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Year 1 Autumn Term 2. Literacy 1. labels, lists and captions (1 week) 2. Poems on a theme (2 weeks). History Changes in living memory Key events – bonfire night. Maths 1. Sequence events in chronological order using
Year 1 Autumn Term 2 Literacy 1. labels, lists and captions (1 week) 2. Poems on a theme (2 weeks) • History • Changes in living memory • Key events – bonfire night Maths 1. Sequence events in chronological order using language – before, after, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening 2. Recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks months years Why are the toys from 2014 more fun than the toys from the past? WOW starter Trip – Abbey museum • Science • Observe changes • in Autumn • 2. Observe and describe weather and the changes in the length of the day Where do the leaves go to in winter? • Music • Sing songs • Listen and understand live and recorded music Art 1.Creating pictures experimenting with using different mediums 2. Developing and sharing ideas
Literacy 1. The light house keepers lunch 2. Diaries 3. Life stories 4. Adventure stories – lost at sea. Wht SpSs Year 2 Autumn 2 • History • Study the lives of • Significant individuals from the past who have contributed to national and international achievements • 2. Compare aspects of life in • Different periods • Maths • Choose and use appropriate standard units to measure 2. Compare and order lengths, mass, • Volume/capacity and record results using • ≥ ≤ and = Who were the real super heroes? Science How does your garden grow 1. What happens to plants in Autumn? 2. Identify and name a variety of plants • DT • What is the best material • For making boats (linked to Grace Darling) Art Pop Art – Peter Blake Andy Warhol David Hockney Pop Art Collage
Literacy 1. Posters, advertisements 2. Persuasion – travel brochures 3. reports 4. Egyptian diary: The journal of Nakht Maths 1. Measurement – length mass, volume / capacity 2. Draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise and describe 3-D shapes in different orientations. 3. identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel Wht SpSs Year 3 Autumn 2 History 1. Where does Ancient Egypt Fit in chronologically? 2. Who were Egyptian celebrities? 3. How did they live? 4. What were the pyramids? 5. How doe we know? What did the Egyptians do for us? Science 1. Identify that humans and Some other animals have Skeletons and muscles for Support, protection and Movement. 2. Teeth – identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple Functions. DT 1. Which shape is strongest In buildings?(relate to pyramids) 2. What is the easiest way to Move blocks? Art 1. hieroglyphics 2. clay canoptic jars 3. Paper towel mummies
Literacy 1. writing up investigations in science 2. Settings warm and cold, different landscapes 3. Stories set in cold lands Maths 1. temperature – negative numbers 2. reading scales 3. Tables , bar charts Wht SpSs Art collage fabric art Year 4Autumn 2 Geography 1. Where is it really cold? 2. Where is it really warm? 3. Latitude, longitude, Equator, The tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Artic and Antarctic circle. Why is it so cold in here? Science Materials – 1. compare and group materials together 2. Observe that some materials change state 3. How can we stay warm?
Literacy 1. non chronological reports 2. Biographies – 3. Persuasion – holidays in Brazil? 4. Discussion – rain forest 5. narrative – Brazilian culture and stories 6. letters - pen pals Wht SpSs Year 5 Autumn 2 Maths 1.Statistics – problem solving presented as line graphs 2. Complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timetables 3. Budgeting – plan a holiday in Brazil • History • 1.What countries first settled there? • How and when did Brazil become independent? • Brazil • What do you know and what do you want to find out? • Where do tourist like to visit? • Neighbouring countries • What can you find out about street children? • Trade and growing economy • Physical and human characteristics Geography 1. Where is Brazil? 2. climate zones, biomes, Vegetation belts, rivers, mountains 3. use maps, atlases, globes to locate and describe features 4. use the eight points of a compass , four and six-figure grid refs symbols and keys Science 1. Lifecycles of plants – linked to the rain forest Art 1. Brazilian street art – what is the political message? 2. Speto – Brazilian street artist 3. How does your environment influence your art?
Literacy 1. Report writing in science 2. Settings – suspense stories 3. Character description – good / evil 4. Burgler Bill – write own version. Maths Geometry –1. describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all 4 quadrants) 2 Draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in axis 3. Confidently use a range of measures and solve problems. 4. Revision of time. Wht SpSs Year 6 Autumn 2 • Computing • Design and write programs to • Solve problems • 2. Detect and solve errors How can you light up your life? • Science • How can I change the brightness of a bulb or the volume of a buzzer? • What symbols do I use to represent a circuit? • How do we see things? • How does light travel? • 5. Why are shadows that shape? DT Use mechanical and electrical systems in own products including programming • Art • Improve mastery of drawing techniques • Experiment with line