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Joel NAINIE Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator King George Vth School HONG KONG Email: joel.nainie@kgv.edu.hk Ph: ++852 9325 7137 Website: www.giftedleadership.net. Leadership Training for the Gifted: A Frames of Reference Paradigm.
Joel NAINIE Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator King George Vth School HONG KONG Email: joel.nainie@kgv.edu.hk Ph: ++852 9325 7137 Website: www.giftedleadership.net
Leadership Training for the Gifted: A Frames of Reference Paradigm. 2nd International Student Leadership ConferenceBristol, United Kingdom 2008.
Context This conference targets schools who teach the International Bacchelaureate as part of their core curriculum, are committed to international intercultural exchange and the development of Global Youth Leadership.
Intended Outcomes: • Identify the characteristics, values and behaviours which constitute an effective leadership profile. • Understand leadership models and frameworks and apply them to specific scenarios. • Develop an understanding of analytical tools used in collaborative problem solving. 4. Solve a global problem using a frames of reference paradigm integrating leadership models and styles.
Pedagogical Underpinnings 1. The development of student voice is critical to developing leadership potential. 2. Simulation tasks facilitate greater retention and higher student task involvement. 3. Gifted students need to spend more time developing higher order cognitive skills and constructivist strategies will best facilitate that. 4. Leadership ability informs and is a part of a wider definition of giftedness.
Synthesis(Creating) Evaluation(Evaluating) Analysis(Analysing) Application(Applying) Comprehension(Understanding) Knowledge(Knowing) Bloom’s Taxonomy for gifted students
Pre-Conference Phase Pre-release of global problem and pre–reading by early May. Release of groups by gender, school and region by late May. Group emails provided. Leadership Style Survey - an on-line self rating scale to be completed by late September. On-line collaborative research of the stakeholder groups by students using : www.mindmeister.com
Students select a contemporary leader that they admire and write 10 descriptive words that characterise him/her. Students interview 3 local leaders to see if they agree with their descriptors of the chosen leader. Students then write a 200 word profile describing their selected leader and bring this to the conference. Each student brings an A4 size laminated picture of the leader s/he most admires.
Saturday : Delegates arrive Bristol. Check in and registration confirmed. Sunday : Full day excursion reflecting the history and culture of the host country. Day One Monday: Opening Address Phase Two: The Conference Programming Student Perception of an Effective Leader: In groups students exchange written profiles and come to a consensus on the top 10 defining characteristics. Group as a whole agrees on leadership characteristics.
Pictures of most admired leaders placed on the floor for viewing and students categorise these by type: Politicians, environmentalists, religious or scientists to name a few. Drawing conclusions from the sample data. Students are presented with leadership models andare required to integrate these ideas and principles to solve problematic fictional scenarios.
Phase Two Tuesday : Full day excursion reflecting the culture and heritage of the host country. Wednesday : Parallel sessions on analytical tools, plus research sessions. Evening dinner. Thursday : HSBC Presentation on Leadership followed by time to finalise presentations. Friday : Student presentations, open forum, followed by awards. Conference concludes 5pm.
TASK: Produce an Action Plan for your stakeholder group to reduce carbon emissions by 20% by 2020. In the process, you will need to review your stakeholder group’s current policy and practice regarding carbon emission and make recommendations to improve its reduction. Topic: Reduction of Carbon EmissionsYour group represents a particular stakeholder organisation. Your presentation may make use of a variety of mediums and methods such as PowerPoint presentations, role –play, poems, music, song, posters, reports or pamphlets, to name a few. Duration: 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and answers.
The Stakeholder Groups 1. A national automobile manufacturer. TATA . 2. School Leadership Team. ( Principal, Vice Principals, Assistant Principals and School Bursar) 3. A domestic airline. (Virgin) A global bank. (HSBC) The Liberal Democrat Party. A radical environmental group. (Green Peace) A global hotel chain. (Inter-Continental) Each stakeholder group will have a pre-appointed liaison officer from the actual company/organisation.
Organisational Structure CAS Co-ordinator Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator Lead Teacher Administrative Assistant Senior Leadership Mentor Leadership Mentors Chair and Vice Chair Organising Committee Organising Committee Members Student Delegates
1.Leadership Models and Frameworks - The McGregor X and Y Theory - The Bolman / Deal Model Instructional Sessions.Students will receive a series of inputs on: • Analytical Tools. - Meltabrc to critically review sources. - Force Field Analysis - TASC (Thinking Actively in a Social Context) - PowerPoint Presentation Skills • - Mindmeister, collaborative on-line mind mapping program. 3.Key note addresses from prominent leaders in their fields.
Leadership Models and FrameworksDouglas McGregor’s X and Y Theory School Leadership Team (SLT) are concerned that student printing is costing the school an exorbitant amount of money. In an attempt to reduce costs, what strategies or policies could be implemented? Scenario 1: You are members of the SLT. Decide what policies or strategies you could implement to reduce running costs. Adopt one of the three leadership styles, discuss strategic options to solve the problem and feedback in 15 minutes. Leadership Styles: Type X (motivation via authority, coercion and control) Type Y (Integration and self-control) Type XY (a combination of both)
Four Frameworks for Leadership: The Bolman / Deal Model 1. The Structural Framework2. The Human Resources Framework3. The Political Framework4. The Symbolic Framework Scenario 2: Institutional Rebellion It has come to the attention of Senior Prefects that uniform standards at the school are being flagrantly flouted by a large percentage of the student body. Choose one or more of the four frameworks and use its characteristics to find solutions to this problem. Feedback and solutions in 15 minutes.
Three of you are newly appointed Senior Dance Captains for your school house and are charged with the responsibility of choreographing dance routines and organising rehearsals in preparation for The Evening of Music and Dance which starts in 6 weeks. Scenario 3: Insubordination Unfortunately, several members under your tutelage are disgruntled because they believe they should have been given the honor of being Dance Captain, and , are consequently behaving in a subversive manner. What leadership strategies or styles would you use to address this conflict and lead your team forward? Choose one or more of the four leadership styles to resolve this problem. Feedback and solutions in 15 minutes.
Post Conference Phase: Evaluation 1. Review of CAS Journals 2. Post conference interview / questionnaire 3. Oral Presentation Assessment Criteria.
Strengths • 1. Development of Student Voice 2. Intercultural Exchange • 3. Experiential Learning 4. Development of problem solving and leadership skills underscored by Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Problematic Areas 1. Work expectations prior to the conference 2. The partiality of knowledge: Access to accurate information. . 3. No formal instruction on interpersonal communication skills 4. Lacks experimental design at this stage.
Challenge for leadership educators is to find, and enhance, that critical balance between: Intercultural exchange Theory Skills Experiential learning. Implications for Leadership Education
Bibliography Anderson, L.W and Sosniak, L.A. (eds) (1994) Bloom’s Taxonomy: A forty-year retrospective, Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education. Bisland, A., Developing Leadership Skills in Young Gifted Students, Gifted Child Today, Winter 2004, Vol.12, Issue 1. Bolman, L, and Deal, T, Reframing Organizations Artistry, Choice and Leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, .2003. Chan, D.W (2000b) Developing the Creative Leadership Training Program for Gifted and Talented students in Hong Kong, Roper Review, 22. Clarke, D, Leadership Style Survey, retrieved March 3rd 2008 from http://www.nlink.com/~donclarke/leader/survstyl.html . English Faculty, Seaton High School, Giftedness: Realizing the Potential, Department of Education and Children’s Services, South Australia 2004. Gardner, H., Leading Minds, 1996, New York. Huckaby, W.O., and Sperling, H.B.(1981) Leadership Giftedness: An idea whose time has not yet come. Roeper Review, 3(3)
Bibliography IBO Learner Profile Booklet, pdf file, International Baccalaureate Organization 2006 retrieved from the web site: http://www.ibo.org Karim, A, A Developmental Progression Model for Intercultural Consciousness: A Leadership Imperative, Journal of Education for Business, Sept/Oct 2003, Vol. 79, Issue 1. Karnes, F.A.,and Meriweather, S. (1989). Developing and mplementing a plan for leadership: An integral component for success as a leader. Roeper Review, 11. Kouzes, James M., Posner, Barry Z., The Leadership Challenge. Jossey Bass: San Francisco 2002. Matthews, Michale S., Leadership Education for Gifted and Talented Youth: A Review of the Literature, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Vol.28, No.1, 2004.
Bibliography McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise. New York: McGraw Hill. Pass, S, & Campbell, R., Using the History of African American Civil Rights Leaders to Teach Leadership to High School Students,The Social Studies, July/August 2006, Vol.97, Issue 4. Smith, L., Exploring the Development of Leadership Giftedness,Roeper Review, September 91, Vol.14, Issue 1. Wallace, B. and Bentley, R., Teaching Thinking Skills Across the Middle Years, 2002.