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What is Virtual or Online Counselling

For teenagers and young adults, sitting in a therapistu2019s office talking about their feelings may not seem to be particularly enticing. But, talking to an online therapist may not sound too bad to them as online counselling session is easily accessible, convenient and can be used by just accessing their mobile phone

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What is Virtual or Online Counselling

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  1. BetterLYF.com WhatisVirtualor OnlineCounselling & HowitWorks?

  2. WhatisVirtual/ onlinecounselling ? Onlinecounsellingissameastraditional counselling, andonlythemodeto connectchanges. Intraditional counsellingaclientneedstovisitthe therapist'sclinicphysicallywhilein onlinecounsellingtheycanconnectwith thetherapistthroughchat, audioor videocall.

  3. Confusedhowonlinecounsellingworks? - Searchatherapistonlineoronline counsellingservices. - Makesureyouhavegoodinternetspeed onyourmobileorthedeviceyouareusing. - Bookanonlineappointment. - Orconnectdirectlywithanonlinetherapist throughchat, callorvideo.

  4. WhatdoesonlinecounsellingHelpyouwith? Anxiety, stress, feelingoverwhelmed Negativethinkingpatterns Depression Notfeelinglikeyourself Notwantingtogetoutofbed Relationshipcounselling TraumaandPTSD Moodswings Maritalconflicts

  5. KnowMoreat - www.betterlyf.com OnlineCounselling (Audio, Video, chat)

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