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Collaboration Definitions & Benefits

Collaboration Definitions & Benefits. Writing Studio Collaboration iIi training Angela Shaw-Thornburg. definitions. Learners work together on the same tasks; have equal access to the material (Lai, 2011 ); influence each other as a result of collaboration (Lai, 2011 ); and

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Collaboration Definitions & Benefits

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  1. CollaborationDefinitions & Benefits Writing Studio Collaboration iIi training Angela Shaw-Thornburg

  2. definitions Learners • work together on the same tasks; • have equal access to the material (Lai, 2011); • influence each other as a result of collaboration (Lai, 2011); and • work together toward to arrive at an understanding of the material (Lai, 2011).

  3. Benefits: collaboration works! Learners • leverage peer interactions to improve writing, • become more aware of the impact of metacognition as a performance improvement tool, Metacognition: “thinking about thinking” • uncover misunderstandings and address them, and • practice using the discourse of academic writing and discussion in a supportive setting.

  4. References Lai, E. (2011). Collaboration: A Literature Review [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www.pearsonassessments.com/hai/images/tmrs/Collaboration- Review.pdf.

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