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Revelation Charts. Chronological Framework of Revelation. Primeval Earth Genesis 1:1, 3:1 2 Peter 3:5 (Probation). New Earth Revelation 21:1,2 2 Peter 3:13 (Perfection). Five Ages of The Cosmos. Curse Imposed on Earth (Gen. 3:17; Rom. 8:21,22). Antediluvian.
Revelation Charts
Chronological Framework of Revelation Primeval Earth Genesis 1:1, 3:1 2 Peter 3:5 (Probation) New Earth Revelation 21:1,2 2 Peter 3:13 (Perfection) Five Ages of The Cosmos Curse Imposed on Earth (Gen. 3:17; Rom. 8:21,22) Antediluvian Millennial Curse Removed from Earth (Gen 3:17; Rom 8:21,22) Earth Earth Gen. 6:5, 11-13 Rev. 20:2,6 (Theistic (Humanistic Monarchy) Anarchy) Catastrophic Reconstruction of “Good Earth” (Psa 148:4; Isa. 40:4; Rev. 6-19) Catastrophic Destruction of “Good Earth” (2 Peter 3:6; Ps 104:6-9) Present Earth 2 Pet. 3:7 (Nationalistic Oligarchy)
Revelation Perspectives • Summary • Chapters 1 - 10 relate to events up to the midpoint of the Tribulation • Chapters 11 - 14 events are best understood when viewed in their relativity to the midpoint of the 7 year tribulation, spanning in time from creation to eternity. • Chapters 15 - 22 relate to events beyond the midpoint of the 7 year tribulation.
Revelation Perspectives • Key verse is Revelation 1:19 • “...things that were…” • “...things that are…” • “...things that shall be hereafter…” • Revelation can further be understood by recognizing the relationship of events occurring in heaven with those occurring on earth.
Revelation Perspectives Summary Chart of Revelation By Chapter from 1-22 Events or visions John saw occurring in heaven Heaven Chart available by request Events or visions John saw occurring on earth Earth Along a timeline of events
Summary The following three charts summarize all the events recorded in the Book of Revelation from chapter one through chapter 22 along a timeline by chapter in concert with both heavenly and earthly events as seen and heard by the Apostle John.
Rev 6 Rev 1-3 Rev 4 Rev 5 Rev 7 Rev 8 Rev 9 Rev 10 Seal Judgments Throne Set in Earth’s Upper Atmosphere 1) White Horse (Conquer) 2) Red Horse (War) 3) Black Horse (Famine) 4) Green Horse (Death & Hell) 5) Souls Under Alter 6) Great Earthquake 7) Silence in Heaven Seven Presence Angels Standing Before Throne of God First Four Trumpet Judgments Heaven Judgment Seat of Christ Fifth Trumpet (First Woe) Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe) Seven Sealed Book Tribulation Saints Satan Given Key to Bottomless Pit Loosing of Four Angels Bound in the Euphrates Summary: Rev 1-10, up to Midpoint of the Tribulation Mighty Angel With “Little Book” Isle of Patmos Seal Judgments First Four Trumpet Judgments 1) Wars Break Out 2) Hunger & Pestilence 3) Famine & Disease 4) Martyred Saints 5) 144,000 Jews 6) Two Witnesses 7) Great Earthquake Church Age Characterization Thru Seven Representative Churches Fifth Trumpet (First Woe) Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe) Peace Treaty (Initiates the 7 Year Tribulation) 1) Hail & Fire 2) Asteroid Collision 3) Meteor Storm 4) Sun, Moon, & Stars Partially Darkened (1/3 Part Trees & Grass Burned: 1/3 Part of Waters Poisoned: 1/3 Part Sun, Moon, & Stars Smitten) Earth Flying Angel Thru Earth’s Atmosphere Demonic Attack on Man by Scorpion Like “Insects” (Torment, No Death) Demonic Attack on Man by Hideous Creatures (1/3 Earth’s Population Killed) Rapture All That John Saw and Heard Mideast War (Ezek 38 & 39) 2 Years 5 Mon.. 13 Mon. Timeline 3 1/2 Years Unknown Future
Rev 11 Rev 12 Rev 13 Rev 14 Chapter Signs in Heaven Looking Fwd to end of Tribulation Sun clad Woman with Child Pictures the great body of the redeemed people of God of all ages, travailing to be delivered (Micah 4:10; 5:2-4) Great Red Dragon Seven Heads (seven kingdoms of the past) Ten Horns (Ten kingdoms of the end times) The Seventh Trumpet Initiates the last half of Tribulation period & sounds for the entire period Ushers in the seven last plagues Son of Man coming in a white cloud Harvest angels separate “wheat” from “tares” Heaven War in Heaven Satan cast from Heaven forever The Man Child Primarily, Jesus Christ secondarily, all believers rule together with a rod of iron (Rev 19:15; 2:26,27) The Ark of the Covenant The events of chap. 11-14 are best understood when viewed in their relativity to the midpoint of the seven year tribulation, spanning in time, as it were, from creation thru the millennial age. These chapters provide a retrospective review of the background events leading up to the midtribulation turning point, then continue with a preview of events yet future. New Temple, altar, & worshippers eval. as to God’s criteria by John (Rev 11:1 proceeds from Rev 10:11) Revelation in Review (Chapters Eleven Thru Fourteen) Two Witnesses (Enoch & Elijah) Compl earthly ministry 1st half of Tribulation period Call down Seal & Trumpet Judgm’ts Killed by Beast (of Rev 13) Resurrected after 3 1/2 days Rise of Two Ungodly Men Lamb & 144,000 on Mt. Zion Angelic proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel, world wide for 3 1/2 years. Angelic forecast of Babylon’s destruction (at close of tribulation period) Armageddon foretold. Earth Wilderness Refuge Beast (Man of Sin) comes to full power as the leader of the world. Supported by the False Prophet, all are forced to worship the Beast and to receive his mark (666). Erection of his image in place of the Temple altar in Jerusalem is the “abomination of desolation”spoken of by Daniel the prophet. Dragon makes war with the Woman and the remnant of her seed (Jewish people) for 3 1/2 years (The time of Jacob’s trouble) Great Earthquake Tenth of Jerusalem falls, 7000 men killed Concludes 2nd Woe, marking midpoint of Tribulation period Timeline TribulationMidpoint
Revelation in Review (Chapters Fifteen Thru Twenty Two) Rev 15 Chapter Rev 19 Rev 17 Rev 16 Rev18 Rev 21 Rev 20 Rev 22 Vision of the Great Whore representing religious and political sway over 7 great kingdoms of earth history and 10 kingdoms of the last days of the tribulation. Preview of Future Events 7 Angels administer the 7 vials filled with plagues & God’s wrath The Great Hallelujah Chorus Great White Throne Judgment (After Millennium) Eternal state begins Sign of 7 Angels With 7 Last Plagues (Preview of the great events coming upon the earth) 1) Poured on the earth 2) Poured on the sea 3) Poured on to rivers & fountains 4) Poured on the Sun 5) Poured on Beast’s seat of Gov’t 6) Poured on the Euphrates 7) Poured into the air Preparations for the marriage feast of the Lamb These plagues constitute the Third Woe Judgment and span over the 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation Heaven Final revelation from God The majestic choir that sings at close of Tribulation period. The Triumphant King leaves Heaven to return to earth. Open Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony Holy City comes down to the Earth Golden Vials of God’s wrath given to the 7 Angels New Heaven & New Earth (All things are made new) The Great Tribulation The Seven Last Plagues Millennium on earth 1) Noisome sores 2) Oceans/Seas turn to bloody stench 3) Rivers/Streams turn to blood 4) Global temperature increases 5) Total darkness in Kingdom of Beast 6) Euphrates river dried up 7) Great global earthquake & hail No more Curse Earth Last great battle (Gog & Magog) @ end of millennium Battle of Armageddon Judgment of The Great Whore Midpoint of the Tribulation Heaven on Earth Christ defeats remaining opposition that’s led by the Beast and he, along with the False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire. Satan bound and cast into bottomless pit for a thousand years City of Babylon (seat of Beast’s government) destroyed by fire from Heaven in one day! Beast unites 10 kingdoms to destroy all religious practices except worship of himself Earth burned with fire (II Peter 3) to purge all things 1000 Years Eternity 3 1/2 Years Timeline Future