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Scaling Relations, Recoiling Black Holes

scaling relations: local and high-z mergers recoiling SMBHs & astrophysical implications. Cosmogony of AGN, Brindisi, Sept. 2010. Scaling Relations, Recoiling Black Holes. S. Komossa MPE , Garching. BH – host galaxy scaling relations.

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Scaling Relations, Recoiling Black Holes

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  1. scaling relations: local and high-z mergers recoiling SMBHs & astrophysical implications Cosmogony of AGN, Brindisi, Sept. 2010 Scaling Relations,Recoiling Black Holes S. Komossa MPE, Garching

  2. BH – host galaxy scaling relations e.g., MBH/(108 Msun)= 1.7 (s*/s0)4.9(FF05) • key questions: • do all types of local galaxies • follow the same M-s* relation ?, • slope & scatter ? • do all galaxies, at all times, follow • the scaling relations ? • if not, how do galaxies evolve • towards the relation ? [obs.: e.g., Gebhardt & 00, Ferrarese & Merritt 00, MF01, Tremaine & 02, Marconi & Hunt 03, Häring & Rix 04, Ferrarese & Ford 05, Gültekin+ 09, Graham+ 10, .... / models: e.g., Silk & Rees 98, Burkert & Silk 01, Haehnelt+ 03, Springel+ 05, Hopkins+ 06, Li+ 07, Jahnke+ 10.........]

  3. BH – host galaxy scaling relations e.g., MBH/(108 Msun)= 1.7 (s*/s0)4.9(FF05) • key questions: • do all types of local galaxies • follow the same M-s* relation ?, • slope & scatter ? •  slopes: a ~ 4 .... 5 •  scatter: 0.3 – 0.5 dex •  bar-ed galaxies deviate • )* note: rev.-mapped AGN are • shifted on the local relation by • adjusting the „f-factor“ (BLR • geometry) [Gültekin+09] [Graham+10]

  4. BH – host galaxy scaling relations e.g., MBH/(108 Msun)= 1.7 (s*/s0)4.9(FF05) • key questions: • do all types of local galaxies • follow the same M-s* relation ?, • slope & scatter ? • do all galaxies, at all times, follow • the scaling relations ? • if not, how do galaxies evolve • towards the relation ?  observe (a) galaxies in the early universe @ high z, or (b) look at population of rapidly growing BHs in local universe

  5. rapidly growing BHs in the local universe: NLS1 galaxies on the MBH – s[OIII] plane NLS1s on MBH - s[SII] • original suggestion: NLS1s are OFFMBH – s[OIII] relation • new analysis, SDSS-NLS1s, plus BLS1 comparison sample; using several NLR emission lines & decomposing [OIII]  NLS1s do follow the relation, after removing objects dominated by outflow; (remaining scatter does not depend on L/Ledd) • they evolve along the M-s relation NLS1 hosts are typically not mergers; but excess of bars • either acc. shortlived, or (bar-driven) secular processes at work ? [Komossa & Xu 07; Xu+ 10 in prep.]

  6. strong outflows in several NLS1s: on the nature of [OIII] „blue outliers“ [Komossa, Xu, Zhou, Storchi-Bergmann, Binette 08] • what causes the „blue outliers“, which have their whole [OIII] • profile blueshifted, by up to several 100 km/s ? • and almost no [OIII] at v=0 ! • correlation with IP: significant parts of the NLR in outflow • isfeedback due to outflows at work ??[e.g., di Matteo & 05, Springel & 06]

  7. scaling relations at high z [Merloni+ 10] • several approaches: almost all using AGN, with - BH mass from broad lines - host properties from s, Lhost, M*, (SED) • in common: there is evolution, in the sense that BH growth precedes bulge growth, with D log MBH ~ 0.2 ... 0.6 (z= 0.4 – 2). except some submm & SF galaxies, z~ 2 [Shields+ 03, McLure+ 06, Peng+ 06, Woo+ 06, 08, Treu+07, Salviander+ 07, Alexander+ 08, Bennert+ 10, Decarli+ 10, Merloni+ 10, Netzer & Trakhtenbrot 07, 10, Bluck+ 10]

  8. open questions, uncertainties, next steps next steps: • go to even higher z ? • or, increase sample sizes at lower z ? • include more low(est) mass BHs, also in local relation • attempt measure-ments along merger sequences • can we find a method of BH mass estimates independent of BLR scaling relations which still works beyond the lowest z ? comparison with models: • what are key model predictions ? : slope, scatter, time-dependence, environment dependence, galaxy type dependence .... uncertainties • NLS1s: how represen-tative for AGN as a whole ? bar fraction ? • „classical“ AGN at high z: esentially all depend on BLR radius-luminsoty scaling to obtain MBH.  uncertainties in f-factor (BLR geometry) and its evolution; & unknown fraction of bars; and their evolution, or assumptions about evolving stellar pop. poss. selection effects at highest z

  9. recoiling black holes

  10. NR simulations of BBH mergers predict BH „kicks“ with velocities up to 3800 km/s; highest for m1=m2, a1=-a2=max & in orb. plane  recoiling BHs will oscillate about galaxy core, or could even leave massive ellipticals z recoiling supermassive black holes: kicks & superkicks [Komossa & Merritt+ 08] [e.g., Peres 1962, Bekenstein 73, Redmount & Rees 89, ... / Baker+ 06,07,08, Brügmann+ 08, Campanelli+ 06, 07a,b, 08, Dain+08, Gonzales+ 06, 07a,b, Healy+ 08, Herrman+ 07a,b, Koppitz+ 07, Lousto & Zlochower 08, Lousto+ 09,10, Pretorius 05, 07, Pollney+07, Schnittman+ 07, 08, Tichy & Maronetti 07, vanMeter+ 10, ...]

  11. recoiling supermassive black holes: kicks & superkicks • key questions: • what are the astrophysical implications ? • what are the expected electromagnetic signatures of kicks, and what do we actually observe ? • how common are the (medium-large)kick configurations in nature ? especially: are there any unsolved puzzles, which are naturally explained, when including recoil ---- or. vice versa, are there certain observations which immediately constrain the (super)kick fraction ?

  12. „new paradigm“: SMBHs spend significant times off the cores of galaxies, or are even ejected  this affects galaxy assembly at the epoch of structure formation & BH growth feedback scatter in M-s relation redshift dependence of GW signals detectable with LISA (heavy BHseeds, late formation; vs.light seeds,early formation) unified models of AGN, # of type-2 quasars, modelling of X-ray bg time delays between SB and AGN activity after merging ....... recoiling supermassive black holes: astrophysical implications [e.g., Madau+ 04, Favata+ 04, Merritt+ 04, Haiman 04, Boylan-Kolchin+ 04, Volonteri+ 05, 06, 07, Libeskind+ 06, Schnittman 07, Sesana 07, Gualandris & Merritt 08, Yu & Lu 08, Blecha & Loeb 08, Tanaka & Haiman 08, Volonteri & Madau 08, Komossa & Merritt 08b, Colpi+ 10, Volonteri+ 10, ...]

  13. fraction of high-v recoils among (gas-poor) major mergers(assuming random mass and spin distributions), and based on Baker et al. 08 [sim. for Lousto & Zlochower 08] kickformula: ____: mass mix between q=0.3-1, and spin mix between a=0.5-0.9 -----:q=1, a=0.9 ......: low-spin solution with a=0.3, q=0.3-1 [KM 08] [previous estimates: e.g., Campanelli+ 07, Schnittman & Buonanno 07, Baker+ 08; latest update by Lousto+ 10] timescale of “spin alignment” in gas rich mergers: ~105 - 109 yr for MBH = 106-7 Msun; larger MBH, high a, are resistent to alignment[Perego+09]

  14. off-nuclear „quasars“ kinematically off-set „Broad Line Regions“ - ideally at v>> few 100 km/s, to distinguish from „BLR physics“ - lack of „ionization stratification“in NLR - symmetric broad lines, (and MgII at same v as Balmer lines) feedback trails off-nuclear stellar tidal „recoil flares“ hypercompact stellar systems recoiling SMBHs – e.m. signatures most tightly bound matter remains bound after recoil  Bonning+ 07 [e.g., Madau & Quataert 04, Merritt+ 04, 06, Bonning+ 07, Loeb 07, 09 Bogdanovic+ 07, Gualandris & Merritt 08, Kornreich & Lovelace 08, Devecchi+ 08, Fukujita 08, Lippai+ 08, Volonteri & Madau 08, Komossa & Merritt 08b, Haiman+ 08, Merritt+09, O‘Leary&Loeb 09, Schnittman 10, Krolik+ 10, .....]

  15. SDSSJ0927+2943, @ 2650 km/s shows all predicted (B07) spectral features of a recoiling BH, plus an extra peculiar syst. of NELs which is not yet well understood [Komossa et al. 08] recoiling SMBHs – search for candidates via spectroscopic signatures Komossa+ 08 • perhaps, one more from SDSS ?,@ 3650 km/s[Shields et al. 09] • E 1821+643, polarimetry + kinematics, @ ~2100 km/s - highly asymm. Hb, extra broad component @ 450 km/s of unclear origin - trecoil ~ 104 yrs [Robinson+ 10] • COSMOSJ1000+0206, @ 1200 km/s[Civano+ 10]

  16. SDSSJ0927+2943, @ 2650 km/s shows all predicted (B07) spectral features of a recoiling BH, plus an extra peculiar syst. of NELs which is not yet well understood [Komossa et al. 08] recoiling SMBHs – search for candidates via spectroscopic signatures • perhaps, one more from SDSS ?,@ 3650 km/s[Shields et al. 09] • E 1821+643, polarimetry + kinematics, @ ~2100 km/s - highly asymm. Hb, extra broad component @ 450 km/s of unclear origin - trecoil ~ 104 yrs [Robinson+ 10] • COSMOSJ1000+0206, @ 1200 km/s[Civano+ 10] • re-interpretation of pre-merger • „dual AGN“ scenario as GW recoil, • or 3body slingshot • - extra (faint) narrow lines at vBLR

  17. recoiling SMBHs – implications for unified models of AGN • typically, rBLR < rkick < rtorus •  BH recoil oscillations change the • quasar, from type 2  type 1 •  BH recoil oscillations may • explain deficiency of type • 2s at high L(where mergers are • common) • using N-body simulations • [Gualandris & Merritt 08] of BH • oscillating in galaxy: • above vkick >~ 450 km/s, • tosci approx tquasar ~ 107 yr • small-scale oscillations: • - change from C-thick  C-thin • - repeated accretion (=flaring) • activity at each turning point type 1 type 2 [Komossa & Merritt 08b]

  18. scaling relations: - local non-actives: small scatter, slope 4...5, bar-ed galaxies off - local rapidly growing BHs (NLS1s): on the local relation - high-z AGN (z=0.4-2): off the local relation, BH growth precedes bulge growth kicks: - astrophysical implications for: galaxy & BH assembly at epoch of structure formation, BH growth, z-dependence of GW signals & LISA rates, AGN statistics & unified models, time delays between SB and AGN activity, ..... - predicted e.m. signatures: spatially & spectroscopically off-set „quasars“, flaring disks, variable quasar absorption, off-nuclear tidal disruption flares, hypercompact stellar systems - several candidates @ v ~ 1000-3000 km/s summary

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