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City of Toronto Official Plan - Formulating Transportation Alternatives

City of Toronto Official Plan - Formulating Transportation Alternatives. 15th International EMME/2 Users’ Group Conference October 18 - 20, 2000 Vancouver, B.C. Toronto Characteristics. Grid system of arterial roads and expressways. Toronto Characteristics.

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City of Toronto Official Plan - Formulating Transportation Alternatives

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  1. City of Toronto Official Plan - Formulating Transportation Alternatives 15th International EMME/2 Users’ Group Conference October 18 - 20, 2000 Vancouver, B.C.

  2. Toronto Characteristics • Grid system of arterial roads and expressways

  3. Toronto Characteristics • Highly integrated transit system (TTC and GO)

  4. Toronto Characteristics • Grid system of arterial roads and expressways • Highly integrated transit system (TTC) • Supplemented by inter-regional transit service (GO Transit) • Home to 2.45 million people and 1.2 million jobs • Attracts 4.8 million trips daily • 1.3 million pass. carried on TTC and GO daily

  5. Toronto Source: Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Go Transit, The Globe and Mail

  6. Source: Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Go Transit, The Globe and Mail

  7. Transportation Vision Document

  8. Transportation Vision TRANSPORTATION VISION Reduced Auto Dependence

  9. Approach to Formulating Transportation Alternatives • Eliminate capacity deficiencies • Consideration of past proposals • Review of current ad hoc proposals • Transit accessibility analysis

  10. Deficiency Analysis Approach YORK REGION Outer Cordon DURHAM REGION PEEL REGION Inner Cordon Deficiency Capacity Demand Transportation Planning Urban Development Services

  11. Past Proposals

  12. Finch Hydro Corridor Busway Airport Link Waterfront LRT Current Ad-Hoc Proposals

  13. Improve Transit Accessibility to “Rapid Transit” • Connectivity of existing network • Coverage to penetrate new areas • Connections with regional services

  14. Employment Accessibility within 30 Minutes by Transit

  15. Population Concentrations with Poor Transit Accessibility to Employment

  16. Transit Travel Time (min) (No. of Zones) 60 to 80 (11) 50 to 60 (31) 40 to 50 (169) 30 to 40 (199) 0 to 30 (50) A.M. Peak Average Transit Trip Times

  17. Population Concentrations with Transit Trip Times > 40 Min.

  18. Affected Population in Areas of Poor Transit Accessibility

  19. Areas of Poor Transit Accessibility

  20. New GO/RT Interchange Transportation Alternatives to Serve Areas of Poor Transit Accessibility

  21. New GO/RT Interchange Example of Network Formulation

  22. Evaluate each alternative or in combination • Determine their priority based • ridership • modal split • whether it support urban structure • etc. NEXT STEPS

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