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Recently published research has concluded that CE/IAG is
Carole Devine
Stephen Smith
Connexions Staffordshire
3. Information, advice and guidance (IAG)
Covers a range of interventions to help young people progress and make successful transitions through learning and work.IAG enhances and complements careers education by providing young people with personalised, high quality, impartial and comprehensive information, advice and guidance on learning and work pathways and on other key issues that affect on their ability to develop and progress, such as health, housing and financial issues.
4. Careers Education
Helps all young people to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills that they need to make well-informed, thought-through choices and plans that enable them to progress smoothly into further learning and work, now and in the future.
It has three curriculum aims:
Self development: understanding themselves and the influences on them
Career exploration: investigating opportunities in learning and work
Career management: setting personal goals and planning for future career destinations
5. Careers Education Careers work covers four processes:
Careers education
Careers information,
Careers advice
Careers guidance
Some schools merge the two terms to call their programmes - CEIAG programmes
6. Changes which will impact on CEIAG Raising of the Participation Age (RPA) - from 2013, all 17 year olds, and from 2015, all 18 year olds, will remain in full time education or accredited training
Local partnerships will be responsible for coordinating activity to ensure all 14–19 pathways are offered by 2013
The extension of the September Guarantee to 17 year olds
From 2008, local authorities took over the commissioning and management of IAG
The Ofsted “Evaluation Schedule” and the school “self-evaluation form (SEF) have both been revised and CE/IAG now influence a range of issues on which inspectors are required to form judgements
7. Changes which will impact on CEIAG (continued) From April 2010 The Learning and Skills Council will be abolished, and 16 to 19 funding will be delivered through LAs. LAs will be responsible for all education services up to age 19 including responsibility for commissioning
Young People’s Quality Standards for Information, Advice and Guidance (2008)
Post Sixteen Progression measure
The new IAG Strategy- Quality, Choice and Aspiration
The new Statutory Guidance: Impartial Careers Education
8. ‘Quality, Choice and Aspiration’ IAG Guarantee
Each institution to appoint a senior leader with responsibility for IAG
Statutory guidance for careers education
From September 2010, every secondary school student will receive personal tutoring from a single, named member of staff
Exploring the development of new qualifications to meet the needs of careers co-ordinators IAG Guarantee- makes explicit the provision which yps and parents have the right to receive and that they can challenge providers if they don’t get it.IAG Guarantee- makes explicit the provision which yps and parents have the right to receive and that they can challenge providers if they don’t get it.
9. ‘Quality, Choice and Aspiration’ The ambition is to give every young person careers education up to the age of 18 in line with raising the participation age
providing every young person with access to a mentor - two new national mentoring champions will help increase mentoring opportunities between schools, businesses and higher education
ensuring better online access to careers advice through Facebook, YouTube, blogs and forums and a new dedicated online mentoring scheme from 2010 to enable young people to contact professionals online
offering more help for disadvantaged and disabled young people in accessing work experience
establishing a £10 million fund to support innovative ways of delivering careers education.
10. Statutory Guidance: Impartial Careers Education “Principles” of impartial careers education that describe the objectives of careers education
‘’Key Information’’ - questions on post-Key Stage 3 and post-16 learning pathways to which young people require answers
Checklist of 12 key points for head teachers to consider
Will be accompanied by a resource pack
11. Statutory Requirements Learning providers including middle schools, PRUs and Special Schools and academies are required to provide:
Careers education from Year 7 through to Year 11
Work-related learning (including enterprise education) at key stage 4;
Careers information and advice in an impartial way (Education and Skills Bill, 2007) - except academies
Students with access to up to date careers information materials
Students with a full range of options in respect of 16-18 education or training Academies are exempt from the duties in the Education and Skills Act 2008 to provide careers information in an
impartial manner, to give advice that promotes the best interests of pupils and to have regard to statutory guidance
in respect of these duties. However, these duties will shortly be replicated in the Model Funding Agreement for
new Academies.
impartial information and advice which promotes the best interests
of pupils and which does not seek to promote the interests of the school over
other options
Academies are exempt from the duties in the Education and Skills Act 2008 to provide careers information in an
impartial manner, to give advice that promotes the best interests of pupils and to have regard to statutory guidance
in respect of these duties. However, these duties will shortly be replicated in the Model Funding Agreement for
new Academies.
impartial information and advice which promotes the best interests
of pupils and which does not seek to promote the interests of the school over
other options
12. Maintained secondary schools and academies also have statutory duties: To give “careers advisers” (i.e. Connexions Personal Advisers with careers guidance training) relevant information on pupils
To give “careers advisers” access to pupils and staff for the purpose of providing careers advice and guidance
To make available a wide range of guidance and reference materials relating to careers education and career opportunities.
13. Complying with these statutory requirements and having regard to the Careers Education Guidance is the duty of the governing body of each school and the head teacher or principal.
In the case of a PRU it is the duty of the local authority and the teacher in charge
In addition all teachers are charged with:
"providing guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters and on their further education and future careers, including information about sources of more expert advice on specific questions"
14. What does good CEG look like? Takes account of curriculum requirements and guidance
Contains a clear and shared vision of what careers education and IAG should achieve
A shared understanding of what comprises good quality
Involves parents/carers, other learning providers, employers, external IAG providers and other agencies
Includes student voice This is not just about key stage 3- applies across all yearsThis is not just about key stage 3- applies across all years
15. Activity
16. Check you are meeting national requirements: By using key documents such as:
National CEG Framework
Career, work-related learning and Enterprise Framework
Non-Statutory Programmes of Study for economic wellbeing and financial capability at Key Stage 3 and 4
Supporting Choices 11-19+
17. And by: Auditing against the National Standards
Signing up for the IAG Quality Mark
Looking at the new Ofsted framework/SEF
Using support websites
18. Key Stage 3 CEG 14-19 reforms mean that programmes need to reflect the impact of these changes
E.g. move away from just preparation for Year 9 options
Preparation and development of skills in order to make the decisions and in particular self-help skills
Raising of the Participation Age
Higher Education progression Area Prospectus
Range of choices and options
PLTSArea Prospectus
Range of choices and options
19. What should co-ordinators be doing? Keep in touch with local and national developments – CEGNET/CEIAG News
Check that the careers education programme meets national requirements both statutory and guidance – there may be a need to strengthen careers education in years 7 and 8
Ensure that careers information and advice are given in an impartial way
Check that the careers education programme supports progression and continuity in learning
20. What should co-ordinators be doing? Check that the careers education programme promotes the development of self-help skills
Review careers information provision to ensure that it meets current and emerging needs
Review the links between careers education and related IAG activities
21. Support from us! Web site www.cxstaffs.co.uk
IAG Team, based at Foregate House, Stafford
01785 355688
01785 355754
23. A Challenge
Can you think of a fake job that sounds plausible?
Have a go!
24. Now, back to the list of jobs. Did you spot the fakes? Aerial Contortionist
Scuba Regulator
Willow Worker
Spanish Webs Artist
Insect Interpreter
Pinfold Manager
Mud Logger
Lighting Stand-in
Coprolite Analyst
Shark Keeper Angel Therapist
Technical Author
Cigar Buyer
Equine Reflexologist
Hair Seller
Molasses Trader
German Wheel Artist
Yurt Maker
Location Scout
25. Let’s reveal the fake jobs Aerial Contortionist
Scuba Regulator
Willow Worker
Spanish Webs Artist
Insect Interpreter
Pinfold Manager
Mud Logger
Lighting Stand-in
Coprolite Analyst
Shark Keeper Angel Therapist
Technical Author
Cigar Buyer
Equine Reflexologist
Hair Seller
Molasses Trader
German Wheel Artist
Yurt Maker
Location Scout
26. So, what do you think the real jobs involve?
27. Challenge Has anyone come up with a fake job that sounds plausible?
28. Introduction to this section – challenge results (Real/Fake) Discussion
Have A Go – A reflective launch
A ‘guide’ to HAG
A ‘guide’ to other resources
Next steps with regard to resources
Conclusion and lead into the next section.
The ‘Have A Go!’ Packs have been distributed to schools in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent that have pupils in Years 7 and 8 (plus Middle Schools for reference)
Some people may be familiar with ‘Have A go!’ now.
So, this is a kind of ‘reflective’ launch
Context of ‘Have A Go!’ CEG for Years 7 and 8 – partly in preparation for choices at the end of Key Stage 3
Say something about the process of getting there. ‘Have A Go!’ is the product of a project, funded by the DCSF in the West Midlands, to develop CEG materials for learners in Years 7 and 8.
Introduction to this section – challenge results (Real/Fake) Discussion
Have A Go – A reflective launch
A ‘guide’ to HAG
A ‘guide’ to other resources
Next steps with regard to resources
Conclusion and lead into the next section.
The ‘Have A Go!’ Packs have been distributed to schools in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent that have pupils in Years 7 and 8 (plus Middle Schools for reference)
Some people may be familiar with ‘Have A go!’ now.
So, this is a kind of ‘reflective’ launch
Context of ‘Have A Go!’ CEG for Years 7 and 8 – partly in preparation for choices at the end of Key Stage 3
Say something about the process of getting there. ‘Have A Go!’ is the product of a project, funded by the DCSF in the West Midlands, to develop CEG materials for learners in Years 7 and 8.
30. ‘Have A Go!’ aims to:
Offer modules, activities and other ideas to deliver key elements of careers education and guidance to learners in Years 7 and 8.
Offer activities that include fun and interesting methods, which can be delivered through national curriculum subjects.
Develop skills in students that help to prepare them for making good decisions in Year 9 and beyond.
Create materials and associated resources that could be employed by the DCSF for further development and distribution.
31. Links with National Frameworks Careers Education in England: A National Framework 11-19 (DFES 2003), which supports learning related to three main areas:
Self Development
Career Exploration
Career Management
Career, work-related learning and enterprise 11-19: A framework to support economic wellbeing (QCA 2008)
Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS)
34. The main elements of ‘Have A Go!’ Learners can use a variety of learning styles and activities, e.g. writing, discussion, artistic, role play.
Routes One and Two are suggested as complete courses. However:
Each unit and activity could be delivered as a ‘one-off’ and/or be integrated into an existing programme.
So, the pack can be used as a ‘pick and mix’ resource with schools deciding which units and activities may suit inclusion in their delivery of CEG to Years 7 and 8.
Some activities may be suitable for other year groups, e.g. Year 9 or even higher years. The activities are designed to allow learners to use a variety of learning styles and activities, e.g. writing, discussion, artistic, role play.
The activities making up Route One and Route Two are suggested as complete courses.
However, each unit and activity has been designed so that it could be delivered as a ‘one-off’ and/or be integrated into an existing programme.
So, the pack can be used as a ‘pick and mix’ resource with schools deciding which units and activities may suit inclusion in their delivery of CEG to Years 7 and 8.
Some activities may be suitable for other year groups, e.g. Year 9 or even higher years.
The activities are designed to allow learners to use a variety of learning styles and activities, e.g. writing, discussion, artistic, role play.
The activities making up Route One and Route Two are suggested as complete courses.
However, each unit and activity has been designed so that it could be delivered as a ‘one-off’ and/or be integrated into an existing programme.
So, the pack can be used as a ‘pick and mix’ resource with schools deciding which units and activities may suit inclusion in their delivery of CEG to Years 7 and 8.
Some activities may be suitable for other year groups, e.g. Year 9 or even higher years.
35. The main elements of ‘Have A Go!’ Adaptable to different methods of delivery:
Collapsed Timetable (Stand Alone)
Discrete CEG lessons
Schools are encouraged to take what they want from HAG and to adapt the materials to their requirements
Schools are also welcome to share ideas and practice
www.cxstaffs.co.uk/haveago Adaptable to different methods of delivery:
Collapsed Timetable (Stand Alone)
Discrete CEG lessons
People are encouraged to take what they want from HAG – change / update
Dynamic element – would welcome people sharing ideas / practice – include Chase Terrace suggestion – along the line of interactive Way2go workbook.
Adaptable to different methods of delivery:
Collapsed Timetable (Stand Alone)
Discrete CEG lessons
People are encouraged to take what they want from HAG – change / update
Dynamic element – would welcome people sharing ideas / practice – include Chase Terrace suggestion – along the line of interactive Way2go workbook.
36. When you get to forest slide – start the Stone Age Job Centre ActivityWhen you get to forest slide – start the Stone Age Job Centre Activity
37. Use this after the learners have completed the Interest GuideUse this after the learners have completed the Interest Guide
43. Occupational Allocation Act 2008
Do you believe that?
How would you feel about it, if it were true?
Who do you think should choose the career that you do?
(How do you feel about the Raising of the Participation Age?)
45. Gender Stereotyping
The Poster Exercise is an example of a resource available from Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
Further information is available from:
46. Gender Stereotyping
Taster sessions in February 2010 aimed at Year 8 learners to address gender stereotyping, planned by Rhiannon Taylor and Christine Williams, two of the District Coordinators within the Staffordshire LA 14-19 Team.
One planned outcome is to develop a model that can be applied by schools, perhaps as part of a collaborative approach.
47. Raising of the Participation Age (RPA) to 18 The DCSF is setting up IAG Trials is pilot areas of the country, including Staffordshire.
Learners in Years 6, 7 and 8 are the key target group for the Trials.
The IAG Trials will be launched on 8th December with schools running different activities with learners, parents and carers aimed at raising awareness of RPA and its impact.
If your school would like to be involved, please talk to Carole Devine or Stephen Smith.
48. Launchpad is a brand new program for Key Stage 3 which is designed to introduce students to their future options, including the Diploma, and help them plan and make choices about their education and career path. A personalised Functional skills and PLTS profiling quiz identifies personal skills and compares them to the skills required to study GCSE and Diploma subjects at Key Stage 4. Students can discover more about the subject options available to them and identify how each subject supports career choice. Launchpad introduces over 400 careers, with essential information on each career plus engaging case studies, photographs and videos illustrating real-life work activities.
Skills profiling quiz provides results after just 20 questions
Identifies Functional skill strengths and areas for improvement
PLTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills) diagnostic tool
Information on all current Diploma subjects plus over 30 GCSE subjects
Built in controls allow schools to just show options available locally
Illustrates the skills needed to study subjects at Key Stage 4
Highlights routes from subjects into careers
Information on around 450 careers
Over 200 videos shoeing real-life workplaces
Over 2,800 photographs of people in the workplace
Case studies include interviews with people about their jobs
Action plan records results and achievements and encourages goal setting
Suitable for:
Young people aged 11-13 years
Years 7-9
Supporting subject choice
Pre-Diploma IAG
Key Stage 3 CEG
Schools and PRUs
Local Authorities
Diploma Consortia
Local Authorities
Supports the delivery of the Every Child Matters Framework by raising aspirations and demonstrating the outcome of positive achievement for all young people.
Diploma Consortia
Provides impartial information, advice and guidance for all current Diploma subjects, enabling young people to research Diploma opportunities in their local area.
Illustrates progressions routes from Diploma subjects into careers, positively reinforcing how the Diploma supports education and future employment opportunities.
Provides a complete resource for the effective delivery of Key Stage 3 Careers Education and Guidance.
Supports elements of the PSHE and Citizenship Curricula.
Easily integrated into existing methods of delivery.
Young People
Develops awareness of future options and provokes exploration of the world of work.
Helps students make the right personal choices and forms a foundation of knowledge for decision making for future direction in education, training and employment.
Enables young people to gain support from parents/carers with access available anywhere with Internet access.
Launchpad is a brand new program for Key Stage 3 which is designed to introduce students to their future options, including the Diploma, and help them plan and make choices about their education and career path. A personalised Functional skills and PLTS profiling quiz identifies personal skills and compares them to the skills required to study GCSE and Diploma subjects at Key Stage 4. Students can discover more about the subject options available to them and identify how each subject supports career choice. Launchpad introduces over 400 careers, with essential information on each career plus engaging case studies, photographs and videos illustrating real-life work activities.
Skills profiling quiz provides results after just 20 questions
Identifies Functional skill strengths and areas for improvement
PLTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills) diagnostic tool
Information on all current Diploma subjects plus over 30 GCSE subjects
Built in controls allow schools to just show options available locally
Illustrates the skills needed to study subjects at Key Stage 4
Highlights routes from subjects into careers
Information on around 450 careers
Over 200 videos shoeing real-life workplaces
Over 2,800 photographs of people in the workplace
Case studies include interviews with people about their jobs
Action plan records results and achievements and encourages goal setting
Suitable for:
Young people aged 11-13 years
Years 7-9
Supporting subject choice
Pre-Diploma IAG
Key Stage 3 CEG
Schools and PRUs
Local Authorities
Diploma Consortia
Local Authorities
Supports the delivery of the Every Child Matters Framework by raising aspirations and demonstrating the outcome of positive achievement for all young people.
Diploma Consortia
Provides impartial information, advice and guidance for all current Diploma subjects, enabling young people to research Diploma opportunities in their local area.
Illustrates progressions routes from Diploma subjects into careers, positively reinforcing how the Diploma supports education and future employment opportunities.
Provides a complete resource for the effective delivery of Key Stage 3 Careers Education and Guidance.
Supports elements of the PSHE and Citizenship Curricula.
Easily integrated into existing methods of delivery.
Young People
Develops awareness of future options and provokes exploration of the world of work.
Helps students make the right personal choices and forms a foundation of knowledge for decision making for future direction in education, training and employment.
Enables young people to gain support from parents/carers with access available anywhere with Internet access.
Launchpad is a brand new program for Key Stage 3 which is designed to introduce students to their future options, including the Diploma, and help them plan and make choices about their education and career path. A personalised Functional skills and PLTS profiling quiz identifies personal skills and compares them to the skills required to study GCSE and Diploma subjects at Key Stage 4. Students can discover more about the subject options available to them and identify how each subject supports career choice. Launchpad introduces over 400 careers, with essential information on each career plus engaging case studies, photographs and videos illustrating real-life work activities.
Skills profiling quiz provides results after just 20 questions
Identifies Functional skill strengths and areas for improvement
PLTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills) diagnostic tool
Information on all current Diploma subjects plus over 30 GCSE subjects
Built in controls allow schools to just show options available locally
Illustrates the skills needed to study subjects at Key Stage 4
Highlights routes from subjects into careers
Information on around 450 careers
Over 200 videos shoeing real-life workplaces
Over 2,800 photographs of people in the workplace
Case studies include interviews with people about their jobs
Action plan records results and achievements and encourages goal setting
Suitable for:
Young people aged 11-13 years
Years 7-9
Supporting subject choice
Pre-Diploma IAG
Key Stage 3 CEG
Schools and PRUs
Local Authorities
Diploma Consortia
Local Authorities
Supports the delivery of the Every Child Matters Framework by raising aspirations and demonstrating the outcome of positive achievement for all young people.
Diploma Consortia
Provides impartial information, advice and guidance for all current Diploma subjects, enabling young people to research Diploma opportunities in their local area.
Illustrates progressions routes from Diploma subjects into careers, positively reinforcing how the Diploma supports education and future employment opportunities.
Provides a complete resource for the effective delivery of Key Stage 3 Careers Education and Guidance.
Supports elements of the PSHE and Citizenship Curricula.
Easily integrated into existing methods of delivery.
Young People
Develops awareness of future options and provokes exploration of the world of work.
Helps students make the right personal choices and forms a foundation of knowledge for decision making for future direction in education, training and employment.
Enables young people to gain support from parents/carers with access available anywhere with Internet access.
Launchpad is a brand new program for Key Stage 3 which is designed to introduce students to their future options, including the Diploma, and help them plan and make choices about their education and career path. A personalised Functional skills and PLTS profiling quiz identifies personal skills and compares them to the skills required to study GCSE and Diploma subjects at Key Stage 4. Students can discover more about the subject options available to them and identify how each subject supports career choice. Launchpad introduces over 400 careers, with essential information on each career plus engaging case studies, photographs and videos illustrating real-life work activities.
Skills profiling quiz provides results after just 20 questions
Identifies Functional skill strengths and areas for improvement
PLTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills) diagnostic tool
Information on all current Diploma subjects plus over 30 GCSE subjects
Built in controls allow schools to just show options available locally
Illustrates the skills needed to study subjects at Key Stage 4
Highlights routes from subjects into careers
Information on around 450 careers
Over 200 videos shoeing real-life workplaces
Over 2,800 photographs of people in the workplace
Case studies include interviews with people about their jobs
Action plan records results and achievements and encourages goal setting
Suitable for:
Young people aged 11-13 years
Years 7-9
Supporting subject choice
Pre-Diploma IAG
Key Stage 3 CEG
Schools and PRUs
Local Authorities
Diploma Consortia
Local Authorities
Supports the delivery of the Every Child Matters Framework by raising aspirations and demonstrating the outcome of positive achievement for all young people.
Diploma Consortia
Provides impartial information, advice and guidance for all current Diploma subjects, enabling young people to research Diploma opportunities in their local area.
Illustrates progressions routes from Diploma subjects into careers, positively reinforcing how the Diploma supports education and future employment opportunities.
Provides a complete resource for the effective delivery of Key Stage 3 Careers Education and Guidance.
Supports elements of the PSHE and Citizenship Curricula.
Easily integrated into existing methods of delivery.
Young People
Develops awareness of future options and provokes exploration of the world of work.
Helps students make the right personal choices and forms a foundation of knowledge for decision making for future direction in education, training and employment.
Enables young people to gain support from parents/carers with access available anywhere with Internet access.
49. A guide to other resources Aim Higher – Putting You In the Picture
Staffordshire Partnership - www.staffpart.org.uk/workexp_schools.htm
‘Connexions Area’ lesson plans from Connexions Birmingham – www.connexions-bs-co.uk/main.php?section=2779
Coventry and Warwickshire – lesson plans on Key Stage 4 choices (funded through the same project as ‘Have A Go!’ (On the CD-ROM)
59. A guide to other resources Chalk Face - http://www.chalkface.com/products/Careers/
Yacapaca - http://yacapaca.com (Chalk Face Project)
www.careerlessonplans.org.uk (via AimHigher) is a new, free website for all schools, with careers lesson plans with resources and designed to be used by all classroom staff in the delivery of PSHEE.
Science Council - http://www.futuremorph.org/11-14/home.cfm
STEM Project – http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/cei/centrelink/maincentrelink/stbenedicts/
Highflyers http://www.highflyerspublishing.co.uk/categories.shtml#keystage34
The Buzz - http://www.thebuzzbook.co.uk/
62. www.way2go.me.uk
63. www.youfind.me.uk