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A N DY. A 3-year program to establish requirements for forward Drell-Yan production for future STAR/PHENIX upgrades, and to measure the analyzing power for Drell-Yan production in transversely polarized proton collisions. L.C.Bland, for AnDY 11 January 2011 Time Meeting, BNL. A N DY members.
ANDY A 3-year program to establish requirements for forward Drell-Yan production for future STAR/PHENIX upgrades, and to measure the analyzing power for Drell-Yan production in transversely polarized proton collisions. L.C.Bland, for AnDY 11 January 2011 Time Meeting, BNL
ANDY members E.C.Aschenauer, A. Bazilevsky, L.C. Bland, K. Drees, C. Folz, A.Gordon, Y. Makdisi, A. Ogawa, P. Pile, T.G. Throwe Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY H.J. Crawford, J.M. Engelage, E.G. Judd University of. California, Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory, Berkeley, CA C.W. Perkins University of. California, Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory, Berkeley, CA / Stony Brook University, NY A. Derevshchikov, N. Minaev, D. Morozov, L.V. Nogach Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia G. Igo, S. Trentalange University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA M. Grosse Perdekamp, A. Vossen University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL M.X. Liu Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM H. Avakian Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA E.J.Brash Christopher Newport University and TJNAF C.F.Perdrisat College of William and Mary V. Punjabi Norfolk State University Li, Xuan Shandong University, China 2
xF Dependence of Inclusive p0 AN STAR RHIC Run 6 with Forward Pion Detector PRL 101, 222001 (2008) arXiv:0801.2990 [hep-ex] Fits to SIDIS (HERMES) are consistent with p+p→π+X data AN at positive xF grows with increasing xF C. Kouvaris, J. Qiu, W. Vogelsang, F. Yuan, Phys. Rev. D 74, 114013 (2006). U. D’Alesio, F. Murgia Phys. Rev. D 70, 074009 (2004) arXiv:hep-ph/0712.4240
Present Understanding • Large spin effects observed for forward pion production at RHIC result from • (mostly from) orbital motion of quarks and gluons within proton • Color-charge interactions ANDY will test present understanding by measuring the sign of the analyzing power for Drell-Yan production. Theory expects this sign to be opposite to that observed in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. Observing this sign change establishes “like color charge repel” and “unlike color charges attract” for QCD.
Schematic of detector for Run-11 • Equipment in place: • HCal is two existing 9x12 modules from E864 (NIM406,227) • ECal are two small lead-glass modules from BigCal at JLab • BBC (from PHOBOS) and ZDC • Preshower is newly constructed scintillator arrays • Goals: • Establish impact of 3IR operation on PHENIX/STAR luminosity • Calibrate HCal • relative gain via cosmic-ray m • absolute energy scale via r,L,KS… • Measure hadronic backgrounds to benchmark simulations • Measure jet analyzing power (Lint~10 / pb, P=50%)
Schematic of detector for Run-12(PHOBOS split-dipole expected to be in place, but not used) • Equipment in place: • Hcal is existing 9x12 modules from E864 (NIM406,227) • Ecal is modeled as only (3.8cm)2x(45cm) lead glass • construct 2nd layer of PS • borrow/stage 1744-element lead-glass BigCal from JLab Goals: • Measure AN for DY without magnet (Lint~150 / pb, P=50%) http://www.star.bnl.gov/~akio/ip2/topview2.jpeg
Schematic of detector for Run-13(Uses PHOBOS Split Dipole for charge sign) • Equipment in place: • HCal is existing 9x12 modules from E864 (NIM406,227) • ECal is modeled as only (3.8cm)2x(45cm) lead glass • PHOBOS split-dipole magnetic field in GEANT model • Fiber tracker stations and MWPC require construction • Goals: • Measure AN for DY with magnet (Lint~150 / pb, P=50%) http://www.star.bnl.gov/~akio/ip2/topview_run13.jpeg
Trigger/DAQ electronics Left/right symmetric HCal Left/right symmetric ECal Blue-facing BBC Left/right symmetric preshower Beryllium vacuum pipe IP2 in January, 2011Run-11 Staging of ANDY See http://hena.lbl.gov/IP2/Business/status/<date> for pictures of progress
Many Thanks to C-A ANDY Liason Physicist: Angelika Drees ANDY Liason Engineer: Charles Folz Group Coordinator: Fred Kobasiuk Experimental Services Group: Supervisor: John White Larry Arnold Rob Karl Ed Debrowski Matt Ceglia Charlie Bloxson Carpenters: Jim Johnsen Mike Demers Electricians: Supervisor: Neil Waide Jeremy Salvia Bob Hoogsteden Mike Devany Joe Summers Kevin Wish James Folk John Prussen ZDC preparations (including SMD): Tony Curcio Steven Jao George Mahler Dysart Ravenhall Paul Ziminski Joe Citro Jim Kelly Riggers: Supervisor Alex Korol Arthur Anderson James Sadloski Roy Johnson Dane De Fio Jeff Tabacco Robert Medina Survey: Supervisor: Frank Karl Doug Gordon Ed Ulrich Vacuum Group: Group Leader: Mike Mapes Robert Todd Optical fibers: Charlie Theisen Warren Jappe John Pepe Pete Zimmerman Larry Carboni Ralph Schoenfeld Others who worked hard! Contact me at bland@bnl.gov, if I missed you