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Educational Excellence Embracing Our Vision Designing Our Future

Educational Excellence Embracing Our Vision Designing Our Future. Excellence. What the Constitution* Says.

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Educational Excellence Embracing Our Vision Designing Our Future

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  1. Educational Excellence Embracing Our Vision Designing Our Future Excellence

  2. What the Constitution* Says • The committee (International) is composed of 13 members: 2 from each region, a chair, the NGO representative and a music representative. Ex officio members are the International president and Membership Services Administrator. • The committee may function as a whole and in smaller groups to accomplish its responsibilities *Constitution, Article VIII, Section C.1.

  3. What the Constitution Says • The committee shall • Promote programs and projects for excellence in education • Identify long-term an short-term programs and projects that focus on topics adopted by the Society, and shall transmit suggestions for study and action to state organizations and Chapters. • Support programs of action that promote the personal well-being, intellectual growth, and global awareness of women educators. • Encourage a focus on the arts at International conventions.

  4. What the Constitution Says • The committee shall • Develop strategies to enable Chapters to encourage members to become leaders. • Encourage states and Chapters to participate in programs that promote professional growth of women educators • Study and recommend action on professional issues and urge state organizations to initiate, endorse, and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interest of education and women educators. • Plan a training session preceding regional conferences for incoming • state organization educational excellence chairs.

  5. How is the International Educational Excellence Committee (EEC)carrying out the directives for this first biennium?

  6. EEC Definition Statement : The Educational Excellence Committee promotes International projects, supports early-career educators, and encourages programs and activities that further educational excellence

  7. EEC Goals • Promote the Schools for Africa Project • Support Early-Career Educators • Encourage programs that • Increase members’ personal and professional pride • Focus on educational excellence • Promote the DKG/UN relationship • Increase members’ global awareness • Impact educational law and policy

  8. International EEC has provided links on the Society Web site that lead to many resources for state organizations and Chapters.

  9. Examples • Monthly Schools for Africa Newsettes with program and fund-raising ideas, up-to-date information on total Society donations, and fact sheets on countries involved.

  10. Examples • Early-career Educator support resources, including • THAT--Teachers Helping Another Teacher project (from California State Organization) • Dinner and a Movie (from Omega Chapter, Oregon)

  11. How do State Organizations and Chapters transition from Program of Work Committees to Educational Excellence?

  12. Remember! State organizations and Chapters are notrequired to have the same named committees as at the International level. They are required to fulfill the work of those committees that apply to state organization and Chapter levels. Key Idea:

  13. Options: • Keep same names/organization as before but incorporate new duties as necessary. • Give current POW committees new names

  14. Options: • Have one Educational Excellence Committee with more members who work together in smaller groups to achieve the responsibilities and report back to the whole. • Devise a totally unique plan that works for your particular state organization or Chapter.

  15. Key Idea: Remember, so long as the work of the Educational Excellence Committee is fulfilled, state organizations and Chapters have great flexibility as to how the work is fulfilled.

  16. Eta State Organization (NC) Standing Committees (14) A. Society Mission and Purposes (7 ) • Awards • Beginning Teacher Support • Educational Excellence • Educational Law and Policy • Leadership Development • Membership/Expansion • Scholarship B. Society Business (7) • Communications and Publicity • Finance • Headquarters • Nominations • Personnel • Planning • Rules Sample

  17. Alpha Lambda State Organization (VT) Article VIII, Section A Standing committees shall be: 2.  Society Mission and Purposes a.    Curriculum of Hope for Peace b.    Educational Excellence c.     Fine Arts d.    Music e.     Scholarship f.      World Fellowship g.      Other h.  Achievement Award i.     Service to Education Award b. The Educational Excellence Committee shall: (1)  promote within the state a program that follows a yearly theme (2) assist Chapter committees in developing worthwhile programs aligned with the International theme (3) encourage a program of selective recruitment of teachers and retention of qualified educators (4) encourage action in the field of legislation to improve education and the status of women educators (5) have as chair the state first vice- president. Sample

  18. Zeta State Organization (MS) Mississippi called it the EEC but has Personal Growth and Professional Affairs titles and persons underneath it.   Here is the statement from their bylaw change. B.  Society Mission and Purposes 1.  Educational Excellence—Appointed • The committee shall have as its chairman the state first vice president.  • The members shall include a representative from each of the following areas:  Personal Growth and Services, Professional Affairs, Research, Legislative, and Music.  • The committee shall promote programs and projects for excellence in education; and support programs of action that promote the personal well-being, intellectual growth, and global awareness of women educators. Sample

  19. Alpha Kappa State Organization (CT) Sample

  20. Beta Kappa Chapter, Michigan • Society Mission and Purposes Committees: • 1. Educational Excellence Committee shall: • Develop a program of work which focuses upon the Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Purposes of the Society. • Plan Chapter programs and projects that • Carry out International programs and projects, adjusted to local needs; • Identify, involve, and train future Chapter leaders; • Enrich the personal lives of members; • Promote the professional growth of members; • Support and assist beginning educators in the community; • Encourage decision makers to pass legislation and adopt policies that create a supportive environment for students and educators. • Prepare and distribute to members a Chapter yearbook. • (See Const. VIII-C, State Bylaw IX-C and State Standing Rule IX-3-B) Sample for Chapter

  21. How will YOUR state organization and Chapters accomplish the EEC goals?

  22. EEC Definition Statement : • The Educational Excellence Committee promotes International projects, supports early-career educators, and encourages programs and activities that further educational excellence. • EEC Goals • Promote the Schools for Africa project • Support Early Career Educators • Encourage programs and activities that: • Increase members’ personal and professional pride • Focus on educational excellence • Promote the DKG/UN relationship • Increase members’ global awareness • Impact educational law and policy

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