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Social Media in the R tary World

Discover the power of social media for Rotary clubs and districts. Learn key platforms, implementation tips, branding advice, and the balance between theory and reality. Find out why Facebook is recommended and how to optimize your online presence for maximum impact.

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Social Media in the R tary World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Media in the R tary World Using it wisely

  2. General Topics • What is Social Media (working definition for the beginners) • Social Media’s Reach • Main Platforms • What’s The Optimum One For You • Best Way to Implement the Chosen One • Branding: District/Club vs. Personal (DG/Club Officer) • Theory vs. Reality • Summary (got to have one of those – but it is short)

  3. What Is Social Media? Use of web-based technologies allowing the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Blending of technology and social. Social Networking, Microblogging, and Blogging Sites

  4. Social Media Impact • Linked In: 100m+ users worldwide • Facebook: 800m+ users worldwide • Twitter: 200m+ users worldwide • Social Media can quickly and positively or adversely affect District/Club reputation

  5. Why Social Networking

  6. Choosing Social Media A multitude of tools to pick from

  7. But, How Much Is Too Much?

  8. So What Really Works Best? • We recommend Facebook for Clubs and Districts • Why? • Already in wide use • Good chance your members already have an account • Interfaces well with other media platforms • Easy to use (post), even for the neophytes (KISS) • More versatile for general users

  9. Getting Started / Implementation • A new (successful) Facebook page is like a new puppy • What? • Choose your lead setup person (Com Officer) and minimum of three administrators • Make it a “Fan” page as opposed to a “Group” page • Use Club BoD/District AGs to help to the word out • Import contacts from Outlook, AIM buddy list and/or Windows Live contacts among others

  10. Easy Best Practices • Official Postings – absolute minimum once a week/max twice a day (exceptions of course) • Rotary related graphic for the page “icon picture” • Photos, photos, and more photos • Preferably photos of members in action • If possible, scale photos to 200 x 283 pixels • Encourage committee/event chairs to make relative posts • Link to Club/District videos on YouTube • No benefit to getting stale fish to market on time

  11. Branding (Your Page’s Image) • What do you want to convey? • President’s/Governor’s page? • Club/District page? • Professional organization? • Fun group? • Service oriented? • Networking opportunities? • Community minded?

  12. Theory vs. Reality • Theory: We are going to have a Facebook page, all is well • Reality: Need someone to spearhead it, not always easy • Theory: We will put up new stuff every day • Reality: Sometimes you will hit a wall, but that is okay • Theory: The whole world will read our page • Reality: Perhaps in time, it takes perseverance to built it • Theory: You will enjoy the experience and your Club/District will benefit • Reality: Very, very true if you work at it

  13. Summary Social networking truly is the new way of the world. With print on the decline and the number of bookmarking, sharing and social sites increasing every day, this is one medium that is demanding attention – and it’s either get in or be left in the dust. When used correctly and effectively, media sites have the power to deliver news to more Rotarians and potential Rotarians than you ever dreamed possible. However, it is quality over quantity, so do not settle for anything less.

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