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Resi dual sediment fluxes in weakly-to-periodically stratified estuaries and tidal inlets* . Hans Burchard 1 , Henk M. Schuttelaars 2 , an d Rockwell W. Geyer 3 1. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde , Germany 2. TU Delft, The Netherlands
Residual sediment fluxes in weakly-to-periodically stratified estuaries and tidal inlets* Hans Burchard1, Henk M. Schuttelaars2, and Rockwell W. Geyer3 1. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany 2. TU Delft, The Netherlands 3. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, MA, USA *) J. Phys. Oceanogr., under review.
Question: What are the processes driving residual sediment fluxes into the Wadden Sea? Velocity and sediment profile data from Spiekeroog 2011
Longitudinal densitygradients & tidaloscillationsleadto: Tidalstraining Residual velocity Floodsediment Ebb sediment MacCready & Geyer (2010) after Jay & Musiak (1994)
Observationsoftidal pumping Scully & Friedrichs (2007)
Key non-dimensional numbers Horizontal buoyancygradient Waterdepth Bottomfrictionvelocityscale Simpson number Settlingvelocity Rousenumber
Analytical solution of most simple setting: Stationary exhange flow with parabolic eddymixing
Analytical solution of most simple setting: Sedimentfluxes in the Si – Ro parameter space landward Howdoesthiscomparetoasymmetrictidalforcing? seaward
Approach = GOTM Define time scale for bottom sedimentpool: Te = Time neededtoemptybottompoolatmeanbed stress unlimitedbottompool limited bottompool nobottompool
Decompositionofsedimentflux transportflux fluctuationflux totalflux
Tidallyaveragedprofiles unlimitedbottompool limited bottompool nobottompool
Sedimentflux in parameterspace nobottompool unlimitedbottompool totalflux fluctuationflux transportflux
Adding an M4tidalforcingcomponent Long flood-to-ebb transition Strongerflood Stronger ebb Shortflood-to-ebb transition
Adding an M4tidalforcingcomponent Long flood-to-ebb transition Strongerflood Shortflood-to-ebb transition Stronger ebb
Long flood-to-ebb transition Strongerflood Shortflood-to-ebb transition Stronger ebb
Strongerflood Long flood-to-ebb transition Stronger ebb Shortflood-to-ebb transition
Campaign in Lister Deep (April 2008) shoals Becherer et al. (GRL 2011)
Campaign in Lister Deep (April 2008) Becherer et al. (GRL 2011)
Conclusions for PACE • Classical picture of estuarine sedimenttransport: transportfluxdominates. • Observationsof Scully and Friedrichs indicateimportantroleoftidalpumping • (=fluctuationflux). • The presentstudysupportsthis. • Whenhighammountsofsedimentareavailable, thenfluctutionfluxis dominant. • The M4phasing (andprobablyotherhigherharmonics) determineswhether • netsedimentfluxislandwardorseaward. • Sincesedimentfluxdepends on so manyparameters, itmayactuallybe • unpredictable?