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Clinical Establishment Act, 2010. U.T. Chandigarh. Progress of CEA in U.T. Chd (April 2011- January 2014). 11.04.2011. Meeting held under the chairmanship of Shri L.C Goyal, Addl. Secy. & DG (CGHS), GOI, MoHFW, New Delhi regarding CEA
Clinical Establishment Act, 2010 U.T. Chandigarh
11.04.2011 Meeting held under the chairmanship of Shri L.C Goyal, Addl. Secy. & DG (CGHS), GOI, MoHFW, New Delhi regarding CEA • Discussion was about implementation of CEA and its rules and regulations • It was decided in the meeting that the state representative will send their comments regarding rules framed by the central government • In case the act comes into force in U.T. Chandigarh, the follow-up action required to take is to constitute U.T. Council and Authority for Registration
20.04.2011 Dr. Soma Rani (DFWO), Chandigarh appointed as Nodal Officer for CEA
1.03.2012 Clinical establishment act was enforced in all U.T.s and 4 states
20.03.2012 Meeting was held at New Delhi, regarding CEA under chairmanship of Shri L.C Goyal, Addl. Secy. & DG (CGHS) • Shri L.C Goyal informed that CEA had come into force in all U.T’s and four states w.e.f as per notification on 28.02.2012 • Implementation aspects with regard to classification, categorization and developing of minimum standards of Clinical Establishments will be need to taken by National Council • He requested all concerned officials of State and U.T. ‘s to formulate the state rules under Section-54 of the act and takes steps for other allied action. • PPT regarding the same was sent to us.
30.05.2012 Secretary Health, Chandigarh Administration had requested Director Public Relations, U.T. Chandigarh to get the public notice published in the newspaper (Tribune Trio, Indian Express, Hindustan Times and Danik Bhaskar) for nominations of formations of U.T. Council. (But nobody had replied for it)
11.06.2012 Review Meeting held at GMSH-16 relating to Implementation to CEA in which Sh. Sunil Nandraj , Advisor, MoFHW emphasis on effective steps on time bound base regarding framing of rules with modification as well as given tentative date of 15 July 2012 to be date for constitution of U.T. Council & DRA
18.06.2012 A mail had been received by DFWO, Chandigarh from Mr. Sunil Nandraj. He suggested that the following steps could be undertaken at the earliest and ask to share the information with Mr. Arun Panda, Mr. L.C. Goyal Addl. Sec.,MoHFW • Notify the model rules under Section-54 of CEA • Letters to various members of the U.T. Council to send the names for its constitution and notify them and called for the first meeting. • Letter to be issued to the District Collector and to the CMO for the constitution of DRA. • To begin the provisional registration by issuing orders to the DRA and informing through media and by other means. • Open a bank account at the State Level for registration and other fees to be deposited. • Organize meetings or Capacity building workshops for the official concern with the implementation of the Act.
28.12.2012 Meeting held at New Delhi under the chairmanship of Shri P.K Pradhan secretary, HFW regarding the status of implementation of CEA • He informed that online registration had made provisional through web based application which can be assessed through the website www.clinicalestablishments.nic.in • First draft of minimum standards for few categories of Clinical Establishment had been developed. • Timeline of various actions required to be taken by the state was decided. • Standard IEC material for publicity and increasing awareness on CEA shall be developed centrally and which shall be circulated in the state and Union Territories so that they can further dovetail the material on the basis of requirement. • Drafts standard treatment guidelines and draft minimum standards may be shared with State and U.T’s
22.01.2013 • Notification for Setting up DRA under CEA • The DRA for U.T consisting of the following members
01.02.2013 A mail had been received from Mr. Anil Kumar (CMO-NFSG), Directorate General of Health Services • To send the action taken report in respective of the minutes of the meeting on review of implementation of CEA held at New Delhi on Please share all the notifications as they will be uploaded on the website of CEA. • Notification of State Rules by 31st January, 2013 • Starting the online registration by 15th February, 2013 • Intimation of name of Nodal Officer by 15th January, 2013. • Intimation of names of experts (2 per sub-committee’s from each state by 15th January , 2013) • State of U.T. should submit proposals if the required funds • State or U.T. organize publicity and awareness meeting's and workshop for all stake-holders.
18.02.2013 An action report had been sent to Dr. Anil Kumar with respect to the mail received on 1st February, 2012 regarding the meeting held on The following action taken report had been sent: • Rules framed under Section-54 of the Act have been duly vetted by the Law Department and are the same are awaiting approval of the Administration U.T. Chandigarh • Proposal regarding U.T. Council is under active consideration of Chandigarh Administration. The constitution is held up because of non receipt of nominations from different quarters. • DRA was constituted on 22nd Jan 2013. • Online registrations will be started soon. • Dr. Soma (DFWO), Chandigarh had been appointed as a Nodal Officer • Necessary funds have already made been available through request of from Chandigarh Administration. • Actions on the publicity of CEA shall be taken as soon as rules under the act are notified by the Chandigarh Administration.
06.03.2013 A mail had been received from Dr. Anil Kumar (CMO-NFSG) regarding the first drafts of minimum standards. • He informed that these standards will be modified base on the survey of clinical establishment being carried out through QCI and IMA
08.03.2013 Videoconferencing meeting held at NIC, U.T., Secretary under the chairmanship of A.K. Panda (J.S.) for the implementation of CEA. In this meeting following points were discussed: • The Chairperson clarified that the Central Rules should be followed. • Line-listings should be immediately started in U.T. Chandigarh in the previous discussion of December, 2012, should be suspended for time-being. • Mr. Panda informed that the registrations should be started with he help of whatever manpower is available. • Sensitization to the government employees be done up to 30th March 2013 and as PPI is campaigned to be held at 7th April 2013, so sensitization to private practitioners will ne done by 10th April 2013
28.05.2013 Dr. Anil Kumar CMO, Director General Health Services, GOI had sent a letter to Regional Director, Chandigarh regarding the CEA. • He requested to follow-up for the implementation of the Act with State or U.T Government. • Notification of the State Rules, State Council and DRA • Starting online & Offline registrations • Identification and contact detail of Nodal Officer for CEA • Publicity and awareness meeting for all stake-holders
16.07.2013 A Videoconferencing was held at NIC, U.T. Chandigarh under the chairmanship of A.K. Panda (J.S.) for the implementation of CEA Following steps taken by U.T. Chandigarh were shared with the member: • Rules framed under Section-54 of the Act have been duly vetted by the Law Department and are the same are awaiting approval of the Administration U.T. Chandigarh • The constitution of U.T. council is pending with Chandigarh Administration • DRA was constituted on 22nd Jan 2013. • Online registrations will be started soon.
08.11.2013 Chandigarh Administration has notifies the CEA,2010 under Section-54 regarding the Rules & Formats (hyperlink to be attached of UT Notification)
27.11.2013 Through a letter Joint Secretary Health had directed Director Health & Family Welfare, U.T. Chandigarh, Chandigarh Administration regarding U.T. Council formation. • They had informed about receiving of nominations of representatives from Dental Council of India. • They have requested to depute a responsible doctor for getting the nominations and expedited from the remaining bodies at personal level enabling this Administration to notify the U.T. Chandigarh at the earliest.
26.12.2013 The charge of CEA has been given to Dr. Meena H. Singh (SMO OBG) MCH ,Center-22 Chandigarh
01.01.2014 The letter has been sent by Joint Secretary Health to Director Health & Family Welfare regarding U.T. Council formation. • They have requested to depute a responsible doctor for getting the nominations and expedited from the remaining bodies at personal level enabling this Administration to notify the U.T. Chandigarh at the earliest.
06.01.2014 Dr. Soma Rani (DFWO) has been nominated as Representative of Secretary Health Chandigarh, on 06.01.2014, for sub-committee of the National Council for Clinical Establishment Act
INITIATIVES TAKEN Manpower • Two staff members are recruited under CEA • Coordinator - Joined on 25.02.2014 • Administrative Assistant cum DEO - Joined on 01.01.2014 DRA Meeting DRA Meeting has been scheduled on 24.03.2014 at 4:00 PM (Details of the initiatives will be projected in Video-conference on 25.03.2014)