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Related Conception ( 相关概念 )

Related Conception ( 相关概念 ). 什么是名词?. 表示人或事物的名称的词叫名词。. 2. 名词在句子当中一般可以作什么成分 ?. The boy is Li Ming. Mr. Liang , a 24-year-old boy, teaches us English. 主语. 表语. 同位语. 宾语. 什么是名词性从句 ?. 在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语,由一个句子来充当 , 这个句子就叫名词性从句。. 主语从句 ( The Subject Clause). 名词性从句.

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Related Conception ( 相关概念 )

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  1. Related Conception (相关概念) • 什么是名词? 表示人或事物的名称的词叫名词。 2. 名词在句子当中一般可以作什么成分? The boy is Li Ming. Mr. Liang , a 24-year-old boy, teaches us English . 主语 表语 同位语 宾语

  2. 什么是名词性从句? 在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语,由一个句子来充当,这个句子就叫名词性从句。 主语从句 ( The Subject Clause) 名词性从句 宾语从句 ( The Object Clause) 表语从句 ( The Predicative Clause) 同位语从句 ( The Appositive Clause)

  3. He saidthat he had told Mary the fact. • Nobody knewwhether he could pass the exam. • I know who he is . • We are talking aboutwhether we admit students into our club. • I am sorry that I broke your cup.

  4. Object Clauses 宾语从句

  5. 一、宾语从句常见的类型: 动词的宾语从句 宾语从句 介词的宾语从句 形容词的宾语从句

  6. 二、宾语从句的三种结构 1.主句+that+从句 2.主句+if/whether+从句 3.主句+what等疑问词+从句

  7. 1.that引导的宾语从句 1) I hear that he will be back in a month. 2) Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened. 3) I know nothing about him exceptthat he is living in Beijing. 4) We made it clear that we would not give in. 注意:1.and连接两个宾语, that引导的宾语从句 放在and 后时不能省略 2.当that作介词except, in等的宾语时 3.用it做形式宾语的宾语从句时,例如: think, find, consider+ it+ that从句

  8. 用that/what 填空 that 1) He answered_______ he was listening to me . 2) I don’t know ______ you said. 3) I told him ______ happened to me last night. 4) I don’t know ______ you are going to do. 5) He talked about the books ______ attracted him. 6) That is the day ______I'll never forget. what what what that that

  9. 2. if/whether引导的宾语从句 合并句子 1、 Does he live in Beijing ? I doubt… I doubt if / whether he lives in Beijing. 2、 Is he from Japan? I don’t know I don’t know if / whether he is from Japan.

  10. ▲后面有or not I don't know_________ or not you'll go.  He doesn't know _________ to visit that old man again. I'm interested in _______ he'll go or not. ______ he lives there, I want to know. We discuss _______ we should close the store. whether ▲后面跟不定式时 whether ▲宾从在介词后 whether ▲当宾语从句置于句首时 Whether ▲在动词discuss之后 whether

  11. 3. what ,who, where, how, why, when等引导的宾语从句 who 1. He asked_____ could answer the question . 2. Do you know_________ we’ll have a meeting? 3. Please tell me _________he is . 4. Can you tell me _____ I can get to the station? 5. Could you tell me _____ the train is late? when/where where/who how why

  12. 三、宾语从句的语序 主句+连接词+从句(主+谓+其他成分) 1. When will he go to the library? His brother asks when he will go to the library . His brother asks when will he go to the library . 2. What did he want to buy ? I don’t know what did he want to buy . I don’t know what he wanted to buy .

  13. Is he a student? Who is he? Whose son is he? What does he do in the street? Why is he alone? If/whether he is a student. I don’t know _____________ who he is. whose son he is. what he does in…. why he is alone.

  14. what, who在宾语从句中作主语时,语序不变: What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What has happened? Who is in the classroom? • A lot of people are gathering there, and I don’t know________. • 2)Can you tell me ________ ?

  15. 否定的转移 若主句谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, guess, imagine等, 其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。 I don’t think you are right. 我认为你是错的。

  16. 四、宾语从句的时态 1)I know that he______( live) here . 2)Tom is upset now,and I am going to tell you what ____________ (happen)to him. lives has happened • 主句用现在时或将来时,从句可用任何时态, • 根据实际情况而定。

  17. 1)He asked whether his father___________ (come)back tomorrow. 2)He said that he ________(see) it . would come had seen 2.如果主句是过去的时态,宾语从句必须用过去 的某一种时态

  18. He told me the earth _______ (move)around the sun. moves 3. 从句说明的是一般真理、客观事实、自然现象时, 仍用一般现在时。

  19. was • The teacher told me she ____ (be)born in 1960. • I heard that he ____ (go)to Paris last night. went 4. 从句中有具体时间状语,即使从句动作发生在主句动作前,仍用一般过去时。

  20. 注意: (should) not be 1. Mike insisted that we _________________ (be)late for school. 2. The doctor ordered that she _____________ ( stay) in bed for a few days. (should) stay

  21. 注意: 在下列动词接that从句中用 “should+动原” 一个 “坚持”和“渴望”insist(坚持要) desire, 两个“命令” command, order (命令) 三个“建议” suggest, propose, advise 四个“要求” request, ask, demand, require

  22. Practice Fill in the proper form of the words given will be • The radio says it _______ (be) cloudy tomorrow. • The headmaster hopes everything ______(go) well. • I heard they ____________ (return) it already. • Our teacher told us in class the sun _______ in the east. (rise) goes had returned rises

  23. 1)Do you know wherenow? A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live 2)I don’t know ______ he will come tomorrow. _______ he comes, I will tell you A.If;whether B.whether; whether C.if; That D.if; If Practice

  24. 3)He says that if it ______ tomorrow, he _____ fishing. A. will rain, won't go B. rained, wasn't go C. rains, won't go D. rain, will go 4)Please tell me _______. A. what does he like B. what he does like C. what he likes D. what he like

  25. 5)We plan, if nothing goes wrong, ______ we will go out this weekend. A / B that C if D whether

  26. that he has joined the army. 1.I hear____________________ (他参军了) 2. She askd me __________________ _______________.(我会不会接受她的道歉) 3. He asked _________________________________.(谁的书法是班上最好的) 4.We should be grateful for____________ . (我们所拥有的) if/whether I would accept her apology whose handwriting was the best in the class what we have/get

  27. Summary: 一、宾语从句常见的类型 二、宾语从句的三种结构 1由从属连词that引导 2由从属连词whether, if引导 3由who,,whatwhere,how,why,when引导 三、宾语从句三要素 引导词(连接词) 语 序 时 态

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