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Lecture 13 Partially Reversible Logic and Quasi-Adiabatic Memories. Michael L. Bushnell CAIP Center and WINLAB ECE Dept., Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ. Designs with partially reversible logic Supply clock generation Low-Power Memory System Design Summary. Partially Reversible Logic.
Lecture 13Partially Reversible Logic and Quasi-Adiabatic Memories Michael L. Bushnell CAIP Center and WINLAB ECE Dept., Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ • Designs with partially reversible logic • Supply clock generation • Low-Power Memory System Design • Summary Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Partially Reversible Logic • Common logic gates (NAND, NOR, XOR) are irreversible – theoretical lower bound for isolated irreversible operation is kT • In CMOS, lower bound related to Vth and charges • Partially reversible logic recovers most of its switching energy • Based on self-control scheme Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Diode-Based Logic Family • Dissipates C Vdd Vth of energy • Uses differential signaling • Each signal & its complement must be present • Logical 0 – represented by downward pulse on c • Logical 1 – represented by downward pulse on d • Invert signals by exchanging wires • Need 4 clock stages Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
2N-2N2D Inverter/Buffer Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Inverter/Buffer Behavior • 1st phase – idle -- Clk high and outputs (c & d) high • 2nd phase – evaluate – clock ramps down to 0 V (inputs a & b must be valid) • If a = 0 and b = 1, then d follows clock down • 3rd phase – hold – outputs c & d are valid, can be sampled, input can now be changed • 4th phase – recharge – Clk ramps up to Vdd Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic AND/NAND Gate • IS1 and IS2 transistors isolate input from output • Replace with transmission gate – reduced channel resistance leads to lower power dissipation • Drawback – requires 6 clock phases • P and P only turn on during restoration Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic Serial Adder • P1 = F2, P2 = F4 for serial adder Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Measured Energy Savings • Assume 100% efficient power supply • Net energy flowing into circuit from power supply: • Difference in net energy between 2 consecutive cycles is energy loss in 1 full cycle • Design 1 – serial adder • Design 2 – serial adder with isolation transistor replaced by transmission gate Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Net Energy Function Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Buffer Gate Energy Dissipation Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
6 Buffer Chain Design with Reversible Logic • Isi = Fi – 2 Isi = Fi + 1 • Ci = Fi + 2 Ci = Fi – 1 • 6 Clock phases required for reversible logic example • Reversible logic primitives may have redundant outputs • Can recover 93% of energy at 1.1 MHz (100% efficient power supply) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
6 Buffer Chain Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Simple Charge Recovery Logic • Modified static CMOS circuit – simpler • Adiabatic circuits so far have constant energy dissipation, regardless of input switching activity • When input activity = 0, adiabatic circuit still dissipates constant energy, whereas static CMOS only has leakage current • Necessary to switch between static CMOS and adiabatic circuit • SEL selects which mode to operate in • 2 supply phases: evaluation and hold Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic Adder Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
CMOS vs. Adiabatic CMOS 2 X 2 Multiplier Energy Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic Dynamic Logic Inverter • For cascading, need constant voltage Vdd between precharge and evaluate – avoids non-adiabatic transitions F Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Cascaded Adiabatic Inverters • When 1st stage latched, 2nd starts evaluating • When 1st stage evaluating, 2nd must be adiabatic • Need 4 clock phases, so all loops must have a multiple of 4 gates in the logic Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic Dynamic NAND Gate Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Energy Recovery SRAM Core • Can recover 75% of energy for both reads & writes • No complexity increase and low area overhead • Add row driver to drive memory core • Replace sense amplifiers with voltage level shifters • Vhi and Vlow ramp up and down like adiabatic clocks • Generated by row driver circuit Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic Core Diagram Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic SRAM Cell Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic SRAM Core Operations • Row address decoder generates row selection signals W0, W1, …, WM-1 • Vhi, Vlow, Vword of enabled row controlled independently by global supply lines Ghi, Glow, Gword • Vhi, Vlow, Vword of unselected rows connected to static supply lines Shi, Slow, and GROUND • Does not need bit line precharger – replaced by bit line equalizer transistor Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Row Driver Circuit Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Read Operation • Example supplies: Shi = Vdd = 5 V, Slow = 2 V, Vt = 1 V • SRAM in rest state – all rows disabled • Row driver: Vhi = 5 V, Vlow = 2 V, Vword = 0 V • bit line precharged midway to 2 V • Read operation: • Row selection applied: Vword smoothly ramped up to 3 V by Gword • Vhi and Vlow ramped down to 3 and 0 V, respectively • If 0 stored, node A is low, node B is high • Both M1 and M5 on, so bit follows Vlow down to 0 V • bit remains at 2 V, since B is > 3 V, and Vword = 3 V, so M6 cannot turn on • Level shifter amplifies bit line differential – generates output • bit reverts to rest state (2 V) by same cells being read Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Write Operation • Cell bit information overwritten by bit lines • Apply row selection, pull up Vword, pull Vhi down to 3 V • Cell voltage difference now Vhi – Vlow = 1 V = Vt • Cell state held for columns not being written • Low enough to flip cell state for selected columns • Simultaneously ramp Vlow and bit from 2 V to 0 V • B pulled down by bit and cell state flips • Return to rest state: Vlow and bit revert back to 2 V, word is disabled Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Adiabatic SRAM Waveforms Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Column-Activated Memory Core • Only activate columns we actually will read/write • Saves energy • Vhi and Vlow now run vertically, generated by column driver, implemented like row driver • Row driver still required • Same cell structure Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Column-Activated Core Diagram Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Memory Core Energy Dissipation • Energy dissipated when cell written – erasing data • Design 1 – row-based, Design 2 – column-based Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Column-Based CORE Organization • Core of M X N bits • n bits read/written in each operation • Ratio of effective capacitances • In 256 X 256 block, row-activated uses 4 times the energy of column-activated design Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Energy Recovery NOR Address Decoder • Only change from conventional dynamic decoder: • Precharge pMOSFETS replaced by nMOSFETs • Rest state: Vlow = Vdd, all row lines at Vdd - Vth • Evaluation: • Vlow swings from Vdd to 0, all row lines follow it down except selected line, which stays at Vdd - Vth Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Address Decoder Waveforms Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
NOR and NAND Decoders Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
NAND Adiabatic Decoder • Operates like NOR decoder, but only 1 row switches • Uses far less energy than NOR decoder • Can be used with pre-decoding, but requires more clock phases • Same decoding scheme used for both row and column decoders Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Energy Recovery Level Shifter & I/O Buffer Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Level Shifter Operation • Initially Vls = 0, shifter disabled • A and A equalized • Turn on access transistors • bit and bit arrive, build voltage difference in amplifier • Vls ramped from 0 to Vdd – no short-circuit current • Turn off access transistors – isolate level-shifter • Buffer drives I/O bus • 90% energy recovery achieved Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Overall SRAM Supply Schemes Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Optimal Voltage Selection • Bit line energy dissipation: • Optimal voltage swing lies between 3 Vth and 4 Vth Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Row and Column-Activated Cells • Energy recovery of 50% for both read and write Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Energy Recovery in Adiabatic Cores Column-Activated Row-Activated Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Decoder Transition Times Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
NAND/NOR Decoder Dissipation Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Energy Efficiency of Clock Generator Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003
Summary • Energy recovery circuitry produces large power saving • Cost of more area and slower clock speed • Considerations: • Highly efficient switching power supply (high Q factor) • Optimize # redundant signals in reversible logic • Quasi-static CMOS circuits are most practical • Need to change standard CMOS process for adiabatic logic to add necessary diodes Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 13 (c) 2003