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Learn about water quality parameters, pollution sources, EU and Turkish legislation, and management practices in Turkey. Understand monitoring methods and standards for sustainable water resources management.
TR MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND WATER AFFAIRS WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN TURKEY ESRA ŞILTU Deputy Expert DG Water Management Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) Singapore Cooperation Programme Joint Training Programme on Sustainable Water Resources Management İstanbul 20/05/2015
Outline • Water Quality & Pollution • Water Quality Parameters • Sources of Water Pollution • EU Legislation on Water Quality Management • Turkish Legislation on Water Quality Management • Practices in Turkey
WaterQuality & Pollution • Water Quality: The composition of water expressed interms of both measurable quantities and narrative statements • WaterPollution (contamination, nuisance): Faulty condition of surface and ground waters
WaterQualityParameters Physical, chemical or biological factors affecting water quality • Physical parameters: flow, temperature, electrical conductivity, turbidity, color, odor etc. • Chemical parameters: biodegradable organics, dissolved oxygen and sediment demand (SOD), nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), toxic pollutants, salinity (dissolved solids), pH, suspended solids etc. • Biological parameters: macroinvertebrates, coliform bacteria, indicator parameters like chlorophyll a etc.
Sources of WaterPollution Point Sources Non-point Sources • Industrial activities • Domestic wastewaters • Accidential spills… • Agricultural activities • Urbanization…
EU Legislation on WaterQualityManagement Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Objective: Ensuring the protection of water quality and achieving “good water status” until 2015 in EU member states by adopting an integrated and progressive approach Scope: Surface waters, transitional and coastal waters, groundwaters Annex II: Classification of water bodies, identification of pressures and impacts Annex V: Assessment of water status, quality elements Annex VII: Indicative list of the main pollutants; possible groups of specific pollutants
EU Legislation on WaterQualityManagement Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Annex IX & X: Priority substances and environmental quality standards Good status definition: The values of the biological quality elements for the surface water body type show low levels of distortion resulting from human activity, but deviate only slightly from those normally associated with the surface water body type under undisturbed conditions. Detailed definitions are provided for each quality element
EU Legislation on WaterQualityManagement Environmental Quality Standards Directive (2008/105/EC) Objective: Setting forth the priority subtances and corresponding environmental quality standards with the aim of achieving “good surface water chemical status” in EU member states Scope: Inland surface waters and transitional and coastal waters Annex I: 33 priority substances and 8 other pollutantsand corresponding environmental quality standards for water column
EU Legislation on WaterQualityManagement • Directive 2013/39/EU amending the Directives 2000/60/EC and 2008/105/EC as regards priority substances in the field of water policy Objective: Revising the priority substances list and the environmental quality standards in line with the principles set by Directives 2000/60/EC and 2008/105/EC Scope: Inland surface waters and transitional and coastal waters Annex II: Maximum and annual average environmental quality standards for45 priority substances and 8 other pollutants in water column Biota environmental quality standards for 11 priority substances
EU Legislation on WaterQualityManagement • Directıve 2006/118/EC on protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration Objective: Establishment of specific measures as provided in Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC in order to prevent and control groundwater pollution Scope: Groundwaters Annex I: General quality standards for groundwaters (nitrate, pesticides) Annex II: List of possible pollutants and guidelines for determination of threshold values Annex III: Principles of assessment of groundwater chemical status
TurkishLegislation on WaterQualityManagement • By-Law on SurfaceWaterQuality • (RG: 28483, 30.11.2012) Objective: Determination of thebiological, chemical, physicochemicalandhydromorphologicalquality of waterbodies, waterqualitystandardsandclassifications, settingforththeprinciples of protectingwaterqualityandachievinggoodwaterstatus Scope: Surfacewaters Annex II: Determination of waterqualitystatus Annex IV: Environmentalqualitystandards Annex V: Waterqualityparametersandintendedusageclassificationforwaterbodies Annex VI: Trophicstateclassificaiton
TurkishLegislation on WaterQualityManagement • By-Law on SurfaceWaterQuality • (RG: 28483, 30.11.2012) • General condition: • Temperature • Color • Conductivity • pH • Oil and grease • Organic pollution parameters: • DO • BOD • COD • Nutirents: • NH4-N • NO3-N • NO2-N • TKN • TP • Trace elements and inorganic parameters: • Metals • Specific pollutants • Sulfur and CN • Microbiological parameters: • Fecal coliforms • Total coliforms
TurkishLegislation on WaterQualityManagement • By-Law on Protection of Groundwater Against Pollution And Deterioration • (RG: 28257, 07.04.2012) Objective: Put forththe criteria to maintain the good status of groundwater andensuretheprotection against pollution and deterioration Scope: Groundwaters Annex I: Status of groundwaters Annex II: Qualitystandardsforgroundwaters Annex III: Guidelines for determination of threshold values Annex VI: Principles of assessment of groundwater chemical status
Practices in Turkey Projects on wastewater control Projects on sensitive areas and environmental objectives Projects on control of cyanobacteria Projects on groundwaters Projects on specific pollutants and environmental quality standards Water quality action plans for hot spots
Projects on WastewaterControl • Integrated Management of Olive Oil Facilities’ Wastes in Susurluk Basin The project aimed at investigation of integrated and centralized management of liquid and solid wastes emerged after production of table olive and olive oil in Susurluk Basin. SUSURLUK BASIN Bythisproject, applicability of zero waste approachwasinvestigated
Projects on WastewaterControl • Implementation of Total Maximum Daily Load Approach in Gediz Basin The project will be carried out between the years 2015-2017. The main objective of the project is to calculate the environmental quality standards-based discharge standards. Within the scope of the project following studies will be conducted; Legal, administrative and technical gap analysis Preparation of pollution reduction scenarios, for all point and diffuse pollutant sources, on the basis of basin, sub-basins and water bodies Derivation of environmental quality standards-based discharge standards and Proposing a methodology that can be applied in other river basins
Projects on WastewaterControl • Investigation of Feasibility of Using Treated Wastewater for Irrigation Purposes in Ergene Basin The project is being carried out with the aim of determining treatment process requirements for reuse of treated domestic wastewater of districts with a population gretater than 10.000 in Ergene Basin. Within the scope of the project, • Irrigational water qualityrequirements and treatment requirements regarding wastewater was revealed for current crop pattern. • Alternative methods such as direct irrigation with treated wastewater reuse and most suitable storage field etc. was evaluated.
Projects on Control of Cyanobacteria • Project on Determination of Alarm Levels and Limits Of Cyanobacteria • Within the scope of the project, in pilot areas in which Cyanobacterial reproduction occurs, • alarm levels and limits of Cyanobacteria for the development of intervention and control methods, • methods including steps to struggle Cyanobacteria to be implemented in these areas and • measures to be taken to prevent reproduction of Cyanobacteria will be determined • Standard and guidance values for cyanobacteria will be developed for these areas. The overallobjective of the project is to protect human and environmental health from the toxic effects of Cyanobacteria.
Projects on SensitiveAreas and EnvironmentalObjectives • Project on Determination of Environmental Quality Objectives: Büyük Menderes RiverBasin Pilot Study • The main objectives of the project are; • to monitor chemical, biological and hydro-morphological condition of water bodies in Büyük Menderes Basin, • to determine ecological and chemical classifications, • to define the environmental objectives, discharge criteria, program of measures in order to protect the basin and • to improve the water status. Specific objective of the project is to develop methodologies to apply for other basins in Turkey.
Projects on SensitiveAreas and EnvironmentalObjectives • Determination of Sensitive Areas and Water Quality Objectives on Watershed Basis in Turkey Sensitive water areas, nitrate vulnerable water areas, and nitrate vulnerable zones in the surface waters, water quality objectives and measures to be taken to improve the water quality will be determined for 25 river basins in Turkey.
Projects on Groundwaters 1.“Capacity Building Support to Turkey on Groundwater Management” project was proposed to ESEI-2012 Program and will be initiatedbytheend of 2015. 2. “Implementations Related to Determination and Assessment of the Quantity and Quality Characteristics of Groundwater: Gediz River Basin Case Study” was proposed to Ministry of Development of Turkey and now the project is in the tendering phase. The projects aim to carry out the works that stated in the By-Law.
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards Project on the Determination of Hazardous Substances in Coastal and Transitional Waters and Ecological Coastal Dynamics Project on theDeterminaton of theWaterPollutionCausedbyUse of PesticidesandIdentification of EnvironmentalQualityStandardsforTheseSubstances The Project on the Control of Pollution Caused by Dangerous Substances Poinsourcepollution in inlandsurfacewaters Non-pointsourcepollution in surfacewaters Pointsourcepollution in transitionalandcoastalwaters Analysis of hazardous substances has beenconductedin the samples taken from the aquatic environment. For the purpose of improving the water quality, receivingbody standards(Environmental Quality Standards) havebeendetermined for thespecificpollutantsidentified.
PrioritySubstances Pollution PriorityHazardousSubstances Discharge EQS Time Time Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards PrioritySubstances • Substancesthatposeriskstoaquaticecosystems • Determinedby EU Directives • Regardingenvironmentalqualitystandards (EQS) must be attainedwith in scope of thetarget of achieving “goodchemicalstatus” • Discharges, emissionsandlosesmust be reducedprogressively. PriorityHazardousSubstances • Sublist of prioritysubtances • Having PBT properties • Emissions, discharges and losses must be ceased or phased out
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards Specificpollutans • Substancesused in significantamountsorposinghigh risk toaquatic life in nationalbasis • Determined at nationalorriverbasinbasedbymemberstates • Standardsandmeasuresaredetermined at nationalorriverbasinbased • EQS must be attainedwith in scope of thetarget of achieving “goodecologicalstatus”
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards Environmentalqualitystandards (EQS); Not a dischargestandard Representtheconcentrationlevelthatmust not be exceed in receivingwater body Derivedforprioritysubstancesandspecificpollutants • Forcontrolandprevention of acuteeffects:Maximumallowable EQS • Forcontrolandprevention of chroniceffectsAnnualaverage EQS
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards • The Project on the Control of Pollution Caused by Dangerous Substances in InlandWaters Risk assessment of the chemicals selected by a comprehensive literature survey and inventory studies covering the industrial facilities in Turkey and determination of the specific pollutants Monitoring studies aimed at detecting the levels of specific pollutants in inlandreceiving water bodies and domestic and industrial discharges, Derivation of environmental quality standards for specific pollutants for water column, sediments and biota, Development of a web based GIS application in order to store and present the data obtained in the project; currently available at: http://tembis.ormansu.gov.tr
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards • Project on the Determination of Hazardous Substances in Coastal and Transitional Waters and Ecological Coastal Dynamics Risk assessment of the chemicals selected by a comprehensive literature survey and inventory studies covering the industrial facilities in Turkey and determination of the specific pollutants Monitoring studies aimed at detecting the levels of specific pollutants in transitionalandcoastal water bodies and domestic and industrial discharges, Derivation of environmental quality standards for specific pollutants for water column, sediments and biota
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards • Project on the Determinaton of the Water Pollution Caused by Use of Pesticides and Identification of Environmental Quality Standards Risk assessment of the chemicals selected by a comprehensive literatureandlegislation survey and inventory studies covering the pesticidesmanufacturers, usersandsellersin Turkey and determination of the non-pointsourcedspecific pollutants Monitoring studies aimed at detecting the levels of specific pollutants in allsurfacewaterresources Derivation of environmental quality standards for specific pollutants for water column, sediments and biota
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards • Ecotoxicological Data Requirements for Hazardous Substances The project willbe carried out between the years 2015-2017. Target of theproject is, • Identificationof lack of ecotoxicological (NOEC, PNEC, EC50, LC50, IC50, etc.) and physico-chemical (Kow, BCF, Henry constant, water solubility, etc.) data for hazardous chemicals,posingrisk toour water resources and the aquatic environment, • Investigationof the behavior of pollutants in the aquatic environment, • Evaluation of sediment accumulation featuresand • Investigation of possible effects on human health and the aquatic organisms
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards • Identification of specificpollutants Literature/legislationsurvey, inventory Constitution of universe of chemical Data collectionandassessment Final risk assessment Chemicals data bases, EPISUIT, ECHA, ECOTOX vs. TTD, TED, COMMPS SpecificPollutantsList
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards
Projects on SpecificPollutantsandEnvironmentalQualityStandards • Derivation of EnvironmentalQualityStandards AssessmentFactorMethodology (AF-Method) SSD Method (SpeciesSensitivity Distribution) Limitednumber of toxicity data forlimitednumber of species Sufficienttoxicity data or Chronictoxicity data ≥ 10 Acutetoxicity data ≥ 12 SSD
Water Quality Action Plans for Hot Spots Aimed at: • Controlingandpreventing the water quality problems observed in hot spots • Akkaya Dam Lake BasinAction Plan • Mamasın Dam Lake BasinAction Plan • Uluabat Lake Sub-basinAction Plan • Mogan - Eymir Lake Basin Action Plan • Nilüfer Creek Sub-basin Water Quality Action Plan • Nizip CreekAction Plan • Boğazköy Dam Sub-basin Water Quality Action Plan • Follow-up andRemediation Of Water Qualityin the Melen Creek Sub-basin • Burdur Lake Basin Action Plan
Water Quality Action Plans for Hot Spots Examples of measurestaken; • Construction of sewage system and ensuring advanced wastewater treatment • Ensuring color and salinity removal in industrial wastewaters • Ensuring conductivity removal in İnegöl Organized Industrial District • Implementing cleaner production technologies in textile industry • Planning of the industrial development in the region with regard to the environmental protection • Collecting drainage waters in landfill areas • Limitation in industrial discharge standards
Thank you… esiltu@ormansu.gov.tr