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Learn about the tapir, anteater, and other endangered species. Find out how you can help protect them from threats like predators, habitat loss, and human activities. Discover fascinating facts and ways to support wildlife conservation efforts.
Tapir Lions, tigers, jaguars What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Don’t kill it. 30 yrs animal picture here What I eat: Grass, leaves, of shrubs and aquatic plants, twigs, also seeks out salt licks. Where I live: Dense tropical rain forest, grasslands close to water. Photo credit: http://www.tapirback.com/tapirgal/asian/default.htm Tapirs are related to horses. All baby Tapirs have striped-and-spotted for camouflage. It eats fruit on the ground. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/diaglab/hilites/717Japa1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/diaglab/hilites/hilt717.html&h=180&w=250&sz=18&tbnid=gzVx7Z3vX-wJ:&tbnh=76&tbnw=106&hl=en&start=6&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhermit%2Bbeetle%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DNhttp://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/diaglab/hilites/717Japa1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/diaglab/hilites/hilt717.html&h=180&w=250&sz=18&tbnid=gzVx7Z3vX-wJ:&tbnh=76&tbnw=106&hl=en&start=6&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhermit%2Bbeetle%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN www.entomology.wisc.edu/.../ hilites/hilt717.html Hermit Beetle Xxxxx What is killing me: You can help: Life span: XXXX 2 yrs a nimal picture here What I eat: I eat … Where I live: I live … Photo credit: http:// Put information about your animal here. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net Adults:sugary liquid including banana, apple, sugar water, etc. Larvae: rotten wood, old leaves, dog food, and compost http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/elytraandantenna/USInsects/RearingOeremicola.html
Flying Dragon Non-threatened What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Don’t cut down trees 70 yrs animal picture here What I eat: Ants, termites, insects, small mammais Where I live: Southeast Asia rainforest rubber plantations. Photo credit: http://mbgnet.mobot.org/sets/rforest/animals/dragon.htm An arboreal lizard. The so-called fly dragon actually glides from tree to tree on wing like skin flaps. At each side of its body, between front and hind limbs there is a large flap of skin supported by extended movable.The flying dragon buries1-4 eggs in the soil.The Flying Dragon guards its nest for 24 hours. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
Anteater Loss of habitat, jaguars, tigers, humans, and cheetahs. What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Protect it from the predators 26 years a nimal pict ure here What I eat: Ants, termites and their eggs, grubs,cocoons, beetles,fruit, and occasionally. Where I live: low-lying grasslands in Central and South America. Photo credit:http://www.maiaw.com/anteater/ The giant anteater of South America is about the size of a German shepherd dog. It is covered with stiff, straw-like hair which grows up to 40 cm long on the tail. A giant anteater will munch down a thousand insects in a few minutes. Anteaters spend most of their day looking for food. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
Llama wolf What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Don’t kill it 25 years animal pic ure Here What I eat: Hay,alfalfa Hay,corn Where I live: South America Photo credit: http:// My animal is not endanger. Llama are like Horses. Males are called Gelding. A 300-pound llama will need about four pounds of alfalfa hay. They weigh 18 to 31. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net http://www.llama.org/
Iriomote Cat Poisonous snakes, people and traps What is killing me: You can help: Life span: animal picture here What I eat: fruit bats, crabs, frogs, lizards, wild pigs, reptiles, insect Where I live: Iriomote Cat Island, Ryukyu (Nansei), Japan Photo credit: http://www.lioncrusher.com/ images/iriomotecat2.jpg Weighs 8.8-15 lb, Length 29.6-33.6 in, height 10 in, Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net Stop setting traps and stop eating them 12 to 16 years
White Faced Capuchin Monkey humans,large raptors,and boa constrictor What is killing me: You can help: Life span: 44 years animal pi here What I eat: I eat fruits and Where I live: South American rainforest Photo credit: Capuchins have large brains.Males are good at escaping. Female gives birth to singletons at 1-2 year Intervals. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net http://www.nps.gov/centralamerica/nicaragua/mnkey.shtml
Toucan People who cut trees What is killing me: You can help: Life span: recycling 10 animal picture here What I eat: I eat berry nuts, spider, lizards insects, fruit, tree frogs, bird eggs Where I live: I live Central and South American rain forests Photo credit:http://www.belizezoo.org/zoo/zoo/birds/tou/tou1.html The bill of a Toucan is almost is big as long as it’s Body.There is different kind’s of Toucan’s. They play swordfighting using their beaks or tossing fruit to each other.The toucan sleep with its beak on its back and their tail on there head. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
Chimpanzee hunters kill it What is killing me: You can help: Life span: You can stop disturb it or heal fight 65years animal picture here What I eat: Plant material (fruit, nuts, leaves, shoots, bark), eggs, and insects Where I live: Rainforest in Africa: Guinea to Zaire, Uganda and Tanzania Photo credit: htthttp://www.wildchimps.org/wcf/english/files/wissen.htmp:// Chimpanzee behavior as an imaginary mirror of human behavior. rainforest, savanna with woodland. Chimpanzees eat plants, ants, termites, and occasionally meat.They live and travel in small groups . They live 227 to 232 days . Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
Aye Aye Local people; lost of forest habitat. What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Don t kill it or its bad luck. Do not destroy the rainforest. 23 yrs animal picture here What I eat: Wood boring insects, fruits, seeds nectar, and fungi, nuts, and coconut Where I live: Madagascar rainforests, dry forests, bamboo thickest, and mangroves : People believe the aye aye is a bad omen. It is the only primate (monkey that uses echolocation like a bat) It taps trees with its long middle finger.Baby aye ayes are weaned at 7 months. A young aye aye stays with its mother for about 2 years. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net http://www.thewildones.org/Jersey/ayeAye.gif
Gray Bat People disturb me while I’m carrying my babies so I drop them. What is killing me: You can help: Life span: 14-15 yrs animal picture here What I eat: Mosquitoes, moths,and Mayflies Where I live: Warm caves in the United States Photo credit I weigh 0.2-0.3 oz. I roost in limestone caves near steams. Bats are the only flying mammals.To find food bats use echo-location.Gray bats fly12 miles from home just to eat.By November, most Gray Bats are hibernating. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net Protect bat caves with fences, gates and signs http://.com/pix/ark_outdoors_images/20020508_gray_bat.jpg
Tamarin Lion Monkey People What is killing me: You can help: Life span: By not cutting down trees. 15 animal picture here What I eat: Frogs, Flowers, fruits, lizards, snails, insects, plants juices Where I live: Brazil Photo credit: http://www.scz.org/animals/t/gltmrin2.html Most people say there hair is the color of a strawberry but redder. Golden Tamarin lion monkey is of the most endangered mammals. Golden Tamarin lion monkey has quite large eye’s.Their hands are like ours. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
Red-Eyed Tree Frog Boa snake, Jaguars, Toucans What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Give it some food. Give it a home. Give it some water. 25 yrs a nimal picture here What I eat: Moths, flys, grasshoppers, small frogs, and crickets. Where I live: South east aisa, Central America, Southern Mexico, In the rain forest Photo credit: http:// all aboutfrog.org / inof/species/ redeyeaber. html It glues it’s baby’s together. Red-Eyed tree frog is a members of the Hylidae family. It walks very very slowly it doesn’t know how to swim they need fresh air too. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
Binturong Local hunters, loss of habitat due to deforestation What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Eat less meat, Conscious consuming direct action,green Transportation. 40 Years animal picture here What I eat: I eat eggs, birds, fishes, carrion, leaves, and shoot of plants, fruits, insects, small mammals. Where I live: I live in dense forests ranging across the following Asian countries. Photo credit: They can be easily domesticated and kept as pets. They range in size from 4-6 feet including the tail which is almost as the body.A Binturong looks a bit like an animal that Dr. Seuss might have created separately the parts look familiar,but together you are not quite sure what the animal adds up to be. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net http://www.lioncrusher.com/animal.asp?animal=94
Ruffed Lemur Loss of habitat What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Stop destroying the rainforest 20-30 yrs animal picture here What I eat: I eat seeds, saps, grass, leaves, flowers, fruits, insects, or smaller animals. I am a vegetarian. Where I live: I live in Madagascar and Comoro Islands. Photo credit: http:// www. thewildones/animals/lemur.html My animal has a black and white fur coat and green eyes. Also a black nose. The Lemur has a black and white tail. When lemurs are born they are carried in their mothers’ mouths until they are old enough to hang on to her fur by themselves. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net
Capybara Jaguar alligators and smaller cats, foxes, wild dogs. What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Don’t buy the skin. 8-10 years animal picture here What I eat: It eats fruits and plants grasses grains. Where I live: South America and eastern Panama on banks of swamps lakes, streams and rivers in forested areas. Photo credit: http:// Females give birth to a litter of one to six young.Newborns weigh about 2 pounds. They have hair and can see at birth. Capybara mature at 1 1 /2 years old. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net j www.rebsig.com/capybara
Sloth Not currently endangered What is killing me: You can help: Life span: Get it away from its 10-20 yrs animal pcture here What I eat: Leaves of specific types of trees, and fruit. Where I live: South America Photo credit: http:// The sloth is a slow moving mammal that lives hanging upside from tree branches. The sloth got its name from its slow Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net http://www.telomere.org/images/Sloth.jpg
Southern Cassowary People run them over. What is killing me: You can help: Life span: It’s best not to stop if you see one on the road,but to slow down instead. 50 years animal picture here What I eat: Mainly fruit,fungi,snails insects, small and vertebrates. Where I live: South Australian Rainforest … Photo credit: http:// The thing on top of it’s head is called casque.It ‘s height is 5.5ft and it’s weight is 64-75lb.It’s legs are powerful.They are excellent swimmers and are often found in river banks.It’s length is 1.75m..The sharp nails on it’s inner toes can easily rip flesh so the Cassowary is capable of killing humans. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net www.hockin.org/.../ 1997_Australia/Cassowary.JPG
Jaguar Panthera Ocna Cattle ranchers What is killing me: You can help: Life span: We can stop killing it. 12-22 yrs animal picture here What I eat: Wild pigs, fish, frogs, turtles, tortoises, tapirs, young alligators, capybaras, domestic cattle, horses. Where I live: From Mexico to Patagonia, Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, dense forest in the Amazon basin Photo credit: http:// dspace .dial. Pipex.com/agarman /jaguar.htm They have short legs for climbing because they are arboreal. That means they climb trees .It is not the biggest cat. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/jaguar.htm
Slow Loris lion What is killing me: You can help: Life span: By giving it a lot of food. 16 years animal picture here What I eat: Bird`s eggs, small Birds, shoots, fruit Where I live: Rainforest with a Family lorisidae Photo credit: http://mbgnet.mobot.org/sets/rforest/animals/loris.htm The slow loris` coat is dense, woolly and soft and tawny In color with a black stripe along the back. Its short tail Is entirely concealed by the fur. Animal Info: Background photo source: gallery.maiman.net