever detective, butalso a madkiller. • Dr. Watson: Thebestfriend of Holmes and thenarrator of thestory. • Jack theRipper: A killerwhoripsstreetwomen. • ProfessorMoriarty: A veryintelligentprofessorcreatedbytheimagination of Holmes. • Inspector Lestrade: The inspector of thecitywhoworked a lot of times with Holmes. • Mary Morstan: Thewife of Watson. • Arthur ConnanDoyle: A writerwhowrotestories of Holmes.
Victorianreferences in thebook • The real Jack theRipperlived in thevictoran times. • The use of cocaine as a medicine. • Themeans of transportusedlikecabs and trains. • Thetipe of revolver used in thebook.
Personal opinion • Our personal opinionisthatthebookwasfun and interesting, butitwasweirdthat Holmes wasthekiller. Isalsointerestingthatisconectedwiththe real worldsayingthat Holmes existed and that Arthur ConnanDoylewrotethisstories and that he wasfriend of Watson.